To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 121

121 Jasmine

“It’s okay, your Highness,” Neera said. The guards surrounded both the ladies more closely, and Jasmine shook her head at their actions. How would the poor girl breathe when they didn’t even give her space?

“I understand this is the King’s order,” Jasmine said out loud to the guards. “But I would appreciate it if you allow us ladies to move about freely.”

The guards, albeit reluctant, backed away a bit. Jasmine sighed, but that would do for now.

“You can’t blame them, after the whole incident with Princess Lyra. I would be on guard around any Princess.” She said to Neera.

Neera looked on, confusion apparent at that statement. Jasmine’s eyes grew wide as she realized she must have not known about Lyra’s entire fiasco with the kidnappers.

“I am sorry, I honestly didn’t know...forget I mentioned anything.” She quickly retraced her steps back. She walked on and gestured for Neera to follow before she had the curiosity to ask more questions concerning her statement.

“So, I have got to ask first, how are you feeling?” Jasmine begun.

“Much better, your Highness”, was Neera’s reply.

“I am sorry you went through that”, Jasmine empathized. “You didn’t deserve such. And I hope the memory of it fades away with time. You have been strong, so keep being strong, Neera.”


Neera smiled. She was touched by her words. “Thank you, your Highness.”

Both ladies spent the afternoon talking and walking around the garden. Neera grew a quick comfortability in the Princess’ presence, and she fell in love with her softness and her openness. She noticed as they walked that the maids and other workers greeted Princess Jasmine with a smile. Her presence brought joy to everyone she came across. She would make a beautiful Queen, Neera thought. She also thought of Zavian getting married to her, the two of them side by side; in gatherings, in meetings, sleeping together. A sudden sadness blanketed her and jealousy coursed through her as she imagined the both of them naked under the sheets. Neera instantly kicked herself out of those thoughts, he was never hers, and she didn’t have the right to be jealous.

Jasmine turned a corner heading towards the courtyard, and she stopped in her steps, giggling and putting a hand to her mouth as if embarrassed.

“I got carried away just talking and talking.” She said. “I get that way sometimes. You go on and say something about yourself, Neera.”

Neera shook her head. “I enjoy hearing you speak, your Highness. There is nothing interesting about me, I would bore you to death.”

“Nonsense”, Jasmine said. “Every person has a story, I want to hear it!”

When Neera knew she was not going to give up, she started on her story. She spoke about where she grew up, her parents, her siblings, coming to the palace, and her best friend Pen, touching only on the surface part of her life. The Princess didn’t interrupt her once, which was strange. Demons were never interested in the lives of their maids, it made her feel seen and appreciated.

“And you never came to understand why you look like the late Lilah?” Jasmine asked after she was done.

Neera shook her head. “No, I wish I understood, but I don’t. It has remained a mystery to me and everyone else.”

“It is okay. From what I know, Lilah had the sweetest heart, and it seems you have as well. It is a gift to the world, Neera. Treasure it.” She placed a hand on Neera’s shoulder and smiled at her.

“Thank you, your Highness.”

“You are welcome.” Jasmine dropped her hand to her side. “I have to go now. I could use a nap.”

With that, she bade Neera bye and went her way.

Since she had nothing more to do that afternoon, Neera wasted no time in returning to the King’s chambers herself. Zavian was still nowhere in sight for he had gone hunting, so she was served lunch in the room and ate alone. As she opened the golden plates that held assorted meals, she missed Penelope even more. She wished the General Commander, Azriel, could give her more information as to what prompted her to leave the castle, but whatever it was, she hoped she was okay.

She had finished eating before Zavian stepped back into the room. The maids had run his bath beforehand. He smiled Neera’s way in greeting, and he was all sweaty from the hunt, thus he wasted no time in unbuttoning his shirt. Alarmed, Neera turned her back to him, giving him a bit of privacy.

She couldn’t get used to this, their ‘relationship’, if it can be called that.

She heard his footsteps disappear into the bathroom, and that was when she faced forward.

When Zavian came back, Neera avoided staring at his bare chest. To do that, she distracted herself by speaking.

“I spoke to Princess Jasmine today. She is nice, don’t you think?” Neera asked, there was a brief silence in the room before Zavian replied;

“I haven’t spoken to her in private; I wouldn’t know.”

He sat in his mirror and looked at her through the reflection. Neera stood up and took the comb from the table. She had understood his request without him uttering a word.

“I felt weird seeing her with no guards, while I had six going with me”, she said as she slid the comb through his full and long golden hair. He hadn’t still gotten around to that haircut, and she liked it more this way. He looked even more handsome.

“She understands it is for your protection”, Zavian said. She looked at him through the reflection, but his eyes were closed and she continued to comb. There was a brief silence and then she asked;

“What happened to Princess Lyra?”

If there was anyone she suspected to want her dead, it was Kitana. She couldn’t believe Princess Lyra could do such, even before the wicked Kitana.

Zavian’s eyes opened instantly, and he frowned.

“Did Jasmine tell you something happened?”

“No, no she didn’t. I was just asking since I haven’t seen her around.” Neera quickly lied. She didn’t want to get Jasmine in trouble, she seems like a really nice person.

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