This Overlord Doesn't Care About Anything

Book 3: Chapter 2: You're A Little Quick

Book 3: Chapter 2: You're A Little Quick

Felita intermittently told me about the events that happened recently.

With regards to what happened, it was actually very simple. Felita felt that her magic power alone wouldnt be able to defend the city, so she directly liberated the Demon power within her that she hadnt touched for 20 years. This power had always stayed in her body and without touching the power, she would only reveal her human form. But after touching the power, she would receive the influence of Demon blood and her mood would become very unstable as a result.

Even though it was a very simple matter to say, this didnt represent that her suffering could be ignored.

Everyone shoulders many things, everyone has no choice but to face their own pressures. These things might be very simple to say out loud, so its very possible that people will say cant you be a bit stronger, other people arent like this and so on due to this. But the pain of the person suffering can only be understood by similar people suffering it. If the person commenting on the pain doesnt even understand what its like, then it would be better if the person didnt bother to do so.

Take for example, Felita. The moment she uses even a tiny mote of Demon Race power, its equal to admitting her identity as a Demon.

Once this happens, all the Demons shes killed in the past instantly become her compatriots, her people.

It would be like if someone woke up one morning and found that all the meat that theyve been eating all along were all from humans. They would suddenly become a devil that massacred their own kind. This sort of abrupt realization wasnt something everybody could handle.

Felita hugged me tightly, appearing just like a drowning person finding their last life-saving straw. She gasped for breath with great difficulty as she intermittently said:

MastersorryIve causedyoutrouble

I patted her shoulder:

Its nothing.

Felita slowly reported:

The Demon side is copeable, the army from the east isnt very formidable. There is no problem with guarding the city. But the northern armys offense is too fierce, and these are just their probing attacksthey appear as if they havent used their complete strength to besiege the city, just attacking as they wish, but this has already brought us under enormous pressure

Felita seemed to have stopped crying, probably due to the topic becoming a more serious one, but her voice became even more anxious.

Magic bombardment doesnt have a very good effect. The other side doesnt have any praiseworthy martial warriors or a sorcerers support. But their army formation transforms too quickly; not only is it very effective, everyone on the other side seems to be protected by a shield, so my magic isnt able to harm them too much. To be more accurate, its that Im unable to kill them.

I rubbed Felitas head, remarking:

Got it. The northern enemy is truly quite thorny. That guys territory is ten times that of ours, so their natural resources are also much greater than ours. It wouldnt be hard for him to pull up an army like this. You being able to defend the city alone is already very commendable.

Felita whispered:

Theres also Aleyas contribution. If not for her repeatedly attempting to assassinate key figures on the other side, forcing the other side to retreat for backup

I groped around in the darkness very carefully while princess-carrying Felita. After finding the bed, I gently let her down then sat beside her in the darkness.

Felita tightly gripped my sleeve, asking quietly:

NeeMasteram I a humanor a Demon?

She opened her mouth to speak with a shivering voice:

NoIve killed both. Humans, DemonsI

Felita began sobbing again.

I clenched my fist, not knowing how I should comfort her, so I held her hand and said:

As far as Im concerned, it doesnt matter to me whether youre a human or a Demon.

I paused for a moment, then continued:

You are my West-Resisting Citys sorcerer as well as my, Li Des, person; this is enough. Theres no need to deliberately suppress your inner thoughts, theres no need to insist on acting as a human. No matter what you become, I wont abandon you. To me, you are necessary and that isnt due to your magic, but due to you, yourself.

Felita shuddered in silence.

I knew that she was still a bit afraid, so I took the initiative and placed a light kiss on her forehead.

The type you would use when coaxing a child to sleep.

But without waiting for me to respond, Felita gripped my shirt and pressed her fiery lips directly onto mine. In that moment, it was as if an explosion went off within my mind and the blood within my body started gathering towardsmy face. That soft sensation and fragrant aroma made me momentarily unable to decide on what to do, so I passively accepted her french kiss. Her warm breaths at such a close distance conveyed her worries to me. Felita wrapped her arms around my neck, neatly pushed me onto the bed, then rolled me straight under her.

I didnt do anything.

Just kidding, if I rejected her at this time, would I still be a man?

Felita hugged my waist, her face buried deep in my chest and constantly rubbed herself against me. That cold body from before was now a frighteningly scalding one. She cupped my cheeks, then paused for a second, seeming to hesitate, but her desire drowned out the last strand of rationality. She began kissing my cheek as she removed my coat.

This time, I hugged her back, placing my arm around her waist, and pushed her well-developed body into my embrace.

Felita maintained her intoxicated appearance.

But the more she gasped for breath, the dryer her mouth got, and the slower her movements became. At last, she fell asleep in my embrace. Even though she began sleeping, she didnt forget to tightly hug me, seeming to be afraid that I would leave.

What was all that about!!

I thought I would be stepping through the doors into a new world today, but I totally didnt expect that just as I put my foot halfway into the doorway, I would be trampled out. This rollercoaster-like feeling isnt someone everyone can accept. At this very moment, I was still holding Felita and could still feel some relatively embarrassing areas.

But, shes really tired.

I let out a sigh and accompanied her to lie down for a while. After Felita entered deep sleep, I lightly moved away, helped her pull the quilt over there, and quietly left.

When I went out, I discovered that Aleya had disappeared to who knows where and Moon was waiting for me instead.

As he looked at me, he started grinning:

That was a bit quick.

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