This Childhood Sweetheart is a Little Sweet

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

When Jiang's Father called, Jiang Wei and her mother had already dressed and gone downstairs to wait.

"I'm almost at Jiang Wei's building, you can come down now."

Jiang's Father's voice on the phone was crisp and resonant. Jiang Wei smiled and said to her father on the phone, "We've been downstairs for a while already. Mom said she'd die if she didn't see her old handsome man for even a minute, insisting on going down early to wait for you, to see you the first instant."

"Jiang Wei, what are you saying?"

Shang Wenli smiled with pursed lips, a little embarrassed but still overjoyed, "I clearly said 'I miss him a little,' not 'I'd die for him.' Saying it like that will just make your dad arrogant."

Jiang Wei quickly said to the phone, "Dad, did you hear that? Those were Mom's own words. Mom misses you, so hurry up and come over."

"You little..."

"Okay, Dad's coming now."

Jiang's Father on the other end of the phone sounded in great spirits, the roar of the car's engine even louder.

When Jiang's Father arrived, Jiang Wei hugged him.

Jiang's Father was usually very busy with work and didn't communicate much with his daughter, but this did not hinder the growth of their father-daughter bond—because Jiang Wenli constantly chatted with her daughter on WeChat about Jiang's Father, such as what good deeds he had done recently, which employees he had helped, what delicious food he had made for her, and how he had learned wood carving with reading glasses to prepare gifts for Jiang Wei, and so on.

Through these messages, Jiang Wei knew that her father was a good father who was not good with words but had a warm heart.

He was considerate to employees and kindhearted; he loved his wife and family with loyalty; he cared deeply for his daughter with profound parental affection.

It's no wonder her mother loved him so much, Jiang Wei understood this profoundly.

"Your dad and I are leaving now, take good care of yourself."

Jiang's Father squinted with a smile and patted his daughter's shoulder, "Living on your own, be careful, lock the doors and windows when you sleep at night, and never open the door to strangers knocking."

"Dad, I remember, you still treat me like a child."

Jiang Wei smiled with pursed lips and said softly, "Just take care of this 'little girl' by your side, I'll take care of myself, please don't worry."

Shang Wenli smiled warmly and hooked Jiang's Father's arm, "Good girl, we're leaving then, live well, and don't forget what Mom told you, seize the opportunity."

Hearing this, Jiang's Father turned his head curiously, "Seize what opportunity?"


Shang Wenli smiled at Jiang's Father, then winked at her daughter, "My daughter knows, you big man don't need to know."

Jiang Wei was almost amused by her childlike mother. She obediently nodded, "As you command, my noble mother."

After seeing her parents off, Jiang Wei turned and ran upstairs.

Yi Ming was still hiding in his room, not daring to come out. Jiang Wei had to hurry back to "release" the poor Yi Ming.

"Yi Ming, my mom's gone."

Jiang Wei entered, kicked off her shoes, and ran barefoot to Yi Ming's room. She hurriedly opened the bedroom door but was stunned to find Yi Ming lying motionless on the desk, his back rising and falling evenly...

This guy, he actually fell asleep...

Jiang Wei slowed her steps and tiptoed over. She sat on the bed and gazed silently at Yi Ming's profile.

This was the boy she had liked for over a decade...

To her, he was like the bright moonlight in the night sky, the softest and most precious place in her heart...

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