The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 185. Peony Subjugation Battle Part 3

Chapter 185. Peony Subjugation Battle Part 3


Deafening roars echoed throughout the battlefield.

Tanks and helicopters were lined up near the boundary line of the City Halls Safety Zone, and these modern weapons were being fired endlessly by the Self Defense Force.

What a sight this is

A cold sweat broke out on Fujitas forehead as he stared at the scene in front of him.

It was truly a spectacular sight to behold.

The Self Defense Force was confronting a giant tree monster that was taller than a mountain, and a Dragon was assisting them.

A monster movieit was a rather unoriginal way to put it, but the expression fit the situation perfectly.

The modern weapons were being fired at full throttle.

Individually, they werent as strong as a Dragons breath.

However, each shot carried enough power to have Peonys Automatic Defense activated.

If these weapons were in their original form, this wouldnt have been possible.

It only became possible after Ichinose modified them in her capacity as a Weapons Craftsman.

(Skills are such a magical thing)

They had been able to safely arrive at the neighboring town thanks to a skill that allowed them to traverse between shadows, and they had been able to bring the weapons back thanks to the skill known as the Item Box.

Even their ability to fight had been granted by a skill that helped them repair and improve the weapons.

That said, the one who thought of all these strategies was a high school student.

He was extremely competent, and it was to the point where he put the adults to shame.

(But thats all the more reason to work hard and make sure that their efforts arent wasted.)

To pay them back for all their hard work, Fujita and the others decided to give it their all.

It was also for that reason that Towada and the other Self Defense Force members took up their arms in spite of their trauma.

Dont stop attacking! Shoot, shoot, and shoot some more!

Roger that!

Fujita reenergized himself and handed out further instructions.


On the other hand, at the City Hall

Theres no need to panic! Line up in an orderly fashion and keep your composure!

Shimizu and Nijou, Kazutos former colleagues, were in charge of guiding the refugees.

Igarashi Toukas Enchantment worked to some extent, but it wasnt capable of fully suppressing the chaos.

As such, it was their responsibility to calm the residents and guide them to a prearranged location.

Shimizu-san, Ive gathered everyone.

Same here. All thats left is to wait for the other side to finish their preparation

The frequent sounds of explosions made their skins crawl.

Shimizu shivered at the thunderous sounds of explosions that accompanied Peonys shrieks.

Will this go well?

Im sure well be fine

Nijous shoulders were shaking from anxiety, so Shimizu soothed her by hugging her.

However, her heart wasnt faring any better.

Truth be told, she had doubted the students sanity when she was first notified of the plan.

(I understand that we must take risks in order to win, but)

When Nishino first briefed them about his plan, Shimizu and the Mayor had rejected it without a second thought.

It was because they would have to put everything they had built until now on the line to execute such a plan, and the risk was simply too high.

Unfortunately, they could not think of a better plan, so Shimizu and the Mayor had to bend their knees in the end and allow the plan to proceed.

(I hate how utterly powerless I am)

If they had been stronger, they wouldve been able to choose a different path.

However, it was meaningless to discuss what-if scenarios at this point in time.

She knew that this was their only option, but she couldnt help but pray at the back of her mind.

Kudou-kun, Nishino-kun, Fujita-sanplease

Please be safe.

Given the circumstances, she knew how nave her wish was, but Shimizu prayed that everyone would be safe and return in one piece.


Up above in the sky

Good. Fujita-sans squad has officially joined the battle.

This means that its time for us to make our next move.

Sora, fly down.

Have you already used up all the so-called gasoline?

No, I still have some tanks in reserve, but well be using them when were closer to the ground.

We havent dropped up all the gasoline tanks that we collected, but its not like we can afford to use them all here in one go.

From here on out, Ill have to use them alongside Soras breath.

Well have to engage Peony in an aerial battle again when were down below, so please give.

Hmph, I know. Just make sure that you dont fall off from my back.



I nod.

Somewhat intimidated, Nishino-kun replies in a shaky voice.

Sora plunges down, and we begin freefalling at such a fast speed that it feels like my organs are floating upwards.

I concentrate on whats before me, taking care not to fall unconscious.

Theyre coming!

I know!

Peonys tentacles begin chasing after us after sensing that weve come down.


Sora immediately unleashes a breath to keep them at bay.

Nishino-kun and I support Sora through Commands and the Item Box.

(Weve been fighting for around 20 minutes now)

Peony has not undergone any changes yet.

I havent received any mails from Ichinose-san and Rikka-chan either.

As I thought, its not enough

Sora, fly closer.

Got it.

Sora listens to my order and flies closer to Peony.

As we get closer, were attacked by more and more of its roots and vines.

(Its evident that Peonys target is us)

Despite all the attacks from the Self Defense Force, Peonys attention is on us.

It makes sense though, as Soras breath is the only thing that can actually be a threat to Peony.

In the first place, Peony has no way of attacking the Self Defense Force thats firing within the Safety Zone.

One could even argue that its natural for us to be its target.

Having said all that

The Art of Ginormous Growth.

I activate the Ninjutsu just as we are about to be caught.

Peonys tentacles come to a stop midair and switch their target to the giant clone that has appeared above us.

(Even in this kind of situation, they prioritize the clone over us)

No matter how many times it devours the clone, Peonys hunger will not be sated.

Cant it tell that its decisions are leading to its demise?

Yes, that must be it.

Anyway, its a good thing for us.

Now, Sora!


Sora unleashes a breath at my signal.

At the same time, I throw something towards Peony, but it gets crushed by Peonys Automatic Defense the moment it leaves the Item Box.


Some form of gas is released to the surrounding.


Before it could hit Peony, Soras breath ignites the gas in the air, leading to a massive explosion.


A huge fireball has been formed.

The thing that Peony crushed just now was a gas tank that I took from the port.

Just like the fuel tanks, these gas tanks contain some highly explosive substances.


The explosion results in a violent windblast, and black smoke quickly engulfs Peonys immediate surroundings.

We hold our breath at the sight.

What a ridiculous power

T-to think itd be to this extent

Were a few hundred meters away from where the explosion happened, but we can feel the hot air reaching us.

Without Akas suits, we wouldve been scalded for sure.

Will the City Hall be alright?

It should be fine.

The Safety Zone thats centered on the City Hall is located far away from the suburbs, and it is in the windward direction of where Peony is standing.

The smoke and the hot air shouldnt reach there.

Instead, we should focus on whats in front of us.

Nishino-kun is startled by my words and turns to face the direction of the smoke.

The smoke hasnt cleared yet, but I can clearly sense Peonys presence.

As expected, that explosion wasnt enough to kill it.


! Thats?

Although the smoke is still hindering our view, something about Peonys presence has changed.

This is the moment that weve been waiting for.


Aisaka Rikka and her group were situated some distance away from where the Self Defense Force was fighting.

Shibacchi, has anything changed?

Nah, everythings normal. They regenerate whenever theyre cut.

Rikka and her friends were silently chopping down the tip of the tentacles that were stuck on the invisible barrier of the Safety Zone.

They had been doing this during the past three days of preparation.

Even now, with the battle well underway, they were still hard at work.

(Should we really be doing this?)

Thinking wasnt Rikkas cup of tea, and she wasnt particularly dissatisfied with what Nishino had come up with, but she was getting a little nervous as nothing was happening despite all the work that had been put in.

Are we really supposed to be doing this?

Is it really alright for us to stay here and continue our work?

(No, I shouldnt be thinking like this. I must trust him.)

Rikka suppressed her worries and moved her hands.

They would never doubt Nishino.

After all, they had always followed his words.

Chop. Chop. Chop.

Rikka and co. continued chopping down Peonys vines.

It was then that that happened.


It was an explosion of unforeseen scale.

W-what was that!? What was that explosion?

Did the Self Defense Force fire a missile?

Nothat was probably onii-san and Soras combo attack.

It was too strong to be an attack from the Self Defense Force, so it was likely an explosion that resulted from the combo attack involving explosive gas and Soras Dragon breath.

They had already been warned of this beforehand.

(I wonder if Nisshis safe)

She couldnt see him from this distance, but Nishino was supposed to be riding on Soras back with Kudou.

It was the safest place and the most dangerous place at the same time.

She knew that they would have taken measures to ensure that the explosion was contained, but the explosion was of such great magnitude that she couldnt help but worry.


Rikka suddenly noticed a change to the vine that she had been cutting.

It isnt regenerating?

The slash that she had made wasnt disappearing.

Normally, it wouldve healed by now, but nothing of that sort was happening.

This was clearly a change from before.

Could this be

Rikka chopped down a different vine.

It wasnt regenerating either.

That wasnt all.

The vines that had attached themselves to the invisible barrier were peeled off one after another as they wilted.

Everyone present at the scene was stunned by what they had witnessed.

Shibacchi, this

Yeah, this mustve been what Nishino-san was talking about. Hey, someone should quickly send a mail to Nishino-san!


Someone whose hands were free sent the mail, and they were soon notified of the news.


Rikka-chans group has contacted us.

Kudou-san, this

Yes, theres no doubt about it.

Our prediction had been spot on.

Based on the mail that we received from Rikka-chans group and Peonys presence on the other side of the smoke, we can roughly guess Peonys current state.

A good portion of its body has been burnt to crisps, and its canopy is continuing to burn even as we speak, with its branches falling to the ground one after another.

Peony had been hit by an unprecedented blow, and this has brought about a huge changeits Regeneration has stopped.

FinallyI can finally see an opening

The breath attacks from Sora, the bombardment from the Self Defense Force, and the detonation of the fuel tanks and the gas tanks.

Weve finally reached this point by concentrating all our attacks on Peony in a short amount of time.

Yes, weve reached Peonys Regeneration limit.

Peonys Regeneration isnt infinite.

Although its powerful, it should use up a fair amount of something since its categorized as a skill.

We didnt know whether that something was MP, nutrients from external sources, sunlight, or nutrients in the earth, but we surmised that it had something to do with its predation pattern based on its unusual appetite and behavior.

To put it in simpler terms, it uses the energy that it intakes to fuel its Regeneration.

Thats why weve been thwarting its attempt to prey on others since the beginning of the battle by employing The Art of Ginormous Growth and Soras breath attacks.

We cut off its supply of energy and forced Peony to constantly Regenerate by concentrating all our attacks on it.

As a result, its supply of energy has been depleted, and it could no longer Regenerate.

A short but intense battle.

In a drawn out battle, we wouldve had no chance of winning because of Peonys monstrous defense and regenerative abilities.

With that in mind, our plan was to overwhelm Peony in a short amount of time, thereby depleting its energy reserve and depriving it of its ability to regenerate.

Fortunately, everything turned out the way we expected.

Now that its Regeneration has reached the limit, we can exploit another one of Peonys weakness.

All creatures, more specifically monsters, have an Achilles point known as the core.

Taking into account the difference in the speed of regeneration and the points that Peony prioritized during our battle

The central part of its root system.

Peonys core should be there.

As long as we know where it is, all we have to do is to focus our attacks on that point.

Its about time we make our first preparation.

Sora, well be relying on you again!

But of course!

Sora starts accelerating and enters the thick smoke at full speed, flying towards where Peony should be standing.


To your right!

The smoke shifts slightly to the side, and we are greeted by Peonys tentacles that have rushed through the smoke to attack us.

Sora narrowly avoids the strike.

To your left! Above you! To your right! 12th oclock! 5th oclock!


Dodge, dodge, dodge.

Sora keeps dodging the barrage of attacks from Peony.

Do not move!


Nishino-kun issues out Commands and Kiki helps out with her Reflection.

Sora takes advantage of the short opening to close in on Peony.

(More just a little more)


We must time it well so that Soras breath could do maximum damage.

If were close enough, her breath attack should be able to reach Peonys core.

Until that moment arrives, I must focus.

Were just a couple of meters away a little moreand now!

Sora, now!

Got it.

Weve arrived.

Peony is now within Soras attack distance.

From here, Sora should be able to output her maximum damage.

Sora unleashes a breath without beating around the bush.


She must have been prepping up for this moment.

The breath that Sora unleashes is the strongest Ive seen up to this point.

It pierces through Peonys Automatic Defense and reaches Peonys root system without losing its momentum.


Pierce through Peonys co


Hm? What was that just now?

Just now



Could it be Peonys?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!


A shiver runs down my back.

What is this?

Somethings coming!

Something dangerous is coming!


Something explodes out of Peony in the next moment.

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