The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Momo, since when did you have a unique skill?


Momo shakes her head and tells me that she doesnt know either.


For the time being, I guess Ill do some research using The Right to Question.

I immediately type in Resonance in the space provided by The Right to Question.


Skill: Resonance

This skill was bestowed to the first creature that consumed a magic stone after the two worlds merged.


The first to consume a magic stone in this new world?

Now that I think it, Momo was already LV 2 by the time we met and became party members.

In other words, she had fought against monsters before our encounter.

Does that mean Momo had this skill from the beginning?

Looking back, Momo was craving for magic stones ever since we met.

She must have known that they were safe to eatand that they can make her stronger.

Haha, youre amazing, Momo.

Wow, Momo-chan is incredible!

Wan! Wan wan!

Delighted by our praise, Momo rubs her body against me and Ichinose-san.

Of course, Ichinose-san and I stroke her without holding back.

Shes so lovely. I feel healed.

A skill given to the first creature that consumed a magic stone

The condition for acquiring Resonance is somewhat similar to my Precocious.

In my case, it was something along the lines of the first person to defeat a monster.

(But what kind of effect does the skill have?)

The Right to Question tells us how to acquire the skill without describing what the skill actually does.

This is one of the things that I dont like about The Right to Question.

(Thats not all. Theres a skill labeled below Resonance)

Momo, Aka, Kiki, and Sora all have listed as their unique skill.

In fact, Sora has two such skills.

When President Igarashi Appraised her yesterday, Sora only had one unique skill listed in her status.

Was I mistaken?

Did she obtain one overnight?

If she did, how?

Momo, when did you acquire ?

Kuun? Wan!

Yesterday, I think, replies Momo.

Yesterday, huhthe only thing that happened yesterday was

We befriended Sora

Is it a unique skill that can be obtained by becoming friends with a Dragon?

Wait. Then why would the skill appear on Soras status as well?

Is it the other way around for Dragons? Do they have to join someone elses party to get the skill?

Theres not enough data to come to a conclusion


Suddenly, Ichinose-san raises her voice while sounding panicked.

Whats wrong, Ichinose-san?

P-please take a look at this! At my status!

Please calm down. Your status isnt visible to other people.

R-right. Sorry

What happened? Did something change?

Yes, yes. I was just checking my status when I noticed displayed under my unique skills column. [1]


Im rendered speechless by this piece of information.

Its displayed on Ichinose-sans status as well?

Im sure that it wasnt there while we were coming here. The skill just appeared out of nowhere

Say what?W-wait a minute.

I check my status in a hurry.


Kudou Kazuto


Level 5

HP: 782/782

MP: 338/338

Strength: 379

Endurance: 396

Agility: 803

Dexterity: 775

Magic: 185

Magic Resistance: 185

SP: 42

JP: 23


Shinobi LV3

Tracker LV3

Jet Black Performer LV3

Trainee Monk LV4

Unique Skills


Profession Enhancement


Its there.

I also have displayed as one of my unique skills.

Im certain that it wasnt there when I was typing in my question for the The Right to Question.

It has suddenly appeared without warning.

Huh? Why?

(If the condition is to have a Dragon join the party, Ichinose-san and I shouldve gotten it yesterday)

Why did it appear now?

Is there a time lag?

Does it have something to do with Telepathy?

Is it because we were acknowledged by Sora?

Is it because we talked with her?

Did we unknowingly fulfill the conditions for obtaining a unique skill?

Its also weird how the skill appeared in everyones status at the same time.

(In the first place, are the skills that we acquired all identical to each other?)

Ive seen something like this displayed on my status before.

It was after we defeated the High Orc.

was listed under my unique skills column, and I had no idea what it was.

It was only after the Monster Tamer died that the skills name was properly displayed on my status screen.

The moment she died, turned into Profession Enhancement, and I was able to use the skill from then on.

From the way she conducted herself, I can confidently say that she was the original owner of Profession Enhancement.

The skill was transferred to me because of her untimely death.

Only one person can have a particular unique skill at any given time.

If multiple people have fulfilled the conditions necessary to acquire the skill, the skill would be given to the first person who cleared them all.

Its essentially first-come-first-serve

At least thats what I think, and Im probably correct.

(So weve somehow managed to clear the conditions for a unique skill that we dont even know of?)

For Momo and Aka, the unknown skill might be Profession Enhancement.

That said, its not like they have any occupations to speak of, so this is unlikely.

Is there a unique skill thats similar to Profession Enhancement?

Assuming that they did in fact acquire Profession Enhancement, theres nothing that can be done about it unless I were to die.

(Could each of us have acquired a completely different unique skill?)

The chances are low, but theyre not zero.

Then why are they all displayed as ?

Did someone else already acquire them?

Have we not cleared some of the conditions yet?

Damn it.

Why cant The Right to Question answer questions like these!?

Theres not enough information to come to any conclusion. For the time being, we wont be able to use these skills.

So were putting them on hold for now?

Theres no other option.

Were about to confront Peony in a decisive battle, so leaving things hanging isnt exactly ideal, but theres no helping it.

W-wouldnt it be a huge boost to our strength if we can figure out what these skills

Ichinose-san, that way of thinking is too nave.

Conveniently awakening our powers mid-fight against Peonythats far too unrealistic.

Also, taking into account how the fights have progressed so far, having or not having one skill wont change much.

Rather than relying on something uncertain, its better to solidify our foundation.

Y-youre right. Sorry for mentioning something strange.

Theres no need for an apology, and what you said isnt strange at all. I should be the one apologizing instead. Im sorry that I denied your ideas so adamantly.

I place my hand on Ichinose-sans shoulder and speak in a comforting tone.

Ichinose-san proceeds to put her hand on top of mine.

Besides, even if we were to ignore for now, there are other things that we can focus on. Right?

You mean understanding Momo-chan and the others skills in detail?

Theres also that, but I was talking about their SP. If they can allocate their SP to their skills, they would become considerably stronger.

Based on how much SP Aka, Kiki, and Sora have accumulated, its pretty obvious that they havent used any of their SP before.

This means that theyve been raising their skill levels by activating them repetitively.

Many of Soras skills are at LV 10, which makes me wonder how many times she used them in the past.

Im assuming that the world she came from had fierce competition.

It looks like Momo has been allocating some of her SP to improve her skills, but she still has a lot to spare.

Allocating points? Whats that?

Oh, Ill explain it to you. Its

That aside, isnt it about time that you two release your hands?


Im reminded by Rikka-chan that my left hand is still on Ichinose-sans shoulder.


Ah, e-excuse me

N-no, I was at fault as well

Flustered, we both let go of our hands.

Our face must be bright red.

Not good. I was touching her without thinking.

Does this count as sexual harassment?

My hearts pounding like crazy.

Im sorry, Ichinose-san.

What an innocent reaction.


Rikka-chan is staring at us with a grin on her face.

On the other hand, President Igarashi is sulking for some reason.

Hey, are you going to explain or what?

O-oh, right. Ill start explaining then.

Im glad that Sora is bad at reading between the lines.

It takes a while, but I eventually finish my long explanation about what skills are and what they can do.

Sora has been listening carefully and following along, checking out her own skills from time to time.

She doesnt encounter any trouble while allocating her SP, but she was surprised when she saw her status plate for the first time in her life.

Her reaction was kind of funny.

You seem to be able to use your points without any problem.

Sora has allocated her points to skills such as Enhanced Breath Attack, Super Enhanced Breath Attack, Enhanced Claw Attack, Enhanced Dragons Scale, and Enhanced Flight Speed.

Unfortunately, she didnt gain any new skills.

Unlike us, monsters like Sora and Momo dont have access to a list of acquirable skills or initially acquirable skills.

As such, they have to use their SP on skills that they already have.

After thinking about it carefully, we raise some of the skills that Momo, Aka, and Kiki possess.

With this, we should be significantly stronger than we were before.

Now, we just have to wait for Nishino-kun to contact us.

Hm? Were waiting on Nisshi?


Nishino-kun has been in a conversation with Fujita-san and the others since early this morning.

He has apparently come up with some strategies to defeat Peony, so theyre discussing whether or not his plans are viable.

Other than that, theyre also talking about something much more important.

Its about how much time we have left.

Were currently in the preparation phase for the decisive battle.

Although the Safety Zone is protecting us, theres a limit to what it can do.

Food shortage would soon become a problem.

With Peony putting pressure on us, we cant level up or scavenge for food.

(What I have in my Item Box and whats left in the City Hall.)

That is how much food we have left, and it also represents how much longer we can stay cooped up.

Of course, the food wont be distributed evenly.

Priority would be given to those at higher levels.

Those that wont be participating in the battle would have to endure.

After all, it wouldnt be a laughing matter if some of us collapsed from starvation before we could even put up a fight in the decisive battle.

Some people might riot, but we have President Igarashi who can take control of the situation using her powers.

< You have received a mail. >

Its here.

An announcement echoes inside my head.

I check my mail inbox.

Sure enough, its from Nishino-kun.

I open up the mail and read its content.

After reading the content of the mail, I look back towards Ichinose-san and the others.

Ive received a mail from Nishino-kun.

Everyones expression changes.

What does it say?

Both of Nishino-kuns strategies were deemed feasible.

! R-really?


Ichinose-san and Rikka-chan buzz in excitement.

President Igarashi also seems surprised.

This is rather unexpected. I didnt think Fujita-san and the others would give him the okay.

We must be ready to bear some risks if we wish to survive. Its good that we at least have an idea of what to do from now on.

When Nishino-kun first told me about the strategies, I was honestly shocked.

At the same time, I was impressed that he could come up with strategies like that.

Weve taken care of the only thing that has been hindering us from carrying out the operation.

Even though the operation is extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming, we can carry it out now.

A lot of burden will be placed on me, but it cant be helped.

The only thing Im worried about is the number of days we have left.

Whenwill it happen?

I respond to Ichinose-sans question after a moment of pause.

Three days later. Three days later, we will be challenging Peony to a decisive battle.

We only have three days left to prepare everything.

Only three days.

All of our preparations must be completed by then.

Sora and Aka are the keys to this operations success.

We must succeed no matter what.

We must win and survive this together.


[1] The raw says Desu desu, which means Yes, yes. Which one do you think is better, Desu desu or Yes, yes?

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