The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 79 Hester's Answer

Out of everyone in Wretched Seal Tavern, only the cute bartender was a female. Thus, when a new beautiful lady walked inside, Vaan quickly determined the person wasn’t a customer.

As if reinforcing Vaan’s conclusion, the beautiful lady scanned the tavern before meeting his gaze. But before their gaze met, there was a brief instance where the beautiful lady’s gaze met with the cute bartender.

Although it was only a very brief pause, it was more than enough for Vaan to draw further conclusions. His eyes flickered when the beautiful lady with brown hair started walking over.

“I appreciate your kind gesture, but it seems like someone has come to pick me up. Perhaps, we can drink another time if the opportunity arises,” Vaan politely declined.

“Oh? Someone came for you?” the Rank 2 Aura Master replied with a raised brow before shifting his gaze to the beautiful lady approaching.

Along with the other people at the table and even neighboring tables turning their heads to look, the Aura Master and everyone’s eyes quickly widened with surprise and alarm.

“L-Lady Hester!”

Everyone who recognized the beautiful lady’s identity quickly shot up to their feet to greet her with respect.

Hester Thornton, the beauty of fair skin with brown hair, hazel eyes, and wearing a brown and white renaissance dress, was one of the stronger Senior Witches in Redpine City; third in authority and vice-captain of the Combat Witches serving under Lord Helia.

Outside of the Redpine Academy, Hester Thornton was also the leading authority in Earth Magic. She was Vice-captain Hester Thornton, the Witch of Black Iron.

“Don’t let my presence spoil the mood of the tavern. I am only here under the instruction of my Lady to protect a person, so just treat me as someone invisible,” was what Hester Thornton said impassively after acknowledging everyone’s greeting with a nod.

However, no one in the tavern could relax and enjoy themselves in the presence of such an authoritative person. The festive mood was replaced by nervous tension.

After all, most of their topics frequently involved witches, which men are forbidden to discuss in any way that may tarnish the witches’ dignity and reputation.

Vaan quickly downed his mug of Serpent’s Kiss in one go before standing up from his seat and saying, “Let us leave, Lady Hester.”

“Don’t mind me, Sir Cadieux. I was only sent to protect you, not bring you back to Helia’s Castle,” Hester Thornton explained, thinking she may have caused some misunderstanding.

However, Vaan shook his head with a wry yet bitter smile.

“Just Vahn Cadieux or Vahn will do. I am undeserving of such respect from a noble Senior Witch such as yourself, Lady Hester. Others would be under the impression that I hail from some noble household,” Vaan ruefully requested.

“Besides, anyone can enjoy themselves with the present mood in the tavern,” Vaan added.

Hester Thornton glanced around with a slight frown before acknowledging Vaan’s reason and conceding.

“It matters not whether you are of nobility or not. I am someone who serves Lady Helia, and you are her guest. Treating Sir Cadieux with this much respect is totally acceptable. That being said, it seems Sir Cadieux is uncomfortable with it. In that case, I will just call you Vahn Cadieux.”

“It would be much appreciated, Lady Hester.”

Vaan understood the difference between Hester Thornton’s position and his own.

If Hester Thornton had to serve someone of lower status like Vaan with such respect, he would draw unnecessary hostilities from those that idolize her.

Those circumstances lead to all sorts of unwanted troubles.

“Then, let us leave together, Vahn Cadieux.”

“Yes, Lady Hester.”

Shortly after the two left the Wretched Seal Tavern and started heading back toward Helia’s Castle, Hester Thornton glanced at Vaan from the corner of her eyes as they walked side by side.

“Judging by your build, you don’t look like someone who has undergone any rigorous aura training and achieving an adequate level. It would be dangerous for you to wander the city alone without any protection, Vahn Cadieux.”

“Despite how I look, I am actually quite sturdy,” Vaan replied with a slight smile.

Back in the tavern, he had reserved a smack on the back by a Rank 2 Aura Master, which might have seemed like a friendly smack at the time—but was, in fact, the person gauging his strength.

If his defense points weren’t so high, he might have been slightly injured, and the person was unlikely to continue maintaining his friendliness with him.

Nevertheless, human interaction could sometimes be… exhausting.


Hester Thornton subtly studied Vaan’s expression for any dishonesty but didn’t feel like he was lying. But whether it was confidence or foolhardiness, she could not determine.

“You didn’t seem surprised at my arrival, though. Rather, it seemed like you were expecting me, Vahn Cadieux.”

“Not you, in particular, Lady Hester, but yes, I did assume someone would be coming for me.”

“May I ask how you knew, Vahn Cadieux?”

“Lady Hester, the better question would be – how can I not know? Wretched Seal Tavern is one of the most popular places in the city and a gathering for all sorts of interesting rumors and information,” Vaan mentioned.

“If Lord Ashenborn wanted to build an effective information gathering network, she would have long planted her intelligence agents in such places. As such, contacting all the intelligence agents working in such places was the most efficient method you have to find me in such a big and prosperous city.”

“I see. How impressive—No, should I say terrifying?” Hester Thornton praised, but her gaze glinted with killing intent for a split instant before returning to normal.

Sometime later, Hester Thornton guided Vaan back to Helia’s Castle and showed him to his designated room.

Afterward, Hester Thornton went straight to see Helia Ashenborn, who was enjoying a glass of wine and the evening cold winds on her bedchamber balcony on the highest floor of the castle.

“You’re back, Hester. I assumed you just escorted our guest to his room.”

“Yes, my Lady.”

“What did you think of our guest during your brief interaction with him? Give me your thoughts on Vahn Cadieux,” Helia Ashenborn said while casually swirling the glass of wine in her hand.

“I believe Vahn Cadieux is too dangerous to be left alive, my Lady,” Hester Thornton answered without hesitation.

“Oh?” Helia Ashenborn smiled with interest. “Elaborate.”

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