The Wealthy Eldest Sister Rules Supreme

Chapter 78 - 078: Sensible (Third update)

Chapter 78: Chapter 078: Sensible (Third update)

Translator: 549690339

“This matter is minor and wouldn’t typically bother you, but what caught my attention is how the not-so-rich looking girl, Chunlan, refused to accept the silver offered as a token of gratitude. It just struck me as strange…”

Now, it’s not unheard of for people to not be avaricious, but refusing a legitimate token of appreciation is indeed peculiar.

Either this person possesses such noble principles that she views money as dirt or that she understands it’s improper to accept this money.

If it’s the latter…

Bearing in mind it involves Chu Jinzhou, Ning Feng wouldn’t dare be negligent and asked, “Should I look into this person?”

“Check into their background,”, Chu Jinnian replied with a frown. “If anything seems off, handle it as you see fit.”

The mere notion that someone might be trying to take advantage of Chu Jinzhou stirred a murderous rage within Chu Jinnian.

“Yes, I will proceed,” pledged Ning Feng. “You have been travelling overnight, master, and must be tired. Perhaps it’s best to rest, I have already arranged hot water for your bath.”

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“Alright.” Chu Jinnian nodded. He slightly reclined in his chair and massaged his temples.

He seemed a bit fatigued.

Ning Feng felt a pang of distress seeing him in this state.

Presumably, his master felt more at ease here as it is where he could unwind and freely show his weariness.

With a sigh in his heart, Ning Feng hurried to ready everything.

At dawn the following day,

“Big brother!” Chu Jinzhou, like an exuberant bird, dashed towards Chu Jinnian but stopped three steps from him. “You still remember to come back? I thought you had forgotten about your younger brother.”

The hint of a pout on his lips couldn’t mask the glimmer of joy in his eyes; it was clear he was delighted but feigning anger.

“Such claims are unjustified,” retorted Chu Jinnian as he went over to him, lovingly scratching his nose. “I only went to the capital city to buy your favorite lotus cake from Hanfeng Tower. All in the hopes of pleasing you.”

“But if that person can’t appreciate the effort and harbors grievances, then my whole journey seems in vain.”

“Is that right?” Chu Jinzhou squinted.

“When have I ever lied to you?” responded Chu Jinnian, touching his nose.

His words admittedly insincere.

”1 knew it, my big brother is the best!” Chu Jinzhou jumped up cheerfully, grabbed Chu Jinnian’s hand and said, “Come on, let’s have breakfast together. Uncle Feng said there’s tofu ball soup in the morning.”

“Tofu ball soup?” Chu Jinnian respond with a laugh, “Is that a new dish from our kitchen?”

He had never heard of it before.

“It’s a new tasty dish that I recently discovered and asked the kitchen to prepare. I love having it every now and then, it’s so delicious. Brother, you must try it,” Chu Jinzhou insisted.


Where could Chu Jinzhou have gone recently?

Chu Jinnian directed his gaze towards Ning Feng.

Reading his mind, Ning Feng answered in a low voice, “As per your instructions, master, a while ago when our third young master attended Mr. Zhou’s mother’s birthday, he brought home a bowl of tofu ball soup; a traditional dish served at birthdays according to Mr. Zhou. Our third young master found it so delicious that he instructed the kitchen to imitate it.”

“But no matter what, it couldn’t match the taste from Mr. Zhou’s house. In the end, I learned the recipe from Mr. Zhou and, as commanded, sent someone to buy tofu from a stall in the town. Only then, we were able to prepare the soup.”

“Indeed, the soup is truly delicious and that tofu stall, thanks to its popular tofu, often runs out of stock. So it’s not a dish we can have every day. Master, you really should give it a try.”

So that’s the story.

Chu Jinnian nodded imperceptibly and said with a smile to Chu Jinzhou, “In that case, I would love to taste and see for myself.”

“Big brother, I guarantee you’ll absolutely love it,” beamed Chu Jinzhou.

Once they were seated in the flower hall, the servants presented a well-prepared breakfast.

Lotus cakes, tofu ball soup, a variety of delicious small dishes and pastries.

“Big brother.” Chu Jinzhou personally scooped out a bowl of soup for Chu Jinnian.

“You’re becoming more thoughtful,” complimented Chu Jinnian as he accepted the bowl, and then proceeded to take a sip of soup.

Only then did Chu Jinzhou start his breakfast.

The tofu ball soup, with its sour and slightly spicy flavor from the pepper, was highly appetizing. The tofu balls had a chewy exterior and soft interior with an enchanting fragrance. Chu Jinnian nodded in approval, “Not bad.”

“I told you, brother, you’d find it tasty.” Chu Jinzhou’s eyes shone brightly while smiling. “By the way, brother, how many days will you stay here this time?”

”1 have a lecture today with the scholar. If you want to rest, it would probably be the day after tomorrow. Brother, will you still be in the garden then? Can you take me out to play?”

“Given your wishes, I ought to accommodate,” Chu Jinnian set down his soup spoon and patted Chu Jinzhou’s head. “Luckily, I have a few matters to settle in the next couple of days. As I understand, you also need to study, so let’s both tend to our own business until the day after tomorrow. Then I’ll take you fishing on the lake, how does that sound?”

“Deal,” Chu Jinzhou responded, nodding firmly.

“Deal,” Chu Jinnian agreed and nodded back, soon after breaking into a smile. “What’s so funny, big brother?” Chu Jinzhou tilted his head inquisitively.

”1 got back last night and heard from Ning Feng that you’ve been itching to go hunting. When you mentioned going out just now, I was pondering how to persuade you to drop the hunting idea and go fishing instead. But surprisingly, you agreed so readily.”

“It certainly takes some adjustment.”

Chu Jinnian joked, “Quite an adjustment.”

“Hmmph,” Chu Jinzhou shielded half his face with his bowl and retorted, “Well, who could imagine that big brother would never agree to take me hunting in the first place? Rather than being persuaded into going fishing, I thought it would be better just to agree. Plus, it makes me look obedient and understanding.”

“Jinzhou is indeed getting smarter,” Chu Jinnian ruffled his hair again.

However, it’s more about being understanding.

Bearing in mind that he was busy and knowing that his own body couldn’t withstand such exertion.

His little brother, after all, couldn’t live an unrestrained life, acting at his own will, without considering others. The reason was their home since childhood, where he learned to be insightful.

A wave of bitterness welled up in Chu Jinnian’s heart.

“It seems that Aunt Liu won’t be coming today,” said Zhuang Qingsui as she noted the emptiness around. She furrowed her brows, “I wonder if she fell ill.”

“Aunt Liu seemed drained yesterday, I reckon she must be tired. She might be resting at home today,” Zhuang Qingning reassured. “Don’t worry too much; she might be better by tomorrow..”

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