The Warden of The Witches

Chapter 20:

Chapter 20:

A Personal Vendetta

Sitting in the swaying public carriage, Aiden once again sorted out the gathered information.

From what he had learned so far, after Veronica's case, Bruce Kane suddenly began indulging in extravagant spending that was completely disproportionate to his income. It seemed like he had come into a windfall.

From this point, we can boldly speculate that Jialong Rowton had enticed him to commit perjury, primarily through financial incentives.

Moreover, combined with the lead provided by the hostesses of the "Midnight Rose," it was probable that Jialong had given him more than just money.

"...He carries a gold pocket watch with his family crest on it, and he often takes it out to flaunt it."

Aiden hadn't forgotten this detail that Veronica had told him. But At that time, he had merely brushed it off.

However, when those hostesses told him that Jialong had exchanged the watch, he immediately thought of a possibility.

The investigation team had taken less than a day from the start of the case to arresting Veronica. Assuming Jialong was the murderer, then bribing Bruce to destroy evidence and frame Veronica must have been an urgent process.

The incident happened in the middle of the night, and there were no banks open. When he hurriedly went to find Bruce, he couldn't have possibly had enough money on him to bribe the other party.

By logical deduction, for something as significant as providing false testimony in a murder case, a mere verbal promise wouldn't be enough to make someone act on the spot.

So, what he could have handed over at the time was likely just that pocket watch he carried with him.

In that case, the watch was either still in Bruce's possession, or he had already sold it—either way, it hadn't returned to Jialong's hands.

This lead might serve as the breakthrough to deal with Bruce Kane.

Thinking this, the public carriage had already brought him to the vicinity of the Mounted Police Station.

Aiden entered the police station with his cane, identified himself to the reception officer, requested to meet Bruce Kane, and was then led to the reception room, just like last time.

Aidan decided to try to intimidate Bruce a bit. He would tell the kid that Veronica had actually requested a retrial a long time ago, and that the investigation team that had been set up had made progress, pointing in his direction.

Then, he would unexpectedly reveal that they had already obtained information that Jialong Rowton was the real culprit, and that he had accepted Jialong gold pocket watch.

He would then tell him that timely surrendering and entering a plea deal was his only way out.

From the impression he got, even though the young man was a mounted police officer, he was ultimately just a rookie and lacked a strong anti-interrogation mentality. He had been deeply uneasy about giving false testimony and had been on edge.

As long as Aiden could break through Bruce Kane's psychological defenses, there was a possibility he would confess the truth.

With his testimony, initiating a retrial and forming an investigation team would be a natural course of action.

Aiden's intimidation could turn into reality—interrogation techniques occasionally involved bluffing towards the suspect or prisoner, and as a prison guard, he was adept at this.

This was the most direct way to breakthrough at the moment. They didn't have much time, Veronica's execution was only about a month away.

They needed to submit a retrial application as soon as possible within the deadline, and a valid reason was required.

After waiting for several minutes in the reception room, someone finally opened the door.

Aiden looked towards the newcomer and was slightly surprised.

The person entering was not Bruce Kane, but Jialong Rowton.

Aiden had a vague sense that something was amiss. Just as he was contemplating how to start the conversation, Jialong spoke first, in a blunt and impolite manner: "How many times will this annoying fly bother me? Are you trying to clear that woman's name?"

The straightforward and rude words felt like a sharp jab with a sword, and the hostility from the other party was evident.

Seeing this, Aiden decided to be equally frank. He looked directly into Jialong's eyes and pointed out, "Given your level of nervousness, it seems quite likely that you're the one who murdered the person."

"You've investigated thoroughly, but I advise you not to waste your efforts. The trial has already concluded." Jialong sat across from Aiden, the corners of his mouth lifted in an undisguised sneer.

"I've already told that kid, as long as he keeps his mouth shut and says nothing, no one can touch us! He won't see you again. Use your brain and think, what reason does he have to help you with this, have a sudden conscience awakening? Don't be ridiculous, that thing will only land him in prison!"

Aiden stared at Jialong in silence. He was well aware that there was a reason for the other party's arrogance.

If he were a detective who had uncovered the truth and was tracking down the murderer, then when Veronica was wrongly sentenced to death and the whole case was closed, he had already lost to the murderer.

Moreover, he was just a prison guard, without even a bit of investigative authority.

What Jialong said was the truth. If Bruce didn't testify, trying to clear Veronica's name would be an incredibly difficult task.

However, Bruce Kane couldn't easily retract his testimony. After all, providing false testimony and accepting bribes were serious offenses.

On the night of the incident, Jialong and he were merely engaged in a transaction of bribery and being bribed. But now, they had become accomplices in an unbreakable partnership.

Aidan's intimidation might have a chance at intimidating Bruce, but it would be difficult if Jialong continued to influence him.

"You, don't be so thankless. Keeping that wolf in the world would be a hazard. Sending her to prison was doing a good deed," Jialong said while spreading his hands, continuing to mock.

"Understand your role, will you? You're just a prison guard. Your job is to carry out the sentences handed down by the Judicature. If the Judicature orders you to execute the woman, then you do it obediently! Is there any point in these unnecessary actions? Huh?"

"Are you trying to teach me how to do my job?" Aiden responded to this remark, narrowing his eyes at Jialong.

Jialong was momentarily taken aback, then he smirked and taunted, "What can you do to me?"

"Officer Rowton, I've been a prison guard for a long time. I discipline criminals every day, and I've developed two occupational hazards.

One, I really dislike outsiders trying to teach me how to do my job.

Two, I tend to hold grudges.

If a prisoner challenges me in front of my face, I'll make sure to find a way to make their life in prison worse than death—only then can I establish authority among the prisoners. And you, you embody both,"

Aiden looked into his eyes and said calmly, "Although I oversee the women's prison now, you probably won't have a chance to end up in my hands. But I know the wardens of the other prisons in Silver City. Whether you're sentenced to death or life imprisonment in the future, I guarantee I'll find every means to make sure you suffer in prison."

After working as a prison guard for so many years, I won't let an uncaught murderer dare to teach me how to do things!

If investigating Veronica's case was initially out of a sense of duty, now his fiery temper and desire to bring down the other party was his personal choice.

After hearing this, Jialong's cheeks twitched a few times. He was about to retort when Aiden suddenly stood up, picked up his cane, and walked towards the door.

As he passed by Jalon, he glanced at him and left a remark, "Now it's a personal vendetta, fatso."

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