The Villain's Story

Chapter 93 {93}The Golden Generation.[2]

"Student Ranking 4, Lucas Hiddleston, 3rd son of Peter Hiddleston, His talent ranking is SS, His elemental affinities are Earth(High) and Metal(Superior). His grades are average in written tests and second place in a training class. His current Rank is E+...and next is..."

Before continuing, Douglas stopped for a while and looked at the Vice Principal for a few seconds, coughed, and continued.

"Student ranking 3, Henry...fornum, Son of Gustav Fornum and Grandson of the Guildmaster of Behemoth, His talent ranking is SS, His Elemental affinity is Wind(Superior) and his grades are above average in written subjects and doesn't particularly excel in a training class. His current rank is E+."

And just as Douglas had expected, There was a change of Expression in the vice principal's face, her eyes twitching a little at the mention of the name Fornum.

There was quite a bit of History between her and the Behemoth guild...well not exactly the guild but a certain Individual within the guild.

Elena Frost held many world records, She was the youngest person to advance to <D>, <C>, <B>, and <A> ranks.

She was called a genius by many, and although she didn't openly gloat about it, she was still proud of her achievements.

Until they had been utterly destroyed by a certain someone.

The one person who could be called a monster.

Ezra Fornum, Henry's older brother, also went by the title "Copycat."

He broke all of her records and even humiliated her during an event in a duel.

Ezra Fornum was a genius that could copy any move he had seen..."Once."

She would never, never in her goddamn life forget the fateful day they had their duel...and as she watched the techniques that she had practiced her entire life be performed to the same degree she did by crushed her inside.

Her techniques, her art that she had poured countless hours into, her blood and sweat she poured into those techniques... the degree she had mastered them.

She...had seen Ezra perform them to the same mastery she performed them at after only seeing them once.

No matter how many stars her art held....he copied it to a perfect degree.

It destroyed her inside at that time.

But thankfully, with Oliver's Guidance, she had climbed out of that pit of despair and improved herself even further.

But all hope was not lost, because now, in this generation, another monster had appeared that had shattered their records.

Thinking about this certain monster, A smirk crept up on her cold face as she thought.

'Heh, Serves that bastard right.'

But before she could think anymore, Douglass's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Student Ranking 2, Elijah Ardor, He isn't the son of a famous hero or anything, But his talent is enormous, His affinity is with the Element of fire(Superior), and his mastery over fire is Exceptional, His talent rank is the only one which is SSS rank, His grades are average and his rank is <D->."

'Fire huh.'

Elena thought after hearing Douglas's report.

She then put any thoughts about Elijah aside because the fire was not her element.

She could offer him some tips about mana control but that was all she could do.

Her element was ice, the opposite of fire.

The one she truly wanted to hear about was the next student, and she didn't need to wait for a long while before hearing Douglas's voice.

"Student Ranking 1, Alan Peccator, Son of C ranked deceased Awakened Couple Alfred Peccator and Anna Peccator, His affinities are Ice(Superior) and Space(High), not much is known about his control over these elements because he does not participate in Duels. The only duel he participated in was with Elijah ardor in which he used the spatial element once and crushed Elijah Ardor, His talent ranking is SS and His scores in written tests are exactly half of the maximum number of marks in all subjects except for Training class, in which he had been highly praised by the teacher for his amazing skill with the spear and ranked number 1 in the training class."

"Hmm?Exactly half in every written test?"

Elena asked Douglas, In her mind, she could not believe that he had gotten half in 'every' test up till now.

'Is it a coincidence? No, once or twice maybe but not every test.'

The report about Alan was much more detailed than any other students report for the sole reason of his current strength, and the fact that he had awakened one day before his 15th birthday and still managed to reach Rank <C> within one year when Elena and Ezra had been training their entire lives, even when they had not awakened to reach the height of power they were at now.

His speed was simply too shocking and unbelievable Rumour that he had signed a contract with a demon to gain his strength was slowly but surely gaining traction among the general populace.

But she didn't care about those rumors anymore.

What she wanted was to be his teacher.

Unfortunately for her Alan already had a teacher that far outclassed her and Oliver.


It's been one day and we've reached the third floor of the labyrinth.

And in front of me was a sight that no one would expect to see underground.

A lush green forest underneath an Azure blue sky that had clouds and an actual sun.

The journey to the third floor wasn't hard for the team at all.

Considering I took care of most of the monsters we had encountered.

Yet I still couldn't shake off this feeling of dissatisfaction and disgust.

Even when facing hordes of goblins and taking them down singlehandedly, ...Even when facing groups of oversized lizards that were on the second floor.

I was still frustrated...

Like it had all not been up to my expectations.

"Captain, Do you want me to apply an antidote to your wound?"

Jolting me out of my thoughts was the voice of Amy who had inched closer.

Hearing her, I looked towards my left hand, which previously had been covered by the part of the suit.

Unfortunately, Because I was frustrated, I could not think straight when I was wrecking a group of lizards and during the fight, three or four of them spit poison at me which I blocked with my left arm instinctively.

'If I was just in my right state of mind, I could have used ice modification to create a shield to block the poison.'

The poison was extremely corrosive when in that quantity and it had completely melted the part of the suit that was around my hand as well as some other areas of my body as well.

If I just used ice modification to create a shield all of this could be avoided.

'Well, My arms seem quite alright despite all that.'

When looking at my arm that had been splashed with corrosive poison, one would normally expect to see it very injured, but it was completely fine now, and the poison didn't even affect me that much aside from a little itch and my arm turning purple for a while.

I had applied an antidote immediately after the poison had struck me but during the battle, the entire team was busy dealing with a few stray lizards that had come from behind us that my team probably didn't notice until later when we were already at the entrance to the third floor.

"No need, I applied an antidote already."

I said to any while showing my completely okay arm except for the part of the suit that had been there.

And without waiting for a response back, I continued to walk towards the forest.

I needed to find a certain mushroom here, and although I originally was planning to use it for Alex, I might have to use it for myself too so I could calm down.

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