The Villain's Story

Chapter 383 [383] World Of Murim.

The tower began its ridiculously long narration with joy. I was expecting something long…but goddamn.

[Long ago, Murim was a land of wonder and beauty, where martial arts and qi flourished, and the harmony between its many races brought prosperity. However, in a quest for ultimate power, a vagabond delved deep into the forbidden arts. In his reckless pursuit, he unwittingly unleashed the Shadow Born, a sinister entity that feeds on the life force of the world itself. And The shadow borne was not alone, along with it came thousands and thousands of its lesser kin.]

It started the story like most will, a thriving world soon plagued with chaos. I yawned as I listened to it, already bored.

[As the curse of the Shadow took root, the skies darkened, and the once-verdant lands withered! Crops failed, and rivers ran dry, plunging Murim into an era of famine and despair. The very nature of the world began to change; forests turned to twisted, gnarled thickets, and the once-great cities crumbled into shadows of their former glory. It's Citizens turning into Jiangshi!]

"Eh? Then isn't it the same as the empire?"

I asked, interrupting the narration. The tower was patient and said.

[Wait until the story is completed.]


It continued. And I shut up. It's better to let it finish I guess.

[In the face of this dire crisis, heroes from across Murim emerged. Brave martial artists, cunning assassins, and wise hegemons rallied to combat the Shadow Born's insidious influence. They sought relics of forgotten power, consulted ancient texts, and formed alliances across the land to stem the curse's relentless advance. But was it worth it?]

Well, it ran to another world, So I guess?

[The battle against the Shadow Born was relentless and costly. Martial artists were lost, and sacrifices were made as they delved into treacherous, shadow-infested domains to confront the heart of the curse. Some fell to the very darkness they sought to vanquish, while others emerged transformed, bearing the curse's mark but wielding newfound strength. Turning on their comrades, becoming fearsome Jiangshi.]


[In the climactic confrontation, the remaining few rallied for one last, desperate assault on the source of the curse. A massive battle ensued, with the forces of darkness clashing against the dwindling alliance of heroes. It was a battle not only of strength but also of hope and determination, where the very survival of Murim hung in the balance. Millions of Jiangshi…nay Billions! They clashed against the Hegemons that remained. The sect leaders of the ten great sects and five great Clans and the Heavenly demon were the last to remain. They clashed against their fellow brethren.

Their swords split the seas! Their absolute might shattered the Earth and reached the Heavens, as the sect leaders, who were Enemies for so long joined together and fought billions on their own. Cheon Ma, The heavenly demon led the assault as the Qi of the World vanished and he alone fought the Shadow Borne for months!

The outcome of this epic struggle would shape Murim's fate. Could they stay arrogant and stay enemies or fight together? And restore the world to its former glory? Or would the curse prove insurmountable, dooming Murim to eternal darkness?]

'It is enjoying this.'

I thought. Is this it's kink or are all readers like that?

[As the battle raged on, the leaders' resolve was tested to its limits. Sacrifices were made, bonds were forged, and the very essence of what it meant to be a martial artist was defined. ]

Suddenly, the tone became dark and depressing.

Ah, so it didn't end well. I could already guess that from the sudden shift in tone.

"Murim was doomed to darkness because they couldn't defeat the Shadow borne, correct?"

I asked, in a hurry to end this long story and go into the next trial. But I was wrong.


The tower denied it. I raised my eyebrows, curious.

[Although the Sect leaders and clan leaders fell. One remained.]


I wondered. Suddenly I recalled something in the description of the Shadow Borne,

"Ma cheon, the heavenly demon."

I muttered. That was the name that was present in the description of the Shadow bore shown to me by the dragon Eyes.

[Ma Cheon, The heavenly demon, Who single-handedly fought the entire Murim for a hundred years, and vanquished the shadows that plagued his world…By himself. Without even getting a moment of rest and also fighting against the Shadow bore who consistently ambushed him.]


I was astonished.

"What was the rank of the Heavenly Demon?"

I asked, curious, Surely it should be extremely high for him to be capable of all that.

[Why don't you go find out for yourself?]

Urged the tower. I smirked.

"So I can finally advance into the next trial."

Finally, after so long I can go.


A white light covered me as the Tower began the transportation.

[You ended an Empire with disgrace.]

It commented, I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the next trial.

[Now how will you end a world…when you have regained some of your senses?]

I remained silent.

[You have entered the 21st floor.]


[Outside the tower.]

It was getting late, but the Colosseum was as crowded as ever, people refused to leave, anxious about what would happen.

Thankfully, the Colosseum was equipped for this, it had rooms that residents could occupy, their seats would still be reserved for them and they could even watch some of the Trials within their rooms.

'People…are not leaving at all.'

Harrison thought as he looked at the Colosseum which was as lively as ever.

'I wonder how long it would take…Daniel is on the 24th floor whilst Elijah and Alan just entered the 21st floor. Everyone else is extremely far behind.'

Daniel was still in the lead, but most of the attention was on Alan and Elijah respectively, because of the unique trials they were being given, different from the rest.

Harrison vividly remembered Alan's fight with the Shadowborne, It was a monster he had never seen before, and honestly…It was strong. Even though Harrison was not the one fighting it, even he could see that the

The monster was terrifying, truly terrifying.

'It was weakened as well…and still possessed a lot of power.'

He didn't know the exact rank of the monster, but he knew that he would have to exert quite a bit of power to take it on, and defeating it would require more, considering its nature.

"The day is ending, I know you all are excited but please get ample rest, I assure you, you can view the recordings of the trials anytime.

Please, get some rest."

He announced, his mana-enhanced voice reverberated all around the Colosseum. Some listened and began to leave with their family, while most didn't.

[Primordial Dragon of Death Ariel says she has to teach someone a lesson.]


Ariel's sudden message confused kazikato.

Teach a lesson to whom?

Wait…it can't be him…right?!

[Primordial dragon of Death Ariel assures you it is not you, but the youngest of her sons, the Supreme Dragon of Shadows.]

Kazikato prayed for that supreme being. Ariel went easy on him and Edward because they were weak.

But against a supreme being…

He didn't think that would be the case.

He prayed for the survival of The Dragon Of Shadow.

"I'm gonna get going as well."

Edward stood from his seat beside Kazikato and stretched. Sitting in the same place for the entire day proved to be quite tiring for him. Although the seats were insanely comfortable, he just wasn't used to this.


Asked Kazikato as he chowed on some popcorn. He was curious as to where He was going. Richard would probably not let him in the Twilight Guild room because of his rebellious nature.

"I don't know, maybe I will meet up with Emma."

He said.

Kazikato hurriedly informed him.

"You can't go anywhere near Emma!"

He said, with a hint of fear in his voice.


Edward was confused, he could not go and meet his sister. What bullshit was this?

"Boss requested Emma to stay around Samantha at all times, If you got there your death energy will worsen Samantha's condition…The boss will rip your organs out if he finds out."

A chill went down Edward's spine as he imagined what Alan would do when he found out…

For his safety, he decided not to visit Emma.

He had just seen what Alan was capable of, so he decided…

Let's not. Just not do it. He could imagine what Alan would do when he found out…and that scared the shit out of him.

He calmly went outside the Colosseum, intending to explore the Capitol.

Kazikato watched him leave and looked at Alan's trial more closely.

[Primordial Dragon of Death Ariel comments that the situation has gotten worse.]


What did she mean by that?

"What do you mean by that?"

[Primordial Dragon of Death Ariel says that you would not understand.]

"Ok, grandma."

She probably knew something she couldn't share, so Kazikato dismissed it.

He went to sleep…right where he was.

Truly…only he could be confident enough to do this. He was strong and also had the protection of Ariel, a Primordial being.

[Primordial Dragon of Death Ariel sighs]

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