The Villain's Story

Chapter 374 [374] The Empire[10]

Chapter 374  [374] The Empire[10]

Alan entered the 19th floor, a large hallway that showed grandeur once.

But now reduced to almost rubble.

He stepped over a chandelier and continued to walk further into the hallway, littered with rubble and flesh.

[You have entered the 19th trial, The Trial of Entrance.]

"My head hurts…"

Alan muttered, almost stumbling over a piece of rubble.

He had beaten the mage on the previous floor to bits with his bare fists, The Ame-No-Sakahoko had gone into his inventory and refused to come out for some reason.

"Suleras…Lanesha, are you there?"

Nothing, nothing but silence.

[Why ask for outside help?]

Suddenly, the metallic voice of the tower rang in his mind, worsening his headache.

"...What do you want?"

Asked Alan, what did this tower want now? And what is this headache?

His head felt muddy, he wasn't able to garner his thoughts properly.

[To observe the trials of a tyrant.]


Questioned Alan, his vision and headache worsening. But even then he endured and managed to walk a straight path.

[You of course…Had you cleared the previous trials, unlike a tyrant? Forgotten have you…your deeds?]

"Deeds? What deeds? I just cleared the trials."

Rebutted Alan. He just cleared the challenger's trials like normal, the way everyone would do!

There was nothing like being a Tyrant in his trials.

[So you choose to act oblivious…Or is it an external…or rather internal illusion cast upon you?]

Alan stops to stare at the giant statues upon marble pedestals that decorate the expansive hallway.

Truly, it was the palace of an emperor.

[Or do you just believe you are strong? The protection your weapon offered you was gone the moment you went against its wishes…The items gifted to you, are given to another.

Aren't you all alone now?]

His teal eyes stared at the statue of a spearman, the head was destroyed by god knows what but the Spear remained intact. Alan marveled at it.

"What protection are you on about?"

Cursed Alan, as he took deep breaths to calm himself.

[It seems you have forgotten, or have been made to forget.

The delusion you live in is laughably pathetic.]

"What are you talking about?!"

Roared Alan. He grabbed his head in frustration.

[Should thou not think more of the trial in front of you?]


Suddenly, everything became clear. His pain disappeared as he stared at the knight standing in front of him.

With a sword as large as his own body, and wearing armor that seemed to be made from gold itself, he stood in front of a large golden gate, filled with decorations and other carvings.

An immense pressure reverberated throughout the hall, causing the statues to shake.

Alan took a step forward and got into a stance.

He had no weapons. So he decided to fight with fists. He got into his regular Muay Thai stance and thought.

'It's gone…'

The headache was gone, the cloudiness in his head had disappeared.

And there was only one thing remaining.

The will to fight.

The knight threw away his large sword and also wielded fists. Respecting his code of Chivalry.


Remarked Alan, almost laughing!

His eyes had lost all reason as he charged forward and attacked the knight ferociously.



Elijah entered the 19th floor and met a knight at the entrance.

The knight was covered in golden armor and wielded a sword as big as a pillar.

[Welcome, savior.]

He bowed to show utmost respect to Elijah.

[Please follow me, the Emperor awaits.]

Elijah followed the knight quietly.

They traversed through the grandeur hall filled with gold and late oil paintings.

Elijah keenly observed his surroundings.

The hall was majestic, fitting of the abode of an emperor.

[That painting was created by Ahsan, he liked to dabble in magic and arts.]

Explained the knight. Elijah had been focused on a singular oil pointing to a bright flame that lit up the dark background in the canvas beneath it.

"Ahsan is the mage…correct?"

Asked Elijah, he was barely able to hear the old skeleton's name. So he asked for confirmation.

"Yes, he was the greatest mage of all, praised by even the emperor.

He was one of the few who could equally duel the emperor in his exceptional years."

"I see…"

They reached the Hall of Heroes. Pedestals of marble held statues of the heroes of the empire, all who had risked their lives for the greater cause.

Each was in pristine condition.

'...wait now that I think about it.'

Suddenly, Elijah stopped.

He observed the surroundings a bit more keenly.

'...everything is fine here.'

It contrasted the theme of the lower floors…where everything lay destroyed.

This hall, which led to the throne of the emperor didn't even have a speck of dust here!

[It would be of the biggest disgrace had we let the emperor's most beloved place be sullied.]

Said the knight. It was as if he could read Elijah's mind.

Finally, after walking past the hall of heroes, they approached a large golden door.

Decorated with the symbols of tigers and lions, the strongest creatures in the most precious metals, the door truly was a marvelous structure.

Elijah could feel an unknown power from behind it.

A vile…disgusting power.

He was familiar with it…it was the power of the shadow beast.

[It has been ages since the emperor alone withstood the might of the shadow beast. Even in death, the damned creature chose not to forsake his majesty and our empire.]

 The knight faces Elijah and says.

[Will you enter?]

Asked the knight.

Elijah replied instantly, not fearing the task ahead.

"Of course."

Although Elijah couldn't see the knight's face because of the ornate helmet, he was sure the knight was smiling.

[Go forth then hero, place thy hand on the entrance and you will meet the emperor.]


Elijah stepped forth and entered the 20th floor.

The knight wielded his majestic blade and unleashed his aura, ready to stop everything that would dare disrupt the graceful end of his home.

[I wish that there were more people like you.]

Said the knight, praising Elijah.


[Unfortunately, most are either blinded by greed, desire, need or even live in a delusion cast by none other than themselves.]

He braced himself to fight off the horde that would come.

He would stall for as long as possible until the hero could give his home a satisfactory end.

[Thank you, Saviour…]

He caught sight of the undead, marching forth; they had infiltrated the Emperor's Hall.

[Now…I shall do my task!]

He swung his blade and cut down a hundred at once.


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