The Villain's Story

Chapter 213 [213] Their Regrets...[2]

In the previous lifetimes, in the previous loops, Aranus had always regretted one thing.

He had been forced to leave Earth and his relations behind.

He was unable to care for his dying sister, he was unable to meet his grandparents again after being separated, and he was finally unable to get revenge for his Parent's slaughter.

It was the regret that haunted him in every iteration, each and every time he was unable to resolve these regrets.

Could it be helped? He was hopping from World to World slaughtering everything after he had been controlled by the Abyss.

He had tried to make amends but it was futile every time, In some iterations, the Abyss had even tricked him into killing his own sister and family...and he never trusted it again even in the slightest bit.

Each and Every time, it haunted him and he was unable to do anything...but watch.

He was the most outstanding talent, with a soul and body capable of Handling the evolution into a Dragon, then Chaos Dragon, and then An Abyssal dragon.

But sadly...he had been tricked on the wrong path since his awakening.

And when he gave control to James when his soul had suffered greatly...James didn't even care for the Liabilities that were his family.

But Could he be blamed? He had been abused so severely by the ones he considered 'family'.

That very 'family' of his had turned him into a ruthless cold monster who only sought money and success...

James didn't give a single damn about anyone other than him.

But now...Aranus's regrets could be solved by someone else.

It could be solved by the child who still knew nothing about himself, or his could be solved by Alan Peccator...the one that was still unknown.

Maybe this time...something would go right.


[Alan Peccator PoV]

From the didn't seem right to me.

How could two orphaned children, who had seen their parents be brutally murdered, not be handed over to any remaining relatives but be given to a random ass orphanage?

Aranus and Samantha's grandparents were still alive, and...I thought it was because of Poverty that maybe the children were not handed to them...but.

The house they lived in was quite fine for a supposedly poor family...According to my memories at least.

But I also can't trust my memories...neither do I know enough about the law.

...And it's also weird that the demon responsible for their deaths has no records at all...I need to ask MAxwell to perform a more thorough investigation.

"Would you like some tea?"

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the woman who was Aranus and Samantha's Grandmother. Amanda Peccator.

"...Ah..No I'm Fine."

I said, my voice still shaky...and I'm oblivious to the reason why...

'Damn I didn't want to do this?'

"How about coffee?"

She said as she massaged the head of the sleeping Samantha on her lap. seemed that she would not give up unless I say yes.


I answered...and she excused herself whilst I looked at Samantha.

'Wow, she had no qualms at all.'

I had thought she maybe had forgotten them due to being separated for so long...and past traumatic events but I guess that wasn't the case.

'I should ask Max and Alice to research more on this...'

I thought...and Amanda Peccator had come back with two cups of coffee.


I thought, surprised at the speed at which she brought the coffee.

She sat in front of me and then silently drank her cup of I was oblivious as to what to say.

I don't know about this stuff... I am nervous.

I do not know how to reconcile with my family...I don't even know where to begin!

"I'm happy for you."


I sat there in silence, she began the conversation whilst I could not.

"We were deathly worried for you, After we failed to get custody of you and Sam, We didn't even know where to find you. It was all a mystery and most of our attempts to reach or know about you and Sam were futile...We had lost hope until two years ago...when we heard the name Alan Peccator the first spatial type awakened..."

"It was a surprise at first..we had failed to find out about you and then all of sudden you show up on the news... and next thing you are part of a guild called...?"


I said, completing her sentence.

"forgive me for not knowing much about the awakened world..."

She said, apologizing for a meaningless reason.

Mustering up my courage...I asked.

"Why...didn't you come to visit me when You had come to know?"

A...weird question...This a question that I regretted asking as soon as I said it...wishing to be able to take the words back.

"Because If we suddenly appeared after you had gained fame...It would seem as if we were selfish and only wanted you after you had begun to be known...Im sorry."

"...No need."

I answered her.

"I do not know much about the awakened world...But I heard my grandson was admitted to a prestigious school and was also ranked first. I also heard that you had an affinity for a special element. Your Grandfather would be proud...and So am I."

She said with a smile...whilst I remained quiet...shocked at myself because I could not find any other words to say...until I thought of something.

"Thank you...and I apologize for not coming sooner...I should have made time to come here but I was...afraid."

I said...and she responded with a smile.

"It's fine...I'm just glad your back. Samantha also looks to be doing quite well...Have you.."

"Not yet...unfortunately."

I said, and she looked at her granddaughter with pity and sadness in her eyes.

"Well... it's good she seems to be happy."

She said...stroking Sam's head...and then again to my surprise. Sam, who would wake up at the slightest touch of anyone other than me...was still sleeping soundlessly.


I said...struggling to say that word for some...but continued after I had got her attention.

"Why don't you come with me to Ashton city?"

I asked...I knew what would happen to Aror and couldn't give a damn about the other residents...but some part of me wanted to bring my grandparents away from Danger as soon as possible...Something inside of me yearned to ensure their safety.

However, I was met with a denial...a shocking one to say the least.

"...I'm sorry but I would like to stay here...and I hope you will as well."

What? why would someone reject fame and money? I can provide them with nearly anything!

"But why? Ashton city is much more advanced than this town and it also has-"


She said..making me stop...and then continued.

"Follow this old lady to the back of the house will you?"

She said as she slowly got up and gestured for me to follow her to the back of the house, a garden in the backyard...

And there I saw why she was unwilling to leave...and something inside of me awoke...i Guess i could say.

A protect this town...this place.

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