The Villain's Story

Chapter 203 [203] Where It All Began.

Aror town, the town in which both Elijah and Aranus were born in.

It was a small city, but nevertheless, it was the birthplace of the two most powerful existences in the universe.

Although Aranus didn't stay in Aror town most of the time after being placed in an orphanage in Astolk city, Elijah spent most of his childhood there.

He knew every route in the city, his parent's shop was there, and it was on the outskirts of this very town where he had met Agri and was trained by Agri. It was also the town where Serena and her mother had been held captive secretively but Serena was saved by Elijah who had received a quest.

The town was also destroyed during the Summer Vacations because Elijah failed a quest assigned by him to the system.

He saw his birthplace be destroyed, which would propel him into extensive months of training. In order to not be weak again.

But that was just Elijah's side of the story in Aror town, For Aranus it was different.

"The guild in charge of the town is a B-rank guild by the name of Divine tiger, It rose to prominence in the city a few years back because of 'unknown support' and has been rumored to harass the citizens by extorting them ridiculous amounts of protection fees and human trafficking as well in some cases...however the evidence for these cases has been hidden quite well. Furthermore, the association branch there doesn't act because the town has no benefits, most of the dungeons in the city are low rank and because of some pressure from the Divine Tiger guild and possible bribes.

The town is fairly lawful, but the citizens don't like the Awakened there, Most Awakened abuse their powers and harm the citizens, however, some companies have made use of this hatred and have sold illegal drugs there that can cause mana control to falter. Thus the citizens oppressed by the awakened have found a way to fight back. The remaining guilds in the town act in cahoots with divine tigers and many are said to be sister guilds.

Fucking hell the town is fucked up..."

Maxwell read the report given to him aloud while the rest of Predator listened.

"Well, We do have you two, so we don't really need to worry about manpower, the only thing that troubles me is we won't be well received...."

Maxwell said in a dull and disappointed voice, his words prompting Kazikato to ask a question.

"What do you mean we won't be received well?"

Maxwell, looking at Kazikato, said.

"The majority of citizens hate awakened and considering their history another guild, especially the third most powerful guild setting a branch in the city won't be well appreciated. We will have to deal with both the salty ass people and guilds that want us out."

"If we advertise ourselves well, we can improve our image...but that still won't completely remove the bad opinions.."

"Your right, what if we instigate a dungeon break and block it ourselves? That may earn some good points.''

"Are you crazy? We cant do that!"

"Why not?"

"We can't predict a dungeon break completely, there are too many variables! And what if people die? Say good things, Max!"


Maxwell and Alice argued, whilst Kazikato watched and Alan was in a world of his own.

Alan had his phone open and read a text from Richard.

[Just establish a branch, you don't have to do anything else. We know you have family there, spend some time with them. Think of it as a vacation. If problems occur, contact me and Twilight will raid the place.]

He read that text again and again.

Family? The only family I guess I have Is Sam, and the family there is Aranus's.

Furthermore, because Richard doesn't know what actually happens in the town...he assigned this mission to me.

That city is razed down to the ground, and all because Elijah couldn't complete the system quest. Thousands, tens of thousands died because of his mistake, a mistake that haunted him for years.

*Sigh...* A sigh escaped my mouth and I excused myself from the room with Kazikato.

"Both of us will go train, You guys can plan all the stuff."

I said, dragging Kazikato outside...who seemed to be on the verge of crying.

'We're just going for some practice' I whispered in his ear.

but for some reason tears were still coming out of his eyes.

"Ok, you two won't be of any use here."

"Ok, tell me if you want to eat something."

Maxwell and Alice said respectively and Alan and Kazikato Left.


"Im telling you! I was ambushed by a pit fiend and when I was done with him I moved to the Island but!"


Alan blocked a punch from KAzikato and asked.


"A giant beam of white erupted from the Island, it tore the skies and broke the barrier. IT also sent me flying and when I flew back the instructors were patrolling the entire Island!"


Alan sent Kazikato flying and stopped.

Kazikato used this chance and attacked Alan with all his might, but Alan dodged his every attack effortlessly, still deep in thought.

"Stay back."

Alan said and His spear materialized in his hand.

He took a stance, a familiar stance, and then thrusted with all his might.


The air trembled by the sheer strength Alan possessed, even when he wasn't using mana.


Yet he was still unsatisfied.

The perfect stance, the perfect execution that Aranus showed, he copied every part of it easily but then what was wrong?

He still felt it was wrong. that he wasn't doing something right.

He wanted that power, that power that annihilated Kubrick in an instant, he craved it.

Yet he didn't know what he was doing wrong?

Was it his mindset? or was it his weakness?

"Boss? Bosss???"

Kazikato called out, yet Alan didn't hear him.

He was still engrossed in his own mind, trying to figure out what was wrong with his execution of the Oblivion Thrust.

He sighed and massaged his head as a headache struck.

"Boss? You okay?"

"Yeah...I just need some sleep..."

Alan answered, and opened a portal to his suite.

And then he entered the portal.


Arriving at his suite, he was about to go to the couch and sleep but then....

"Hey Sam!"

He said, seeing his sister he had not seen in so long on the couch apparently drawing something.

However, Samantha, his little sister just glanced at him before returning to drawing.

"What wrong?"

He asked...but then came into a sudden realization. He forgot that he came here and wanted to sleep and focused himself entirely on appeasing his sister, who was obviously mad.

"Hey...I'm sorry...I was...busy?"

No answer.

"Oh come on Samn...Big brother was busy which was why he couldn't spend time with you..."

Again, No Answer.

"Do you want candy?"



Alan smiled as he saw a slight twitch.

"I have candy..."

He said, opening his inventory and taking out a chocolate bar and moving it to Samantha's face.

Slowly...but surely. She would give in.

That was thought...but unfortunately it was denied.

​ "Hmph!"

Samantha turned her face away at the last second...leaving Alan speechless.

'She...rejected candy?'


This is going to be tough.

Just as Alan was racking his brain on ways to appease his sister...he saw it.

A single glance at the drawing Samantha drew.

And his expression turned solemn as he saw it.

6 individuals, Him, Samantha, their parents and two more.

He saw just a glance, and picked up Samantha and rested her on his neck.

She grabbed his hair in anger but Alan calmly said.

"Lets go for a tour in the city."

A rare smile was present in his face as he left the suite, All whilst Samantha was pulling his hair in anger and defiance.

But that smile disappeared soon after.


A/N: So...sorry for no chapter yesterday, reason is I injured my back(Do not ask how.)

I've got another chapter coming in soon, i just need to edit it when I'm done with other work. I don't know when ill finish but i will try to hurry up.

update:lol thunderstorm caused a blackout.

new arc is beginning and be excited cuz i am going to break Alan's mind over and over again in this arc.

I shall call it!



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