The Villain's Story

Chapter 191 [191] The Dying Struggle Of A Beast.

Lucas saw Alex fall, thinking he was dead.

But the Pit Fiend's words made him realize that Alex was still alive.

"To think he only passed out from that, this damn generation of humans is terrifying."

What? Alex survived?

Lucas thought.

"Well, I'll Kill you now."

The Pit Fiend moved...and Lucas watched it move towards Alexander.

"I wanted to have fun with you all, but the circumstance doesn't allow it."

Its hand became encased in chaos flames...and Something inside Lucas snapped.


What does it matter if I'm hurt?

What does it matter if my bones are broken?

I can't just lie down here.

I can't just lie down here while my...friend is going to be killed.

[Chains Of Iron blood have been activated.]

Blood-red chains appeared, fueled not by mana but with Lucas's blood.

They wrapped around his body. piercing themselves within...and Lucas used the support his body so it could move.


Blood seeped out from the wounds the chains made as they pierced unto his body, but they quickly absorbed it.

And Finally, he controlled the chains embedded in his body so that he could move.

He ran. ran and ran and tackled the Pit fiend with all his might.

But even that did nothing.

"You crazy Bastard, why don't you just accept your fate?"

Lucas tried to push and push, but the pit fiend didn't budge an inch.

The fiend grabbed his neck and held him up high, its grip tightening around his neck.

"Fine, If you want to die so badly...then I'll kill you first."

Flames of Chaos surged, burning Lucas's neck.

' this is how I die...'

As his neck was being scorched, he thought.

His vision slowly faded....and he closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

And it was then...that the scorching pain in his neck disappeared and he was dropped to the ground.


A cry of a wolf was heard, followed by the Pit Fiend's screams of pain.


Lucas opened his eyes, barely being able to breathe as the sight before him was far too shocking for him to understand quickly.

Alex was Standing with...grey mana dancing around his body...

No...Lucas was wrong.

That was not Mana.


[Alexander Wright PoV]

A pitch-black darkness.

A Pitch black surrounded me as I fell as if I was in the water.

Is this death?

I fell, into this pitch-black void...regretting everything.

If only I was stronger. I could have maybe won.

[Yes, if only you were stronger.]


I heard a voice, an ancient voice...a sick voice.

And a Light appeared above me, exuded by a ball of grey.

[Do you want the strength to face the demon?]

The voice asked, as I still wondered where it was coming from and who it belonged to.

But then a prompt appeared in front of me, in this pitch-black darkness.

[The Monarch of storms, Godbeast Festul, wants to bestow his bloodline upon you.

Do you accept?]


[Accept it, and you will have the power.]


The owner of the twin blades, the Kaminari no Futaken and Tenpesto No Futaken?


'I accept.'

If it means I can win, I accept it,

The grey ball of light came closer and closer to me once I accepted.

It enveloped me...and I was beginning to lose myself...going to deep sleep.

[Rest Child, Let your vessel do the rest.]



Kubrick, the pit fiend screamed in pain as his hand was severed from his arm.


He screamed in pain...looking at the perpetrator.

The boy he was about to kill before the crazy idiot intervened, the boy that continued to fight him alone when his comrades fell.

Standing...exuding terrifying energy from his figure, his eyes glowing grey and his body exuding grey energy.

The very sight of him frightened Kubrick.

He felt chills run down his spine, a chill so deadly he wanted to run.

But he could not believe his eyes..

"How...How is a human using Aura?!"

He knew that energy very well, an energy a slave they captured that was here as well used as well.

The Special power of orcs and Beastmen.


The power of the self, that had allowed the orcs to rise above nearly all races, and allowed them to stand equal to the Elves and Dwarves.

Aura...a human was utilizing aura...and the state he was in was something he knew very well.

The State of the Demon Slayer...characterized by the energy glowing and the sense of pure and absolute dread.

Something that his comrades warned him about...something that terrified demons.

And he recalled what he was told when he is to be met with this type of situation.

To Run, run and run and run and run and never ever look back.

And he started to flee, not caring if his hand had been severed or if his honor would be tarnished

He only had one thought in his run and never look back.

'I can't deal with a celestial and someone like the dreaded demon slayer at once!'

He flapped his wings quickly as the weather started to change.

Lightning danced around the skies...terrifying him even more.

And then...his ascent was blood-red chains that wrapped around his feet., dragging him down.


Kubrik prepared to burn these chains quickly in order to escape but it was was then...

A wave of extremely pure demonic energy was felt.

It was energy so pure he wondered if the highest-rank demonic being had descended.

And as he was shocked by this wave...he stopped.

And that would be his fatal and last mistake.

A wolf, unlike any he had seen before, made of wind and lightning appeared from beneath, a thunderbolt striking him from above.

And then, he died as a howl was heard.


And as Alex stepped onto the ground once again, appearing from the wolf that had just devoured Kubrik.

His shirt was in tatters revealing a well-built physique, and as the grey aura disappeared from his body and a tattoo of a wolf head appeared on his back, surrounded by wind and lightning.

He passed out, and Lucas who was watching him passed out as well from his injuries.


On a mountaintop surrounded by dark clouds, a massive grey and blue wolf stood.

A majestic being it once was...but now brought to the verge of death.

Lightning and wind danced around Festul, A Supreme Being, The Monarch of storms.

A Being that ruled over an entire brought to ruin.

The Great Festul, the ruler of the storm wolves, someone that stood on the council of Godbeasts.

The Ruler of the Wolves...not dying due to betrayal.

He gathered everything he had...and released one last howl.

A howl that signified his death to the others...a howl that signified his passing.

His body began to disintegrate into light...a light that moved to the bloodline mark of his succesor.



A/N: the amount of howls this chapter lol.

Anyways...mysterious high ranked celestial energy? Demonic Energy? A Pillar of fire?

What is Happening? Find out next time on Drago- I mean the VIllain's Story!

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