The Villain's Story

Chapter 185 [185] The Training Camp Begins(2)

Shield and Hero Academy students left early in the morning and arrived on the island where the training camp would be held.

They arrived at their dorms, and then put on their uniforms, and arrived at the main field, where they all got in straight lines and Alan and Ren stood in front of their respective school students.

Most of them were tired, waking up early and leaving for the Island.

They were unaware of what was going to happen to them.

A well-built man, exuding strong mana walked up on the platform built ahead of them, he had bright red hair, and dark skin and was wearing a military vest with multiple medals on it.

He was the one meant to be their instructor.

And, he would be the one to give the hell before the actual hell.

His name was Jeff, Jeffery Stewart.

disregarding his name, he was a former general of the military who aided Japan Greatly during and after the war with the demons, hence the Japanese people held him in high regard.

He was trusted by both the principals of Shield and Hero academy, And although he was never able to reach Rank S due to his talent stopping at A+ rank.

He was a man deserving great respect, and although he had never been able to reach the almighty rank of S, he was still a formidable foe to his enemies.

And BECAUSE he was a military man, he was going to be the most hated man on the planet by these Students.

They would utterly despise him.

Jeffrey Stewart applied mana to his voice and spoke in a loud voice that every student could hear no matter whey they stood.

"I welcome you all to this training camp, as you are well aware I am going to work you to the bones but before that let me tell you scrubs the rules of this place.

The first rule is that you do what I say without talking back remotely.

The Second rule is that you never disobey your teachers here, or else you won't like the outcome very much, lads.

The Third is that you follow the first two rules without exception, and always end your sentencing addressing us as Sir and Ma'am.

Now that you know the rules...and should understand the general workings of the camp...



And then their misery began.


The general workings of the camp were simple.

It was more of a point-based system that gave rewards to the Students of their respective schools the more points they collected.

It was basically Shield Vs Hero Academy.

Shield and Hero Academy students would compete with one another either as individuals or as teams in various exercises designed to bring them to their very limit either physically or mentally.

While most Shield academy students excelled at Mana MAnipulation, most Hero Academy students excelled in Physical Strenght.

And Currently, the exercise being conducted is a physical exercise, one that would warm them up.

And the students that slacked got a damn Stick enhanced with mana by the Instructors

The male teachers hit the boy's asses when they slacked off, and the female teachers did the same to the Girls.

Everyone was in pain, except a certain few.

Despite being well off than the Shield students, even hero academy students were struggling after hitting the 70 mark, and their asses were getting redder and redder.

Some just flat-out passed out but were awoken by the instructors slapping them and forcing them to continue.

The Faster and better you do the pushups the more points you are awarded.

On the boy's side Alan, Alexander, Elijah, Lucas, Ren, And Isshin did the pushups first.

And the girl's side had it even worse, with only Olivia being able to do it.

And the few who sneakily tried to use mana were not beaten with a stick, but instead whipped.

.And the ones who did manage to do it were not given a single moment of rest.

They were immediately yelled at.



Yes, This was going to be a very frightening memory to remember for the students, regardless of what their school was.


Nearly everyone except a certain few were suffering.

But the one, who was suffering the most.

Was Sabrina Wellington.

She was weak physically, and never exercised at all, never.

She barely did the 50 pushups in sets of 5, and now was going to pass out from running.

She saw everyone get ahead, and her vision was gradually getting worse, her running turning to a slow walk.

Her chest was on fire, it felt like her heart was going to burst out.

She was breathing laboriously, and soon her running came to a stop.

She stopped and put her hand on her knees and tried to breathe as fast as she could.

It felt like she couldn't breathe, her arms were dead, and her legs going to be too.

She was about to fall to the ground when suddenly.

"Don't breathe like that, breathe calmly and slowly, big breaths."

A voice was heard, the voice of Alan Peccator, on his 25th lap.

Apparently, He and Alexander were two students who had done the laps very quickly, so the instructors increased their original 10 laps to 50 laps.


Sabrina breathed in and out, still trying to calm her beating chest.

(A/N: * Grin along with a wink*)

After 5 minutes and miraculously no

instructor yelled at them, she had finally calmed down...somewhat.

" do you do quickly...and so ... Eas...ily?"

"I train."



... human under A rank can do this without using one.

Sabrina was flabbergasted.

Most awakened, had their bodies enhanced somewhat after increasing in ranks...but this was just too much.

"Well, just remember to breathe slowly, and with your mouth too to get the maximum amount of air, ill get going now, I still have 25 left to finish."

Alan said, and ran so fast that a dust cloud emerged, covering Sabrina in the dirt.

As she looked at his figure quickly fading away...she had only one thought in her mind... bodyguard is a damn monster...


Next Chapter Preview:

Everyone was exhausted as hell...

First were pushups, then a run, then squats and situps and then pull-ups.

It got so bad that the instructors gave up on setting targets and just graded them for how many they could do.

And now it was nighttime,

And they were experiencing an extreme amount of Muscle Fatigue...

Their limbs didn't want to move, and they couldn't...

And as so many of them couldn't move, most of them had to be carried by the students who could move and some instructors.

And as Jeffrey Stewart looked at them all, he had highlighted a few of them in his journal, the one who aced this fitness test.

These select few were....

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