The Villain's Story

Chapter 182 [182]Memories.

The news traveled fast, And during that time the people became aware.

The three students who had been accepted, were together, waiting to be met by the Principal of Hero Academy.

Alan, Elijah, and Alexander, all stood straight whilst they prepared themselves to meet the Principal of Hero Academy...who had a special relation to the hero of Japan, Hirito Mitsuki.

The principal of Hero Academy was the wife of the Deceased Hero, Hiroto Mitsuki.

Hiroto Aoi(Correct me if I did anything wrong here, I am not fluent in Japanese or Japanese culture at all.)

She was originally the vice principal of Hero Academy, and was dedicated to helping her husband...but after his heroic death, she was chosen to be the principal by the Staff of Hero Academy.

She was an S+ rank magician and Healer, and the one closest to Hiroto, even closer than Oliver and Arken.

An Elegant Old woman, dressed in a traditional Yukata greeted the Three boys, Alex, Alan, and Elijah.

"My Pleasure to meet you all, will you accompany this old woman for a walk?".

A melancholic voice resounded out, and the three all agreed.

"Yes, Ma'am."

And with that, they walked, seemingly aimlessly throughout the halls.

And within the suffocating Silence, she finally broke it and talked first.

"Alexander Wright, the Tenpesto No Futaken chose you, correct?"

Alexander, a little taken aback by her sudden mention of him, answered in a tense voice.

"Yes, Ma'am."

They were all worried about whether she was going to ask them to return the weapons.

"No need to be so tense, I won't ask you to give the artifacts back unlike what the board wants.

They didn't choose any of us, they chose you, and there must have a been good reason for that.

You alone are now the master of the artifacts, no one else."

She dispelled their worries, and almost all of them sighed in relief.

If Hero Academy had requested the ego weapons to be returned, the following three scenarios would occur.

For Elijah, he would give them back without a thought, he was just too nice.

Alexander would hesitate but would eventually give in and give them back.

For Alan, Oh he was ready to go to war after reading Ame No Sakahoko's stats

The young dragon was ready to call Kazikato and his Guardian Dragon Ariel and was more than ready to get the entirety of the guild involved.

Ame no Sakahoko was simply so good, that even Twilight would have no qualms about getting their entire forces involved.

Alan was ready to go to war against an entire country, something many people would actually do if they Had A weapon of the same caliber as Ame no Sakahoko.

The Principal, began to out of nowhere, explain the histories of the items.

"The Tenpesto no Futaken, is the sister blade of the Kaminari no Futaken, which is currently being possessed by Ren-Kun.

It was given to us by his father as a token of appreciation, and although we have never been able to measure the rank nor read their descriptions because none of us were chosen, I can assure you it is a strong item.

It was found in the shrine of an Ancient wolf deity the inhabitants of the dungeon it was found in worshipped, alongside the Kaminari No Futaken.

Use it well, Alex-Kun, it will be very helpful in your journey."

She said, and Alex replied with a happy yes, elated that the weapon would not be taken away.

"Elijah Ardor, chosen by the Herufaia o Kiri Saku ha, the blade of Sundering Hellfire, Right?

Forgive me for my memory, age has taken its toll on me."

Elijah answered her in a polite and respectful tone.

"Yes Ma'am, and no need for apologies."

"The Herufaia o Kiri Saku ha was found by me and Hiroto during our honeymoon.

A dungeon was formed where we were, and unfortunately, we had fallen in.

We battled our way through the dungeon and got that sword as a reward. Its properties mimicked the environment of the dungeon, which honesty looked like hell.

Be careful in its usage, it may burn you."

"I will, Ma'am."

Elijah answered, and he agreed with what she said.

When he had read the Description of the sword, even he was shocked.

He still remembered it vividly.

[Herufaia o Kiri Saku ha]




A blade formed in the deepest part of a deadly and active volcano.

Its very appearance strikes fear into its enemies, and its attacks bring Hell to them.

It is a blade to be used with caution, if your affinity with fire is insufficient, maybe it will be you that will see Hell.


*Increased output of all Skills related to the element of Fire whilst equipped.

*Increased ability to wield fire skills with greater ease.

*Increased resistance to Fire.

<Blade of Hell>

When a sufficient amount of mana has been applied, the Blade will ignite itself and be covered in The flames of Hell, hot enough to melt steel.

Be wary of this blade, the flames of hell are the friends of none.

<Hellfire Torment>

When an opponent has been attacked by this blade when <Blade of Hell> is activated, the flames of Hell will latch themselves upon the opponent, burning them to ash.

These flames burn intensely and are very hard to remove.


The most powerful skill of the blade.

Create a crack In space that unleashes a sea of fire, scorching your enemies alive and increasing their pain tenfold.

A large amount of mana is needed to use this skill.

Be wary, if you are unable to control the flames of hell.

They will consider you a foe as well.


It was a terrifying item, and such a destructive artifact had chosen him.

They continued walking until they reached a beautiful garden.

The Principal entered the. Garden, anf her voice changed as she talked about the final artifact.

The artifact that was once her husband.

The Ame no Sakahoko.


Next Chapter Preview:

"The Ame No Sakahoko, it was a blade wielded by my husband.

It's history stretches far back.

Ame No Sakahoko, the Upturned Sky spear, was a Hoko used by the twin Japanese gods Izanagi and Izanami to calm the chaos and create the land. It was later given to the God

Ninigi-No-Mikoto, who was sent to the land to become its ruler.

Ninigi No Mikoto, later stuck it on mount Takachiho, hiding it so that no one could use its powers for their own purposes.

It was first a relic of Japanese Mythology, which was broken In half due to the eruption of Mount Takachiho in 1913, the broken half was given as a gift to the Shimazu Samurai Clan.

The two pieces of The Ame no Sakahoko were transformed into incomplete artifacts by the residual mana in the atmosphere, like many ancient relics of the world.

It is believed that the...




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