The Villain's Story

Chapter 171 [171]His Masterpiece.

The darkness around me is suffocating.

The last thing I remember is that I used my mana to stimulate the dragon mark on my back.

But it seems I used too much mana in the process and fell unconscious due to lack of mana.

But then why am I here?

In this darkness?


The sudden noise made me alert.

I turned to face wherever it came from, but then I heard it again from another direction.


The noise was all that existed within the darkness surrounding me.

The hissing of a snake.

The representation of the snake James Smith, The Jade Snake.


I didn't even touch the Snake mark.

Why is this happening?


It seemed to be getting closer, clearer.

And then, as I was standing calmly in place, I felt tremendous pressure coming from behind me.

I immediately turned and found a large eye belonging to a reptile looking at me.

I could only see the slit that was its pupil and the yellow sclera.

I stayed calm in the face of it, preparing myself for whatever was about to come.

I stared at it and it did the same.

And then, I heard another hiss.


From behind me, and then I saw nothing.

And woke up, covered in sweat.


I kept staring at the marks on my body.

The filled-in Phoenix, and the Jade Snake, were apparently at odds with each other.

And the unfilled dragon on my back.

My upper body and entire back have now become an art gallery.

I opened my status and saw that the Pheonix Bloodline Integration had increased to 5%, but there was nothing about the snake and dragon.

The snake was something I was wary of.

And the sudden increase in the integration of the Pheonix bloodline concerned me.

I was happy yes, but when I realized that it increased when the snake was making its way towards my heart was concerning.

Is it fighting against it?

Well, if it is, I hope it wins.

Now about the dragon on my back, I know nothing about it.

The Phoenix is something I had before these two, the Jade Snake appeared when I saw the mask on the window so then...what is the cause of the appearance of the Dragon.

The Pheonix was given to me because of a quest, the Snake probably appeared because of James, and this it Aranus?

No, it doesn't look like the dragon form of Aranus.

The Dragon Form of Aranus was more scaly, and although the Beard and Hair matched it, the claws and the armor I think covering its body didn't.

And he didn't have 6 eyes either.

Then what does it represent?

Is it a dragon Aranus has a relation to?

My questions were many, but no one was there to answer them.

Not Aranus.

Not Suleras, and Not Lanesha as well.

'Should I ask Ariel?'

Kazikato's guardian Dragon is someone that is always with him.

And what's important is that she cares for him, and she cares for him very very much.

To the point of giving him random things to eat, and although he never eats those things that can probably strengthen him for some reason, his Guardian Dragon doesn't stop.

But there is a problem.

Aranus once said to me after the fight with Kazikato, that the Guardian Dragon of Kazikato is someone nearly all dragons fear.

Which, if you ask me, is someone you don't want to mess with.

A dragon that existed since the beginning, symbolizing the element of Death, A rank above supreme, and equivalent to the Guardian Of ElvenHeim.

Kazikato thinks of me greatly, so I think it should be okay.

But still, why do I have this tingling feeling in my gut?

Ahh, Whatever my behavior should be the best.

I don't want to offend a dragon like that.

There's a high chance that she, who is among the first dragons, knows about this.

'Well, I won't get answers sitting here, so off we go.'

I thought and opened up a portal to the team room in my guild, where Kazikato Always sleeps on the couch at.


"She says that they each represent something crucial to your existence."

Kazikato said whilst Yawning.

I lost him to explain more.

"She says each mark on your skin represents a different aspect of you, The Pheonix represents the bloodline you have within, and The Jade snake represents the part of 'Him' still inside you."


"Hey boss, who is him?"

Kazikato asked me, but I stayed quiet.

He was just telling me what Ariel said, and he was completely oblivious to my situation.

He stands for James one hundred percent, and I hate it.

What is he planning?

"Can you ask about this?"

I showed him my back, and then, the idiot, rather than asking Ariel, complimented the mark.

"Nice Dragon on the back, it looks menacing."

"Can you 'Please' stop fooling around?"

"Ok, Ok."

And then there was a bit of Silence between us before he finally opened his mouth.

"She says she will tell you herself."

"What does that Mean?"

[The Primordial Dragon Of Death, Ariel, Invites you to her domain.]

[Do you Accept?]


"Oh, that's what it means."

I said and was about to accept when j received another message.

[Supreme Dragon Of Chaos Suleras advises you to be on your best behavior when meeting Madame Ariel.]



Well, look who is talking. once again.


[Supreme Dragon Of Chaos Suleras says that he was busy]

Busy?With what?

[Supreme Dragon Of Chaos Suleras says you do not need to know]

Not know? Where are my gifts huh?!

Kazikato received mountains, Yet all I received was armor and locations to a damn spear you Poor Bastard!

[Supreme Dragon Of Chaos Suleras advises you to not fall to greed.]

Oh, fuck off you cunt!

"Boss, What Happened?"

I was distracted by the sudden appearance of Suleras and I completely forgot about The invitation.

"Your Guardian Dragon invited me to her domain."

"Oh, Grandma Did?"



"Don't be too surprised by her size."


I would later realize what he meant by that comment.

And oh my, when I accepted the invitation and black most appeared and when I was In her domain did I nearly shit my pants.

Damn, She is HUMOUNGOUS.

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