The Villain's Story

Chapter 166 [166]...I Lost.

Lucas opened his eyes as he awakened from his sleep.


He groaned as he took in the surroundings

His personal medical room greeted his sight.

He tried to sit up, but then immediately groaned from the pain in his chest and arms.

He laid down again and closed his eyes.

'...I lost huh.'

Fucking hell, he lost.

After all that training, after all that effort, he still lost.

His arms and fists still hurt, and his chest was in even more pain.

' he a fucking steelman?'

Lucas wondered.

Alan had used no mana during the fight.

Not to enhance himself, all he did was fight with his bare body.

But still, to Lucas, it felt like he was hitting steel, even after enhancing himself with his earth and metal attribute mana.

Haha...those strikes were deadly as fuck.

Lucas thought to himself.

He had to put his entire focus into not getting hit.

A single hit from Alan was equivalent to a dozen of his.

That guy was the definition of a Monster.

And even that monster lost to Ezra Fornum, barely injuring him.

How funny.

How far I am from the top.

At first, he thought he was close, but no...the path to the top was much more arduous and out of his reach.

He laughed to himself.

He analyzed the fight...and when he did he came to a sudden realization.

He was taking majors L's for a long time.

Against the monster in the labyrinth.

Against the Sword Saint.

Against Alex too, when he fought with him.

And now Alan.

He was losing left and right.

He didn't consider his win against that guy that used lightning at all, it was completely out of his mind.

When he concluded, he slowly stood up, and despite the pain, he put on his clothes and left the room.

He was struggling to walk.

Yet he still moved his feet.

All the way to the training room.

His arms and his chest were heavy. It was hard to breathe.

It felt like he couldn't walk for long, but he eventually made it to the training room.

He opened the door and found it to be empty, which shocked him.

No one is here?


He silently went inside and started to do pushups.

Shit shit shit.

My arms and chest hurt so much.

They hurt so much.

He barely did one push-up, and as he was going for another one.

"What are you doing here when you should be resting?"


Lucas fell to the ground as he heard the voice, startled.

He found the Sword Saint looking at him, holding a teapot.

"... I was training master."

He said to the Sword Saint, who sat down on the ground in front of him.


You should rest, for now, your injured."

Lucas lay down on the ground and didn't speak.

He just looked at the Sword Saint whilst he let his mouth shut.

'...if I don't train, how am I supposed to surpass them?'

"I can guess what your thinking brat.

How can I surpass them if I don't train?


The sword saint's words shocked Lucas.

"Was it that obvious?"

Lucas asked, and the Sword Saint replied in a lofty tone.

"Yes, it was."


Lucas remained silent, and only the Sword Saint Spoke.

"You fought good, your footwork and headwork were commendable."

The sword saint praised his student.

However, the praise wasn't on Lucas's mind.

"I still lost."

Lucas said as he struggled to get up.

"So what?"

"So what if you lost, you put up a good fight and didn't give up, that in itself was commendable."

Lucas remained quiet as he heard the Sword Saint.

He eventually spoke.

"...master, I've realized something during my time training with you, I....i...don't have talent when compared to the others."

He wasn't as Talente as Olivia.

He wasn't as talented as Alex.

And he definitely wasn't as Talented as Alan.

He was smarter than Olivia.

He wasn't Faster than Alex.

And he wasn't as strong as Alan...


... a sense, he was the weakest student.

"Well, compared to the others, you are the one that lacks the most natural talent."

Lucas laughed inwardly as the Sword Saint confirmed his statement.

But then his master's next words shocked him.

"But who gives a damn?"

He continued.

"Well, I don't think I made enough for two, but we can manage."

Two teacups appeared in his hand, and he put one in front of him, and one in front of Lucas.

"Ah...I don't want to do-"

"You drink whatever I give you, brat.

Besides, it's herbal tea."

The sword Saint interrupted Lucas and then poured tea into both of the teacups, filling them up to half.

"Do you know about the Spear Saint, Hiroto Mitsuki?"


"Figured, he isn't as famous in the west as he is in the East."

The sword Saint began his story.

"He was like a brother to me, and believe it or not, he often compared himself to me.

He didn't give in to jealousy, he was of humble birth and had no great possessions to his name.

He trained every day, and eventually, he was as strong as me and Oliver.

His tenacity always amazed me.

He always cared for the people, he opened multiple Orphanages for children and did what he could to help the people.

He established a school for Awakened too, which is now ranked just behind Eden. The same school you have a training camp with before Summer Vacations.

He was a man deserving of great respect.

Mine and everyone's respect.

He never gave into temptation, He trained and honed his craft, and he apparently had no talent as well.

His strength was the culmination of His determination and effort.

He was a hero who deserved that title more than I did.

He was the one that was the symbol of hope to the east when they suffered the greatest from the Cataclysm.

He never gave up, just like you, he always faced everything in front of him with a smile.

He was more of a symbol than me.

He was heroic, hardworking, and charismatic, Oliver And I Admired him for it.

He was more of a hero than me and is the man I respect more than anyone.



Lucas fell into deep thought,

Is someone even the Sword Saint respected?

Can I meet him?

Learn from his tenacity.

Learn from him who earned the demon slayers' respect.

"Can I meet him?"

Lucas asked his master...who showed a slight sorrowful smile before laughing slightly.

A laugh filled with guilt.

"He died, taking down an Elder Balrog with him and singlehandedly stopping the retreat of an army of demons.

His spear exists in the middle of Tokyo, still implanted in the skull of the Dead Elder Balrog.

He died, but his legacy still lives on.

His spear is the symbol of Tokyo, which emits an energy all around Tokyo that gives its people hope and strength.

He may have left this world, but his spear Still acts as a Symbol for his people.

A symbol of Hope."

A symbol of Peace, and hope.

To stand tall even in the hardest of times.

To never give up.

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