The Villain's Story

Chapter 164 [164]The One Who Wanted To Become The Strongest.

Lucas Hiddlestone.

What was he known for at first?

A pervert, a man with no morals at all.

A villain, someone who was supposed to hinder Elijah.

Someone filled with someone who is still filled with pride and used that as fuel to grow stronger.

It was unknown what caused his change to become a somewhat better person.

Was it the fact that he never met the Sword Saint previously?

This time, he did.

The sword saint was more active than this time, and as a result of this, he met Lucas, making him his student after seeing his tenacity.

Or could it be someone else that was the cause for his change?

Yes, there was.

Alan Peccator.

He was the cause of the change, even if he was unaware of it.

In the previous iterations, There was only Elijah in Shield, and the gap between Elijah and Lucas was not as large as the gap between Alan and Lucas.

The prodigy that reached rank C at 16, who would believe that crap?

Even if no one did, the fact that he was admitted into Shield, the fact that he beat a monster an entire rank above him.

The fact that he was challenged by Ezra fornum and even managed to injure him.

There were many rumors surrounding Alan Peccator, one that he was a demon.

That twilight had fed him some elixirs for him to reach that level of strength.

But Lucas was the one who knew better than to believe those rumors.

He had seen with his own eyes that they were fake.

Headmaster Oliver wouldn't have allowed him to be at Shield if the rumors were even a bit true.

He wouldn't be the student of the Demon Slayer himself if he was a Demon, Arken would have found out long ago.

And most importantly, about those elixirs, and those silly rumors about him using other items to artificially increase his strength.

He didn't do it.

If he did take those, he wouldn't have been the one that trained the hardest.

He wouldn't have been the one that was locked up in the training room for months.

That was the dedication that taking pills did not give you.

That was a type of discipline that Lucas was unable to acquire.

No matter what he did.

No matter if trained until his body failed.

He trained and trained, all to surpass the rank first.

Yet what was the point of that training that hard?

When the one he was trying to surpass...trained even harder?

He didn't see a point, and thankfully...he didn't fall into despair because he had a mentor.

'Be proud of that fact.

Be proud that the one you're trying to surpass trains that hard as well.

It shows both your dedication, the dedication to reach the top, and the dedication to stay at the top.'

The sword saint knew how to lift his student's spirits.

And that was why he was here today.

He issued a challenge request, hoping Alan would accept.

And he did.


Lucas threw his Shield and mace to the ground and raised up his fists in a boxing stance.

If his...rival...didn't use his weapon why must he?

Lucas wanted to beat him fairly.

All he would do was strengthen himself with the attributes of metal and Earth.

"Lucas, Are you sure about your choice?"

The instructor asked him when he dropped his weapons.

And Lucas replied firmly.


And then, he got ready, his body teeming with his mana to match the monstrous body of his opponent.

And then the bout, the fight began.



Alan Peccator took a stance similar to the one used by the fighters of a forgotten martial Art Muay Thai.

Whilst Lucas used Boxing, something that was still used in certain illegal events in the world.

They both made their way toward each other whilst keeping their respective stances.

"Where are the skills?"

"Fight already!"

The students in the audience shouted.

This type of fight was unknown to them, one which didn't use any system mana skills or no mana to fire something.

Just enhancing their bodies with Mana...that would be all.

Well, Lucas would be the only one using mana.

The students would belittle this fight, one which used no system skills.

But we're ignorant.

Lucas and Alan circled one another as they kept their stances.

This would be a fight between Muay Thai and Boxing.

(A/N:For the students of The sword Saint, I'm going to use particular Martial arts for them, For Alan, I'm thinking of Muay Thai, For Lucas Boxing, And I'm thinking of Taekwondo for Alex, suggest me some martial art for Olivia.

They're basically going to be used to represent their style of fighting, using their strengths and weaknesses.)

Alan initiated the fight by elbowing Lucas, who dodged it by moving his head back, and then he jabbed as fast as he could toward Alan.

But Alan Blocked it with his arms, and then immediately closed the distance and low-kicked Lucas, who moved to the side to lessen the impact.


The sound of the kick was terrifying, and Lucas's leg was red even though he tried to reduce the impact.

But before he could curse his opponent's extremely strong physique.

His opponent was already preparing to elbow him in the ribs.

Lucas ignored the pain and side-jumped the aide slightly and landed a hook on Alan's Face.


His strikes were not something to laugh at too.

They might not be as strong as Alans, but they were still strong if aimed at the right spots.

The essence of boxing was using extremely good footwork and head movement to dodge and land hits.

Hit but don't get hit.

But he must also realize The essence of Muay Thai.

Alan immediately jumped and kneed Lucas in the face and then followed it with a knee kick to the ribs.


If boxing was the art that used agile movement and fast punches to knock out your opponent.

Muay Thai was the art that used the hardest bones in your completely break your opponent.

One was a martial art that was popular in a past era in worldwide fights.

Whilst the Other was an Art that was designed for assassination.

One was designed to knock your opponent out.

Whilst the other was designed to kill your opponent in the most brutal way possible.


(A/N:Although yes this is a fantasy and magic manhwa, they are the students of the man who mastered all martial arts, I had to make them have mastered an art of themselves, one that represents them in some way.

Oh and before I get all the comments about BOXING IS BEST, MUAY THAI TRASH.

Do realize that although martial art DOES matter, the user is the one who can define it and make it useful.

Anyways, just suggest a martial art for Olivia, ill pick the best one I think.)

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