The Villain's Story

Chapter 371 [371] The Empire[7]

Chapter 371 [371] The Empire[7]

The corpse of the knight stood up, not with the power of the shadow but his own will, fueled by loyalty towards his home.

Alan stood in front of him and unveiled himself. He dispelled the power of the cape and walked forward with his spear in hand.

The knight wielded two swords, and Alan wielded a single spear.

"You are a corpse, not a knight."

Said Alan, referring to the knight.

"The power of this shadow or whatever is in you, whether or not you use it to stand. You are no different from the corpses outside."

Declared Alan. The grip of the knight on his weapons increased as a myriad of emotions could be seen on its skeletal face. It was ironic how a face with no skin could display so much.

The knight charged at Alan, It swung its swords down and caused destruction.

The buildings behind Alan all fell down due to the sheer force of the knight's attack.

Alan simply stepped to the side to dodge the knight's attacks, He looked at the knight coldly and wielded the Ame-No-Sakahoko, which didn't stop vibrating and hindering Alan.

It didn't want Alan to do this, but Alan was oblivious to its woes.

The knight's weak figure could not stand again, he would have to use the power of shadow to stand up again.


Declared Alan. before he finished the knight with a thrust that obliterated its upper body.

Even in death, disgrace did not leave him.

He died a pathetic death, against the code of a valiant knight.

"I don't have time for this."

Alan marched forward into the castle and entered the 18th floor, leaving the body of the knight to rot.

Its hollow voice echoed out, but no one was present to hear it.

[I'm sorry…]

It was an apology to his emperor.

It was an apology to his code.

It was an apology to his home.

He was unable to protect them. He was unable to fulfill his duty as a knight.


[Elijah's POV.]



The sound of swords clashing was all that was heard as in the empty capital. Once a city full of glory now a city devoid of life.

Only the sounds of a dance of swords, and a duel between two valiant warriors filled the place.

Elijah, with the sword of sundering flame, clashed against the duel blades of the knight. They moved as they were dancing in front of the Imperial castle,

It was a dance of blades, it was a duel between two knights, it was a bout of valor!

It was Elijah's gift to the knight.



[The tower watches the duel with great enthusiasm.]

There was no trickery involved, there were no instant deaths involved. Even though Elijah had enough power to kill the knight, who was not using the power of shadow easily…he refrained from doing so.

He danced along with the knight, as their weapons formed the music that accompanied their bout.



Their movements were graceful, they carried respect for one another.

Elijah swung the sword of sundering flame and brought the knight to his knees.


He fell to the ground with a thud, but Elijah did not kill him.

He went back and pointed his sword at the fallen knight.


The knight understood. He grabbed his weapons again and showed Elijah the respect one gave to the other before the start of a duel.

Elijah reciprocated, and thus they began another duel.



The rhythmic clashes rang out again in the desolate city, restoring a glimpse of its former glorious self.

Even this was amazing.

Elijah, even though he was exhausted, still adhered to the wishes of the knight.

[Why not just advance already?]

Asked the tower, curious.

[You have already given the city light, do you intend to do the same to the knight?]

Behind Elijah, the once desolate capital which was dark and dreary was now illuminated by the flames of purification. Elijah had cast massive flames above the city, these flames which vanquished the darkness of the city, and gave its residents peace.

[You have already exhausted yourself and haven't even reached the 20th floor.]

The tower mocked, but Elijah paid it no heed.

Elijah bested the knight once again and fell back with a tired gait. He almost fell himself!

He was out of mana, and even his physical strength had been drained…He wondered if he could go on any further.

He pointed the sword of sundering flame at the knight once again.


[It's alright.]

However, the vigorous voice of the knight interrupted him.

[Thank you.]

The knight thanked Elijah. It grabbed its swords by the bladed edge and held them high, the hilt faced towards Elijah.

Elijah walked towards the knight, tired.

"Have you regained yourself?"


"I'm glad to hear that."

Elijah grabbed the weapons of the knight.

[Thank you, hero, for giving not just me but also many of their salvation.]

The knight kneeled, offering Elijah the greatest amount of respect. A respect reserved only for the emperor.

[Thank you.]

Elijah gave the knight an honorable death, using the weapons that had accompanied him his whole life. Elijah saw the shadows try to take over but he vanquished them with his fire.


He took a deep breath as he went toward the gates of the imperial castle. Barely managing to make it towards the castle.

[You have cleared the 17th floor]

[The tower praises your method of clearing.]


[Be proud, you went away most would dare not to. Exhausted your mana and took your time, when most would be in a hurry. You fulfilled all your promises till now, you gave them the salvation you seek.

Now…let's see how you bring the empire to its end.]

Its mechanic voice echoed. Elijah entered the 18th floor with a resolute gaze.

He made a promise, he would do anything to fulfill it.

Whatever it took, he would make sure the Empire's legacy had a respectable end.

He took a path no one ever dared to.

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