The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 231 Heal

Finally, Bernard was done buying the stuff he needed and sent for the old lady a total of 60 credit points, although the amount made his heart hurt considering he had been saving up for a while now, however, the most surprising thing was that the old lady gave him the earring for free while everything excess he paid for it, making him surprise since he had not expected it, but with this Bernard finally confirmed it was either she didn't know how precious the item she had just sold to him was or she was really a vampire in the disguise. Nevertheless, he was still grateful and thanked her before he left.

Bernard couldn't help but think about Emelia while he was walking down the street of league city, although he found her unusually obsessive about vampires, nevertheless he still found her to be cute, Bernard then went a little red when he remembered when the time he bite her on her neck, he could still recall her flush red expression at that point though.

Although he hadn't really considered going into a relationship with a girl yet, he still thought of her as someone who was close to what he would like to date, looking at his situation if not that he didn't want to give himself away just like the system suggested he wouldn't mind letting her know that he was a vampire, it wasn't that he liked exposing himself it was simply because having someone who was literally obsessed with what you were would have been handy, considering she could be like your personal assistant.

However, on second thought he found it a bit weird that she knew too much about vampires even her first guess after biting her was that he was a vampire, was it that she spent her entire childhood watching vampire movies and reading literally everything about them because that would perfectly explain why she knew so much about vampires, but then thinking about it he couldn't blame her since everyone had their little stuff they were crazy and obsessed about, just like how he was obsessed with batman when he was a kid but then ended up with manga as an adult.

When he arrived back at his dorm Bernard sneakily entered his room without alerting anyone, he was quite eager to try out some of the things he had bought from the marketplace, as he lay on his bed he couldn't help but think about the smell of garlic and the effect it had on his body, to be honest, he didn't know if the reason why the smell of garlic had little effect on him, was related to the fact he was a vampire or cat.

In vampire movies, he had once seen garlic act like some kind of repellent sacred herb, and the fact that anyone who had one would make a vampire run as far away as possible from the person, but then from the reaction his body had towards garlic, he doubted if that if that myth was even true at least to him it wouldn't hurt even if he chewed a glove of it, the worst that could happen was his nose burning up and nothing more, not even his strength would be weeknd. However, if something would harm then it would be the sun.

But thankfully he had found something that could stop the sun from affecting him, the good news about it was when he equipped it no one would find him to be suspicious, instead they would simply think he was just trying to be fashionable by wearing a piece of jewelry, considering he wasn't the only male who was wearing an earring no one would think much of it as anything special so he could easily pass if off.

However, that would have been the case if he had used the big hat instead, although it would have been able to stop the sun from temporarily affecting him, but then the moment he made the slight movement the sun would start affecting him once again.

However, the bad news was that he had no idea who the earring belonghed to and how long it could hold up the sun from affecting him, maybe the earring was some kind of artifact meant to block the sun but could be recharge, he couldn't help but touch the earring he didn't want to pull it off considering the moment he did his ear would immediately heal itself was why he hadn't removed it for thorough inspection from appraising.

Bernard wasn't surprised his body could do that because his body had actually changed after his evolution, ever since he evolved into a halfling even the tiniest injury would be heal immediately without leaving a scar, although he was happy considering this made him stronger, and brought more benefit than what being just a symbiote user had, however, he didn't like that his sense of taste was affected as well because sweet food such as his favorite jollof rice, barbecue, cakes, and even ice cream had now become bland, not even rushing it would make it tasty.

However, he realize he could still enjoy meat although if it was half raw that way the taste was fine with him, he didn't know if it was because it still had a little taste of blood in it, but he preferred it to eat anything it was just like in Tokyo ghouls were the ghouls inside couldn't eat anything besides meat, however in his case it was blood, it was like some kind of drugs he had suddenly grown addicted to, not only that it taste was even greater than anything he had ever had before in his entire life.

Just thinking about the taste of blood, Bernard felt his body begin to act up in excitement like a little kid who had being shown candy, although he didn't like the fact his body had suddenly grown reliant on blood, but he could do nothing it was not like he could suddenly stop himself from taking blood when his body requires it because that would even be worse than entering sun, although he didn't know what would happen if he didn't take blood when his body wanted him to, but he didn't want to find out.

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