The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 94: Why are you so frightened?

Chapter 94: Why are you so frightened?

Among all the medical ninjas who were escorted, Natsume Yang only knew one person, and that was Kantsuki Chinatsu.

Moreover, what Natsume Yang didn't expect was that Kanzuki Chinatsu's status among the medical ninjas was not low.

She seems to be a team leader, managing nearly half of the medical ninjas. The other team leader is a chuunin who is probably in his thirties.

Although Natsume Yang and his team deliberately slowed down because of the medical ninja, fortunately the distance was not too far and they could reach their destination within the stipulated time.

However, what Natsume Yang didn't know was that Uchiha Kanyue had already planned a killing plan specifically for him.

Just as he thought at the beginning, isn't it normal for a few people to die on the battlefield?

Although Natsume Yang completely destroyed the bodies of all Uchiha Yusuke, this further confirmed what Uchiha Kanyue thought. Apart from Natsume Yang, who was born in ANBU, who else has such a skillful method of destroying corpses and eradicating traces.

Natsume Yo, please pay with your life for Yusuke!

Uchiha Kanyue lowered his head slightly, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then immediately returned to normal.

Next, Natsume Yang and others will face the siege of Iwagakure Village, and then the entire army will be wiped out on the road.

Other than the three Uchiha people, no one knew what they would face.

On the way, Natsume Yang suddenly had a bad premonition. His heart had been beating non-stop from just now, as if something was about to happen.

But he looked around carefully and found nothing wrong.

But what Natsume Yang didn't know was that just above the canyon about a kilometer in front of him, there were about a hundred Iwa ninjas lying in ambush on both sides of the cliff, just waiting for Natsume Yang and the others to take the initiative to enter the urn.

An Iwa Ninja approached his captain and asked in a low voice: "Captain, is Uchiha Kantake really coming? It can't be a trap. Those people in Konoha love to engage in conspiracy!"

"Don't worry, Uchiha Kantake will definitely come. When we talked that day, there was only madness in his eyes. Such a person can do anything."

After all, its an ultimate revenge. Natsume Yo killed his son. Do you think Uchiha Kantake will let Natsume Yo go!

The captain answered confidently, with a look of anticipation and murderous intent coexisting in his eyes.

"Then after we kill Natsume Yang, do we really retreat like this? It's a bit of a pity!" The ninja asked again.

Hearing this, the captain couldn't help but hit the man **** the head, and showed a cold smile: "Hmph, we traveled a long way and prepared carefully for so long, how could we just kill one Natsume Yang and end it?" hand!"

Of course its all-inclusive, this is all credit, who would be so stupid as to follow the rules and let others go!

Hehe, I knew the captain would say that, so I went to prepare first!

The Iwa Ninja laughed and quickly ran to the other side of the Iwa Ninja.

"Brothers, please pay attention. Uchiha Kantake and the others are here too. Be careful not to be exposed!" the captain ordered to a ninja next to him.


A rock ninja chuckled and restrained his breath more carefully.

ten minutes later!


The captain who was ambushing on the cliff looked at the group of people at the end of the road and whispered orders to the surrounding rock ninjas.

In an instant, all the Iwa Ninjas were on combat alert, with only one pair of eyes exposed to observe the situation.

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