The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 124: I want you to pay the price

Chapter 124: I want you to pay the price

Natsume Yang!

Huangtu roared angrily and quickly activated his ninjutsu. A huge earth dragon rose from the ground and rushed towards Natsume Yang through the air. Huangtu was afraid that if he was slower for a second, more Iwa ninjas would die. Under his knife.

Natsume Yang's speed was so fast that these chuunin couldn't react at all. In fact, if Natsume Yo didn't use his speed, there would be seven or eight chunin. It was enough for Natsume Yang to respond for a while.

But its a pity that Natsume Yang could give up the advantage of speed!

After all, it wont be long before they learn the true horror of speed. There is a man who will create a terrifying record of killing hundreds of rock ninjas in an instant.

His current speed is nothing more than child's play in front of that person.

But even so, Iwa Ninja had never seen such a fast speed before, and he couldn't react at all. He became a dead soul in Natsume Yang's hands just like cutting leeks.


Turonglon was leaning, and Natsume Yang did not converge. He was as light as wind. The Tulong bomb could not keep up with his rhythm at all. Every time he was dodged by Natsume Yang, he could not attack Natsume Yang.

On the contrary, the Iwa ninjas were still being slaughtered by Natsume Yang, and their blood flowed like rivers.

Although the Moonlight Blast on the other side is not as powerful as Natsume Yang, it is still fighting against two or three rock ninjas at the same time, holding back some of Natsume Yang's troops.

"Damn it! If that's the case, then don't force me, I'll let you taste the pain of losing your companions!"

Turun Tulong Spear!

Loess couldn't capture Xia Muyang's specific position for a long time, so he couldn't help but grit his teeth and directly slapped it on the ground and launched the Tulong Spear technique.


Natsume Yang didn't react at all, and three or four medical ninjas were directly pierced through the chest and took their lives, and the same was true for the Iwa ninja.


The group of medical ninjas who originally thought they could be rescued safe and sound, immediately panicked and fled in all directions.

Someone even yelled directly at Xia Muyang: "Xia Muyang, why are you still standing here? Why don't you come and save us? We are important talents. If there is any loss, how can you do it?"

These words were definitely spoken out of fear, and Xia Muyang didn't take them seriously. He couldn't ask everyone to be like him, with strong strength at his side, so he could be fearless!

But Huang Tu's move was too fast. Xia Muyang tried his best to save three people, and the rest were all killed by Huang Tu's move.

Loess, you bastard!

Looking at the tragic situation in front of her, Xia Muyang's eyes instantly turned red. Among the three people she rescued, Kanyue Qianxia was not included.

Kanyue Qianxia was stabbed directly through the chest by a soil thorn, and the blood was flowing. Her face suddenly turned gray, and she muttered something on her lips.

Natsume Yang looked at her lips. If he guessed correctly, the words Kanyue Qianxia muttered should be 'Goodbye! .

Water escapes water and breaks waves!

Xia Muyang took a long breath, and his mouth suddenly bulged. Then, under Huang Tu's horrified gaze, he shot a high-speed white bolt straight through his chest, but Huang Tu reacted quickly and avoided the fatal point.

But even so, he was unable to cause harm to Natsume Yang for the time being. Being pierced through the chest was no joke.

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