The Upgrade System of All Realms Starts From Conquering Naruto

Chapter 114: Did you see it, Natsume Yang?

Chapter 114: Did you see it, Natsume Yang?

Before setting off, he boasted about visiting Haikou, but in the end he returned empty-handed. He was probably going to be ridiculed severely by Natsume Yang. This was definitely not what Yueguang Hayafeng wanted to see.

"It's okay, just keep patrolling. There's nothing unusual about a stone rolling!"

But a voice made Moonlight Hayate breathe a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but look at the jounin who had just passed him, and thought in his heart: "I'll deal with you later!"

"People like this can actually become jounin of Iwagakure Village. Maybe there is really no one left. Under such circumstances, how can you be our opponent in Konoha!"

Moonlight Hayate has classified this Jonin as a straw bag in his heart, and only killing him in the end will not affect his interest.

From his point of view, even if he kicked a stone away, he wouldn't think it was abnormal. Without checking, this is definitely something that a typical idiot would do.

After these words from the Iwa Ninja Jonin, the surrounding Iwa Ninjas immediately dispersed and continued patrolling.

With the deliberate connivance of this Jonin, Moonlight Hayate successfully broke through the encirclement of the Iwa Ninja.

After finding a place where his sight was hidden, he immediately took out a scroll, wrote down the situation and location of himself and others on it, and then summoned his own psychic beast - a white bird.

Bring this scroll to Konoha Camp and give it to Lord Jiraiya!

After giving the instructions, Moonlight Gale immediately returned to the state of escape, and then returned to the original route.


When Moonlight Blast once again entered the circle surrounded by Iwa Ninjas, the jounin whispered in his heart, and then winked at the two Iwa Ninjas beside him, signaling them to follow Moonlight Blast.

Moonlight Hayate didn't notice at all that there were two more tails behind him. After walking out from the siege of the Iwa Ninja, he directly released the Touyu.

Then, without even checking to see if there were any secret pursuers, he followed the signs on the road and rushed towards Natsume Yang and the others.

This kid is young, but quite conceited. He lost his invisibility so quickly. I really dont know how to write the word death.

However, I like to follow people who are blindly confident in themselves, because they are too stupid and easy to follow!

The two Iwa Ninjas looked at each other and smiled, and both saw a strong look of contempt in each other's eyes.

Why do I suddenly feel a little panicked and my heartbeat suddenly speeds up!

Just when the moonlight and the wind were rushing towards here, Xia Muyang, who was closing his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes. He suddenly felt an unexplained heart palpitation.

Is it my imagination? I hope Im overthinking it!

Natsume Yang glanced around, but found nothing unusual, so he shook his head and sat down again under the gaze of a group of medical ninjas.

Ten minutes later, Moonlight Hayate followed the marks on the road and found Natsume Yang and others.

Hmph, Natsume Yang, I may disappoint you, the Iwa ninjas didnt notice me at all, everything went well!

"It won't be long before Konoha's reinforcements arrive. At that time, we and Konoha's reinforcements will attack from the front and back, and the crisis will be resolved in an instant!"

Moonlight Hayate stood in front of Natsume Yang with a proud look on his face, as if he had returned from victory.

There are almost no words to praise him written on his face.

"I knew you could succeed. Didn't you see, Natsume Yang, facts speak louder than words, your caution is redundant, at this time, you should be bolder!"

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