The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Chapter 283 - Tutorial 61st Floor (4)

< Tutorial 61st Floor (4) >


[Participants (2243/50)]


“The surprises keep coming. I didn’t know there would be so many,” Hochi said, scratching his head. There appeared to be something dubious about it.

“It’s none of my business, but isn’t bringing this many too obvious?”

“They must have hidden it in their own way.”

“Hidden? It’s all seen in the numbers.”

Actually, only I could see the number of people in this position. Of course, Lee Yeon-hee could check the number of viewers, but she wouldn’t be able to see it. Maybe.

It’d only look like this:


[Participants (2/50)]


Just as Lee Yeon-hee had been fully prepared, I’d prepared myself for it.

“Are you sure?”


[The 61st-floor stage begins.]

Explanation: Challenger who wants to take a short break and start a journey, here are two roads. One is a trail where you have to walk on a burning desert, and the other is to climb a mountain with snow-storms...


Of course, I was sure. I was using this now.

All the messages that appeared on the 60th and 61st floors were written as I wish, not by the system. I only marked the number of people who would have been seen in Lee Yeon-hee’s eyes as two. Lee Yeon-hee probably thought I hadn’t caught on yet.

“You can’t do this anymore.”

“What’s so hard about putting a message in front of people?”

The bigger problem was blocking the messages from the system. Of course, that was a problem I solved a long time ago.

“Come on, let’s go if you’re done worrying.”

* * * * * *

On the 61st floor, which was divided into two paths, Lee Yeon-hee decided to proceed by flying in the direction of the volcano. The reason why she chose the direction was simple; It was because Yong-yong liked snow.

“Every time, we met at this ice palace. It would have been nice to meet in my hall at least once.”

The ruler of the Volcano and the ruler of the Great Mountain, beings I met for the first time after a long time, were full of grumbles. Grumbling was childish for an existence that had the title of a giant king residing in lava.

“Of course, my palace is way better than that hot lava hall.”

The ruler of the Great Mountain was no different from the old lady beside him, who kept complaining.

The 61st-floor bosses were unlike the dominant rulers of the volcano and snow mountain. It was fun to watch them bawling, but I wanted to check something else.

“What about the residents?”

“We evacuated them all, just in case they get caught up in your arrangement.”

What? Are you talking about Lee Yeon-hee? I hope they didn’t call people this way every time.

“Are you really going out now? Strangely enough, it doesn’t seem weird to me anymore. It just feels like we’re spending time together as usual,” the old lady said gently.

After Yong-yong grew up a bit, he often came here for picnics. Whenever that happened, we would get together, converse, and play.

“It’s about time that we go out. I can’t help it even if I’m sad.”

“What a shame!” the old man screamed.

“The volcano and the shrine were my pride! Now it’s just a fake tie, binding us here for eternity. But when I leave and the restraints break away, I’ll be free from the illusory volcanoes and halls. What a shame!” the old man shouted loudly as if it weren’t right.

It was a random remark, but I could understand. It was always the same.

“What about you?”

I turned my head towards Hochi. In fact, Hochi was the one who felt the most regretful. For him, who was born here and wasn’t unhappy with it, it would not be very comfortable to go out into the outside world. He may just think of it as a change of residence.

“It’s alright. I actually thought about letting you go and staying here since that was the purpose of my birth in the first place.”

But Hochi eventually chose to go out together. He pointed his chin at Yong-yong, who was making a snowman alone in a corner.

“My whole family is going out, so what’d I do here alone? We’ll go together.”

Thank you for saying that. I thanked Hochi in my mind and looked at the old lady.

“What about you, Grandma? How do you feel about going out?”

“How do I feel? I won’t die by your hands anymore. I haven’t said much, but frankly, it’s been too painful. Every time.”

Hochi, whose gaze had been warm a moment ago, instantly turned cold, as if he were looking at trash. I apologized to the old lady, having no other excuse.

She smiled widely and said, “I’ll have to thank you before I tell you how I feel. I signed a contract to help you, but I didn’t really believe it would be possible to get out of here because it was so hard. Yet, you didn’t give up. I remember how pained you had been for the past few years. Nevertheless, thank you again for not giving up and keeping your promise.”

Next to him, the old man said, “Thank you.”

I smiled awkwardly.

Then, the portal in front of the palace’s throne radiated light. It was a portal to move to the last part of the 61st floor.

The fact that the portal opened meant only one fact. Lee Yeon-hee had cleared the entire hall of the volcano.

It was finally time to get out of the 61st floor.

* * * * * *

[Lee Yeon-hee]

It was strange. As far as I knew, the 61st-floor stage was not like this.

The endless stretches of burning sand and continuous mirages were just like the information I had heard before. But nothing else had shown up.

All kinds of monsters that used fire should have appeared in this desert. The residents of the city lived in the desert, and a few warriors were supposed to the volcano.

But there was no one. It was as if the entire 61st-floor stage was empty.

“It’s not supposed to be this kind of stage.”

[Of course not. Be careful. Something’s wrong,] one of the assistants whispered. He was a challenger who had already cleared the 61st floor in his own planet’s Tutorial.

I was anxious. I felt like an invisible blade was pointed at my neck. And step by step, the blade was getting closer. I was walking on my own towards the edge of the blade, towards the cliff.

If I turned around and went back to the residence area, I’d still be dead.

The gods were not merciful. Not because they treated the challengers carelessly but because they were simply bound by constraints and couldn’t move. And within this realm where constraints do not bind them, they acted without any second thoughts. They didn’t value human life.

Kirikiri had warned me. The power of a god who doesn’t protect himself was a blade without a handle.

You could stab someone with that blade, but you’d bleed more. I accepted the gods’ offer even after hearing it because that was the only way I could survive.

I didn’t hesitate to seize the only chance given to me, no matter what the risks were. That was what I had learned from Mister.

As I was walking forward, the tense situation made me feel as if I were playing Russian roulette. Really, I felt like I was approaching death.

How long had I been walking like this? I faced the wall of the hall, which seemed to be far away. There was no ruler of the volcano, unlike the system’s declaration that we can’t guarantee victory even if 50 challengers from the 61st-floor fight unless we weaken the ruler through sacrifice. Only an empty jade seat was there.


[First ascetic path. You’ve reached the end of the burning volcano.]

Explanation: You stand here, after countless sacrifices. Sacrifice is valuable because it tramples on all the precious things, including the lives of the victims, their future possibilities, their past stories, their bond with you, and sets your guilt right at the very top.

Now there’s only one last hurdle left in front of you. Prove that you are the victor in a duel carried out to test your will.

[Clear conditions will be changed]

[Clear Condition]

– Conquering the first ascetic path.

– Conquering the second ascetic path.

– Win.


The conditions were easy to understand. But that last condition, that one line asking for victory, changed a lot. I stared at the message window for a moment, then entered the portal.

The place I got transported to by the portal was a huge stadium. It would hold a duel between those who cleared the first ascetic path and the second ascetic path.


[Welcome to the Battleground of Victims.]

Forced or not, the true meaning of sacrifice does not change. Now, you have to prove your worth.

The second journey. There are your colleagues who may have been hurt on the icy snowy road. Maybe they’ll admit defeat for you. Maybe they’ll try to win over you. But what’s more important is your choice. Defeat and anger them. Make them your scapegoat.


“Ha....” I let out a deep sigh.

Then I started with what I had to do.

Mister’s party had yet to enter the duel. This was an opportunity to set up a barrier in advance. All the challengers who were with me were Hell’s Difficulty challengers. At the same time, they were also apostles of the gods.

As long as the gods were with them, it would confirm my victory. Even the power shown by Mister in the Tournament and the power that converted people’s lives to death would definitely be meaningless in front of the gods’ powers. All I had to do was buy time. If I bought 30 seconds or so, it would be my victory. If not, it would be my defeat.

I built a series of barriers. The challengers who had prepared for this moment, spread out everywhere, waiting for his entry.

At the moment when I really felt that I had done all the preparations I could, a portal in the corner of the stadium, began to shine. Mister’s party had arrived.

The Hatchling, whom I first met at the Tournament, was seen. I could not help but be nervous. Mister’s clone was holding the Hatchling.

There were two giants standing behind the party. The large bodies of the giants, each emitting intense heat and coldness, made me feel overwhelmed.

Finally, there was Mister smiling pleasantly, standing in front of the party. It was a face that I had seen many times on TV, and through my cloned self. I, myself, had met and talked to him yesterday. However, Mister who was facing me as an enemy gave off a completely different feeling than before.

It was time to make a choice. I opened my mouth, in the hopes that my voice wouldn’t tremble.

* * * * * *

[Lee Ho-jae]

It was a strange feeling. I had wanted to come here for a really, really long time.

I felt strangely content. A sense of accomplishment that I’d finally made it, as a sense of freedom took over me, indicating that all my waiting was over. And the pride that came from the fact that Lee Yeon-hee had finally reached this point.

Lee Yeon-hee stood alone in the midst of the huge stadium.

Even with countless helpers, it seemed as if she were standing alone. She didn’t look well either.

She looked like a ghost, with that white face and bloodless lips. Along with her anxious eyes, Lee Yeon-hee showed the typical image of a confused human being. I wish I could tell her to show more confidence.

“Are you the rulers of the volcano and the snow mountain of the 61st floor?” Lee Yeon-hee asked, pointing to the old man and old lady behind me.

They looked at Lee Yeon-hee, as if they were observing her. “Yes.”

Why did she ask that?

Lee Yeon-hee remained silent for a while.



Lee Yeon-hee could not immediately say what she wanted to.

Are you hesitating now?

I had expected an attack from Lee Yeon-hee as soon as I arrived. That was why I had entered the portal a step later than Lee Yeon-hee. I didn’t expect her to talk to me with such hesitation.

“I have something to say...”

This was not a very good development.

Are you going to talk about what you’ve been upset about?

I felt sorry for what I did to her. I also thought I would apologize for it. But not right now.

Conversing with Lee Yeon-hee came later. I felt apologetic, but now was the time to fight with each other. Instead of waiting for her to continue, I opened my mouth first and uttered a word.


Barus was the trigger of the suppressor planted on Lee Yeon-hee’s necklace. Of course, Lee Yeon-hee was no longer wearing the necklace, but nevertheless, as soon as she heard me say Barus, she reacted instantly, as if she had been splashed by hot oil.

At first, the barriers that had been piled up in the air appeared as if they were about to hit us. Spirits clung to my body from every side. Among them was a spirit that was shaped like a chain.

I left the barriers and spirits alone. It was clear that their intention was to waste time rather than attacking me. Yong-yong would protect everyone on his own.

Lee Yeon-hee had a look of surprise on her face, after reflexively summoning the barriers and spirits. Were there any more ways to bind her?

Lee Yeon-hee’s helpers began to appear around her. In an instant, the vast stadium was filled with people.

They were Hell’s Difficulty challengers from different universes. I could tell the moment I saw them.

There were over two thousand apostles. This would not simply be considered as a gathering of the apostles. If the apostles were here, it meant that their gods were also here.

Soon, the challengers felt a strong surge of powers in their bodies. The gods were on their way. Two thousand gods.

This was enough. I looked around for familiar gods among the gods who were here.

Most of the gods of the Temple, who used to be in charge of Earth’s servers, seemed to have not participated much since all I saw were unfamiliar gods. But among them, there was a very familiar power. From the apostle standing right next to Lee Yeon-hee, I could feel the power of a being whom I had actually met before.

“Long time no see, man with a funny name.”

It was an unexpected god. Because when we had met before, she was definitely not a god.

“Godmother?” [1]

< Tutorial 61st Floor (4) > Completed

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