The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius Actor

Chapter 138: Where Did You Get It?

Chapter 138: Where Did You Get It?

Chapter 138 <Where Did You Get It?>

Yoo Yeon Seo attends the opening ceremony of the Busan International Film Festival

[Photo] Yoo Yeon Seo, red carpet visual

-Actor Yoo Yeon Seo walked the red carpet at the opening ceremony of the Busan International Film Festival. He was invited not as an actor, but as a sponsors representative.

Whats with his hair? Is it for his next work?

Wow, boss

I love how Yoo Yeon Seo dressed up so nicely Please film your next work soon

His style is no joke

As Yoo Yeon Seo, who wore a suit and coat that fit his body perfectly, entered the opening ceremony venue, a familiar voice called him.


It was the members of Welcome to the Guest House.

How did you all gather here?

Have you been well?

Park Seung-hwan, Choi Jun-young, Lee Yoon-jung, and Jin Su-ho also participated as actors in the submitted works.

It would be perfect if Jun was here too.

He went to the army, right?

It hasnt been long since he left, right?

Their eyes turned to Yoo Yeon Seo. His character controversy reignited and public opinion worsened around the time his contract with AST Entertainment ended and the members of One Seven opened their mouths one by one.

One Seven JunWoo-hyun AST Entertainment contract renewal failedConfess their feelings through SNS

One Seven sudden withdrawal Yoo Yeon Seo, secretly invested for One Seven for seven years


Is this true?


Then hes not a pigeon either

What is this now? He did enough compensation for the withdrawal. Then hes not a pigeon. Why did One Seven keep their mouths shut all this time? Theyre talking now that their contract with the agency is over. The arrow turned to question them.

And in less than a few hours, it was buried by the capital offensive of Yu Gun-min, who almost bombed the comment army that Yus chairman had put up, and the reward vacation certification photos of the National Bird team.

What a waste of time.

Why? It looked good.

It was only relatively buried, not shrunk. AST Entertainment, which had already lost its cash cow due to One Sevens contract failure, responded that it was groundless.

But Lim Seung-hyun was not the one to let it go. He handed over the data that AST Entertainment had embezzled Yoo Yeon Seos investment money to Halo Media while investigating with Baek Seo-joon, and Park, the director, and Han, the representative, who caught the opportunity, played the media play.

-Honestly, who gives money like that for seven years?

He only succeeded in a reverse run after not getting pushed all this time, but he only got cursed for being a pigeon

Isnt the problem with the agency, not One Seven?? Why did they embezzle it?

Im now spring;; He withdrew but did his duty as a member, but he got cursed all this time?

Its not even a duty Who gives money like that when hes already withdrawn and not in the same agency?

-But the abuse is true, right?

Theres no evidence of abuse

Theyre trying to kill Yoo Yeon Seo because he became famous as a national bird

Honestly, he deserves it, right?

The fans are like my actor was always like that Theyre not affected

-Yoo Yeon Seo is a bodhisattva

He was attacked by the fans who used to be in the same group, saying that their kids couldnt make it because of Yoo Yeon Seo, but he didnt say anything all this time

If I were him, I would have unfollowed them as soon as I deposited the money

He kept quiet about that with his attention-seeking personality all this time. He must have hated revealing it

The situation became more chaotic as sympathy for Yoo Yeon Seo, who was witch-hunted, was formed.

I hate this image.

Wouldnt it be better to stay as his original image, an attention-seeking chaebol third-generation actor. That would be more comfortable Yoo Yeon Seo sighed as he looked at his friends who teased him for being embarrassed.

When they asked each other about their recent situation and sat in a nearby seat, Park Seung-hwan, who sat next to him, said with a smile.

I enjoyed the drama. You should do a movie now, right?

Ill do it if I find a scenario that I like. Whether its a drama or a movie.

But a movie is different, right?

Park Seunghwan raised his thumb. Ah, Park Seunghwan was a true movie person who had only appeared in films since his debut. Some of these people had a condescending view of dramas, even without malice

Im not thinking about it for a while.

Why, are you sick?

Yoo Yeon Seo stiffened at his answer.

Why are you talking about me being sick?

Didnt you have a bad condition when you were filming the drama?

Did that rumor spread? Even to the hyungs?

Rumors are fast in this industry. You know that. Youre the subject, so its faster.


Why are they so interested in me? Yoo Yeon Seo was annoyed and clicked his tongue.

But are you really sick?

No, its not that. I just had a bad condition, but the staffs were too harsh on me Im paying money and I have a title in the production company, so theyre overly considerate of me.

Oh, youre a high-ranking person?

They nodded and moved on, but only Jin Suho looked at Yoo Yeon Seo with a suspicious eye. He tried to ignore that gaze.

Hey, Yeon Seo. Lets do a movie together.

What is it?

Simply put you and I become grandfather and grandson.

Yoo Yeon Seo frowned. Park Seunghwan was too young to play the role of a grandfather to a grown-up grandson. He was relatively well-maintained and looked younger than his actual age. If anything, wouldnt a father-son relationship be more appropriate?

Isnt the age gap too big?

I said Id disguise myself because the synopsis is so good. You know the technology has improved these days.


It was a synopsis that Park Seunghwan, the triple 30 million, was interested in. Yoo Yeon Seos eyes sparkled with interest.

Are you going to The Night of the Movie People?

I am.

Ill explain it to you in detail there.

Are you pitching that work?

Park Seunghwan nodded. If he offered it to me first, leaving aside Choi Junyoung and Jin Suho, it must not be a problem of investment, right?

Just dont do that for now.

I have to eat it all. Yoo Yeon Seo smiled slyly, and Park Seunghwan laughed out loud.

Haha! I like that.

Park Seunghwan would have a limit even if he disguised himself as an old man, so he would have to add special effects to the screen. That meant more production costs, and Park Seunghwan wanted that and suggested it to him. Of course, Yoo Yeon Seo had ticket power and his acting and personality were good, but that was the background.

After the opening ceremony, Yoo Yeon Seo left Cha Yunho and Lim Seunghyun behind and explored the film festival.

Wow, its Yoo Yeon Seo!

Im a fan!

He occasionally showed fan service to those who recognized him, such as signing and taking pictures. He watched the submitted works that Cha Yunho had booked in advance, and waited for the talk event with the audience, where the director and cast participated.

There are also three villains in the GV, who are enough to make the movie fans.

Cha Yunho entertained Yoo Yeon Seo, who was new to this film festival.

What are they?

Youll find it interesting if you listen.

The first type was I enjoyed the movie.

First of all, I enjoyed the movie.

Look at that. That director is not an easy person

This type was the one who fought with the director until the end, trying to win by saying why he wrote something that didnt match the theme and mise-en-scene. The director who had no eloquence would be dragged around, but it was different now.

It seems like you didnt watch the movie well. Did you watch it properly?

Laughter erupted everywhere. The questioner sat hesitantly. Then the second type.

Hello. Im majoring in film at Inseoul University

This person said with a nuance that he noticed this much, but did you write it like that on purpose, director? And he appealed that he was a film major and did his PR.

Then, at the GV time of the foreign master director The third type that Cha Yunho had mentioned came out.

Can I ask the director a question in French?

This type was better than the previous ones. But Yoo Yeon Seo held back his laughter. He asked something in French, but the people who understood it couldnt help but laugh at the awkward grammar.

Whats wrong?

Ah, that person speaks so weirdly.

Ah, you could understand him, right, sir?

This type of person could be seen at any GV, but there was even one who made an absurd proposal to the cast, asking them to star in his graduation project.

Soon, they moved to a hotel where only insiders could enter the scenario market. Before he knew it, a JSENM employee followed Cha Yunho to his side.

What do you want?

I was wondering if you had anything in mind, sir.

The staff will take care of it.

But it would be better if you chose, sir.

Yoo Yeon Seos eye for works was recognized by the industry, so he was subtly watching him.


He didnt care much and looked around the scene. Numerous production companies were having meetings, and various production companies and webtoon and web novel platforms were also selling their IPs at booths.

What was the work that Seunghwan hyung mentioned

Distracted by other thoughts, Yoo Yeon Seo casually picked up and put down something. The problem was that the employee misunderstood his gesture and hurriedly exchanged business cards with the other party.

There were also short films and independent films that were not saved on the storage device in the past. Yoo Yeon Seo enjoyed watching them. And finally, he entered the Night of the Filmmakers, where only invited insiders could enter.

Its Yoo Yeon Seo.


Sodonghyun of Movie Company Goo was also there. He heard the noise at the entrance and guessed that Yoo Yeon Seo had arrived.

He wont die alone.

He, whose position in the production company was in danger, burned with hatred for Yoo Yeon Seo. He was also the one who started the abuse controversy. It didnt go well, though.

Psycho bastard

He muttered as he drank water. How could he be fine when his mother died like that? He asked around a reporters acquaintance and managed to get half of Yoo Yeon Seos psychiatric records.

At first, he thought there would be some predictable results. He couldnt speak or cried because of the shock. Sodonghyun tried to touch on this point. But the record had the opposite result. A normal childs psychology that couldnt be seen as facing a shocking incident.

Its no good to blow this up now.

The public opinion on Yoo Yeon Seo was already solid. But, at least he could make him feel bad, right?

Mr. Yoo Yeon Seo. Hello?

He hid his twisted thoughts and approached him with a smile. Yoo Yeon Seo recognized his identity from his voice in an instant.

Ah, Movie Company Goos Who are you?

Im Sodonghyun.

Are we in a position to shake hands and smile?

Yoo Yeon Seo smiled leisurely and said, Sodonghyuns mouth twitched. He put on a nonchalant face and opened his mouth.

I got something interesting. Do you want to see it together?

What is it?

Yoo Yeon Seo snatched the envelope that Sodonghyun shook maliciously and skimmed through the record inside.

Where did you get this?

This person, hes a good person, right? He even gave me such a good material to know about Yoo Yeon Seos past Yoo Yeon Seo hardened his expression, and Sodonghyun smiled unpleasantly, thinking he had hit him.

He was in a state where he couldnt judge properly because of his anger at his narrowed position and Yoo Yeon Seo who made the situation. He wanted to show him this record and somehow lower his mood.

Suspected of antisocial personality disorder.

Yoo Yeon Seo raised one eyebrow at the last record.


Me, who blamed myself for killing my mother just by telling that crazy guy where my mother was? Maybe I lost my memory because of the shock and this opinion came out?

Maybe at that time Grandfather would have said to treat the child no matter how much it cost.

Theres no way there are only good doctors in the world. They might have tried to drag out the consultation using the child as an excuse. Anyway, thats not important. This record was something that Sodonghyun could never get.

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