The Tales of an Infinite Regressor

Chapter 108 – The Resident II

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 108


The Resident II


As everyone knows, walking through the Inunaki Tunnel is exceedingly difficult.

Even I, a regressor, only managed to conquer it after five turns and sacrificing hundreds of lives.

I pondered this:

‘…Isn’t this the ultimate security facility?’

A complete change in perspective.

From an intruder’s viewpoint, the Inunaki Tunnel boasted an immensely challenging difficulty level. However, from a defender’s perspective, there was no stronger fortress.

Moreover, this impenetrable security only applied to intruders. For those already familiar with the (strategies), the Inunaki Tunnel was merely a tricky path.

Hence, from the 197th turn, I no longer publicly shared the tunnel’s strategies on SGNet.

Instead, I put up warnings like ‘Certain death for those who enter carelessly,’ ‘No entry,’ and ‘Even the most skilled void explorers can’t escape instant death.’ Was this deceit? Not at all. It wasn’t a lie.

After soloing the Inunaki Tunnel, I set up my guild hideout in the undersea tunnel. Only trustworthy friends received ‘invitations.’

The invitations kindly detailed the strategies for the Inunaki Tunnel.

Without an invitation, no one could visit my café hideout.

“A shop that only accepts customers by invitation? What, is it some kind of VIP golf club…?”

Noh Doha examined the invitation with a displeased look.

“It’s not surprising, considering the insane idea of using a supernatural phenomenon for private use came from your mind… But this means you’re not doing business with the general public, right?”

Noh Doha waved the invitation.

“Now, I see our Doctor Jang has become quite the noble. Will you be a king soon? Shall I hand over the position of National Road Chief to you? Excellent. I’ve been wanting to quit this crappy job. Congratulations in advance, Your Majesty…”

“Oh. Don’t worry about that part, Chief. Do you see the number at the top of the invitation?”


Noh Doha looked at the invitation again.

[Invitation – Café Hideout]

[Depth 1200m]

Noh Doha tilted his head.

“Depth? 1200 meters? What does this mean…?”

“It’s the grade of the invitation.”


“Yes. There are invitations for different levels: 100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters, and so on. For example, the 100-meter invitation only contains strategies for safely navigating the first 100 meters of the Inunaki Tunnel.”


“1200 meters is the highest grade. It contains the complete strategy for the Inunaki Tunnel. 100 meters is the lowest. And I plan to make the 100-meter strategies public on SGNet.”

I took Noh Doha into the Inunaki Tunnel and showed him an example.

“Here we are at the 100-meter mark.”


Noh Doha looked around.

“This is… a café.”

He was right.

From here on, please imagine all my descriptions delivered in the gentle voice of a home shopping host.

The small artificial waterfall installed where damp mold used to grow from the trickling water through the wall cracks was now a highlight of the interior.

Where moss once thrived, colorful aquatic plants took their place. These plants, altered by the void, thrived without sunlight.

Antique-style sofas and chairs were arranged among the waterfall and pots.

The chairs were designed for comfort. Tables were at the perfect height for seated guests. Small lamps on the tables added a cozy touch.

The Victorian-style tables were kept to a minimum, while the rest were designed to showcase the natural beauty of the wood.

Of course, the lighting was indirect. The overall space was warmly dark, but the faintly revealed outlines of the tables and chairs added an edge to the darkness.

True spaces start with visuals and end with acoustics.

The sound of the artificial waterfall flowed from one end of the darkness to the other. If sunlight is the mirror for the eyes, darkness is the mirror for the ears. The sound of water flowing beyond the darkness completed this space with Baroque aesthetics.

If you ventured closer to the tunnel wall, you’d find an unexpected sight.

Graffiti spread across the concrete surface, adding a unique charm without the clichéd framed pictures.

The tactile comfort of the chairs, the softness of the wooden tables, the auditory Baroque space, and the hidden visual art.

If the aroma of classic coffee could be added to this, satisfying the sense of smell and taste―― voilà, an all-sensory café.

The fact that this was in the middle of an undersea tunnel stimulated customers’ imaginations.

I, Doctor Jang, was confident that even if it weren’t the end times, this café could be the best in South Korea.

Home shopping broadcast ends.

“…Although there’s no natural light, it doesn’t feel cramped.”

Noh Doha touched the table.

He seemed quite shocked.

“This really was a supernatural phenomenon that devoured hundreds of people…?”


“Even your idiotic regressor’s laugh sounds different now. I’m surprised. I didn’t expect you to have such talent, Doctor Jang.”

Considering Noh Doha’s usual demeanor, this was high praise. But the real surprise was yet to come.

“Chief Noh Doha.”


“Look at the thin strings next to the bookshelf. They are puppet strings connected to the deepest part of the tunnel. I had them installed by Hayul. Just give them a slight pull…”

The string twanged pleasantly, like a cello string.

“If you infuse some aura, the vibration will be transmitted to my private room in the deepest part of the tunnel.”


“This way, I’ll know a guest has arrived and can respond immediately. Even though the distance is considerable, I can cover it in no time.”

“I see. This is certainly…”

“The 100-meter and 200-meter tiers are treated differently. The deeper you go, the more elaborate the interior and the richer the menu. In other words…”

“Yes. It might be a small incentive, but it could motivate the awakeners. There’s not much to enjoy these days… Hmm. Being cut off from the outside might actually be a good thing. If one can momentarily forget the screwed-up outside world and enjoy a cup of coffee…”

“Exactly. So, Chief Noh Doha, I have a proposal.”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“As you can see, running the café will require a significant amount of coffee beans. My reserves will run out quickly. So, I plan to ask the Sword Maiden to create a coffee plantation. But…”


“Can’t we make it work?”

Noh Doha’s face filled with concern.

The Sword Maiden was essential for current farming efforts. He was busy cultivating necessary crops. Allocating precious land for luxury items like coffee was a tough sell for the practical-minded Noh Doha.

I could persuade the Sword Maiden to grow coffee without Noh Doha’s consent, but that would likely lead to his resignation.

“But we don’t have the luxury to plant coffee trees in already scarce farmland…”

“Luxury goods are essential too.”

I whispered.

“Think about it. Adding another attraction to Busan would elevate the National Road Management’s standing compared to other major guilds…”

“But isn’t the Korean Peninsula unsuitable for coffee farming? It seems inefficient…”

“Don’t worry. I’ll plant different types of coffee trees in the void and eventually create a variety suited for our climate. I’m an expert in the void, remember?”


“There’s also a security issue. Wouldn’t it be safer if I managed the undersea tunnel rather than leaving it unattended?”


“Most importantly, Chief Noh Doha, you’ll be able to wake up with a cup of coffee every morning. The Management Office is just a short walk from here. Imagine taking a 30-minute walk each morning.”


“It will boost morale and improve welfare for the management staff.”


Contemplation. Deliberation. Agony. Anguish.

Finally, Noh Doha mumbled like an ant crawling.

“…If it’s just a small garden…”

“You’ve made a wise decision, Chief! I knew we could understand each other. Since you’ve agreed, I’ll start building the café in the next turn.”


“Don’t worry. You won’t regret this choice. Honestly, Chief, you grumble a lot, but you always help when I truly need it. Your dedication doesn’t go unnoticed…”

“Shut up.”


Café hideout, grand opening success!


As expected, the café hideout received overwhelming support. Despite the unease of entering the mouth of a continental-level anomaly, adventurers flocked for a delicious cup of caffeine.

Moreover, the access levels distinguished by 100-meter and 200-meter increments sparked a strange sense of competition among the awakeners.

– Anonymous: (300m) At 100 meters, you can only get espresso and Americano, but here, you can have a café latte too, lol.

– Anonymous: (400m) Ice coffee lovers must come at least this far. I heard the Manager only offers iced coffee starting from 400 meters.

└ Anonymous: I’m fine with espresso.

└ Anonymous: (400m) You must be a 100-meter newbie, lol.

└ Anonymous: Originally, espresso is for refined tastes, kid.

└ ChefB: (100m) Everyone, let’s not argue over this. We should be happy that the café exists at all, right?

– dolLHoUse: Pathetic.

– Anonymous: (100m) But I heard the Baekhwa High School guild members start at 200 meters. If true, isn’t that unfair?

└ HighSchoolSenior: (1200m) 🖕 >_<);; ------------------

[Proofreader – Gun]

In various subculture settings, awakeners are often given grades like A or S, but in reality, such distinctions didn’t exist on the Korean Peninsula. I found it hard to agree with the terms S-class and A-class. How much stronger is S-class compared to A-class?

Rather than those alphabetical games, a precise evaluation based on concrete numbers seemed much more intuitive.

The invitations I issued were easily perceived as a kind of “rank” or “level” among the awakeners.

– [Three Thousand Worlds] Witch Judge: The depths of 1,200 meters. The sound of waves transmitted through the tunnel walls. In an era where nature has turned into mere danger, it is a time to appreciate the preciousness of ‘scenic nature’.

(Certification shot. A photo of a coffee cup placed on a table with an invitation marked ‘Depth 1200m’ subtly shown)

Most awakeners received a ‘100-meter depth’ invitation, and only those proven in both skill and character gradually advanced their depth.

The grading criteria were entirely my prerogative.

But even unilateral decisions, accumulated over hundreds of turns and thousands of years, can become objective data.

I prided myself that this ‘depth’ system was more reliable than any other grading method.

– KoreanVillage: (1000m) Watching these lowlifes measuring each other is cute, lol.

– KoreanVillage: (1000m) I tried affogato for the first time. Why would anyone put ice cream in coffee? You guys enjoy your kiddie snacks, lol.

– KoreanVillage: (1000m) Those 100-meter newbies can only visit the café once a week. Honestly, I respect them. They seem like they could survive even the harshest world, wriggling like worms. Without daily coffee, I’d rather just die, lol.


Let’s ignore some exceptions.

Sim Aryeon periodically whined to raise her grade from 1000 meters to 1200 meters, or at least 1100 meters, but I firmly refused. It wasn’t discrimination; her mountaineer’s spirit made her climb indefinitely if given an inch.

The story related to these ‘awakener grades’ will be dealt with in another episode.

Anyway, just as the café business seemed to stabilize, I sent an invitation message to the Saintess through Starchat.

[An invitation…?]

“Yes, Saintess. Remember I asked you not to observe the scenery at 1200 meters depth with your ‘clairvoyance’ under any circumstances?”

[Oh, yes. So, I haven’t accessed any information related to that place.]

“I kept it a secret because I wanted to show it to you personally. You always stay at your home in Yongsan, right? Think of this as a brief outing.”

The Saintess was silent for a moment. The INTJ waves of a chronic shut-in were strongly felt in that silence.

[But, isn’t it too far from my house to Busan? It would be quick if I rode on your back, Doctor Jang, but that’s a bit…]

“Oh. It’s okay. I’ve dug a tunnel there too.”


This was another change in thinking.

Though the Korea-Japan undersea tunnel was only a virtual construction, it was completely absorbed by Inunaki.

So, why not create an ‘artificial’ virtual tunnel and infect it with Inunaki?

The result of my idea was located at the south end of the Han River submerged bridge. I took the Saintess there.

“…My goodness.”

The Saintess, wrapped in a white coat, slightly opened her mouth.

“Why is there a tunnel here…?”


At the ruins of the convenience store where we first met, a small tunnel led down into the Han River.

This was the so-called ‘Han River Underwater Tunnel.’

“I’ll lead the way. Follow me.”

“…Wait, Doctor Jang. Did you create an anomaly?”

“No. There were already tunnels in the Han River. Some were planned but never completed. I layered several of these and ‘asked’ Inunaki to infect them.”


“My friend communicates well. However, because this is a sort of workaround, we can’t create these ‘portals’ indiscriminately. Creating emergency exits in only three locations is the limit.”

One was in Gangnam, right here. Another was at a coffee farm in Kyushu, Japan. The last location will be mentioned in another episode.

Listening to me, the Saintess seemed dumbfounded.

“A limit, you say. Isn’t that still quite impressive?”

We entered the underwater tunnel.

All Inunaki tunnels were interconnected.

However, to move from the ‘Han River Underwater Tunnel’ to the ‘Korea-Japan Undersea Tunnel,’ specific procedures needed to be followed precisely.

For security reasons, I won’t detail the procedures, but from the Saintess’s perspective, it was a simple 5-minute stroll.

After walking through the tunnel, we arrived.


The Saintess stopped in her tracks.

“…This is.”

“The 1200-meter depth. My hideout and the deepest part of the café. Welcome, Saintess.”

There lay an underwater tunnel.

Not with concrete walls, but glass.

The tunnel stretched for 400 meters. From 1200 meters to 1600 meters deep, it was an aquarium-style underwater tunnel.

Fish of various colors swam in the blue sea.


The Saintess’s eyes widened. She gazed at the glass tunnel in a daze.

The light reflecting off the water gently caressed her hair.

Her hobby had always been raising fish in aquariums. To her, this place must seem like El Dorado.

“Doctor Jang, how did you…?”

“The Inunaki tunnels are also connected to the Samdocheon. It’s the concept of water flowing in the underworld or the underground world. That’s why people can drown if they walk incorrectly. The compatibility with underwater and subterranean tunnels is the same. It was a bit tricky, but as you can see, manifesting it in the form of an aquarium tunnel was possible.”


In the 117th turn.

When I subdued the quasi-divine anomaly Endless Hell, I encountered the Saintess. Although it was merely an illusion.

On the silver moon in the night sky, the Saintess looked down at the Earth. She said this:

– Just beneath the surface of that planet, it’s all turned into hell.

Her words had always lingered in a corner of my heart like a sooty stain.

And now, in the 197th turn――. The Saintess was looking up at the ocean from the deep sea, beneath the surface of the Earth.

Outside the tunnel, bioluminescent jellyfish floated. They were creatures from the void, making the deep sea resemble the Milky Way.

An inverted universe.

“What do you think?”

I asked her opinion on the hellish scenery.

“Do you like it?”


The Saintess was silent.

All aquariums are lonely structures.

But a glass tunnel crossing an entire sea might be the only aquarium that doesn’t imprison fish while allowing them to be observed.

A house in the world that still allows freedom.

Well. I wondered if my metaphor silently resonated with the Saintess.

But when she finally nodded after a long silence, I wanted to believe that the meaning of this aquarium-tunnel had fully reached her.

“…Yes. Very much so.”

“I’m glad.”

“Thank you, Doctor Jang. …I probably won’t forget this view for the rest of my life.”

I smiled.

“Nor will I.”

There are many episodes related to this ‘café hideout.’

But today, I’ll conclude the story without any further afterword.

I’ll just add that, from this day on, one more stop was added to the Saintess’s morning stroll route.

– Resident. The End.

[Proofreader – Gun]

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