The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 115: Sword of Creator

Chapter 115: Sword of Creator

To say Medici was angry would be an understatement. The war angel felt like his world was slowly but surely falling apart. The cause of all this was none other than Aucuses.

Medici had heard of what people call Aucuses, the great and merciful sun god. Ironically, Aucuses was anything but kind and merciful. The white angel was a monster just like him.

Aucuses was the source of wars and destruction in the third epoch, although Medici was very reluctant to admit it himself.

It was the truth.

He may be almost the embodiment of war, but in the end, he was the sword of the creator. He only unsheathed himself for war at the will of his lord.

However, Aucuses was different. He was unrestrained. He waged the war just because he could. He caused disaster on a whim. He was a walking calamity.

What really pissed Medici off was how easily that bastard got away with it? It was as if people purposely ignored the monster he was, focusing only on the perfect "persona" that he showed to the audience.

To top it all off, even the lord was partial to Aucuses. The very thought that literally caused Medici to erupt in a rage.

The throne on which he sat melted into liquid as the heat of the flames enveloped the room, igniting it all.

It was unfair. It was really unfair. He sheded blood, sweat, and tears for the Lord, acting as his sword, but Aucuses was the one who got all the praise when all he got was a mere nod, just a fucking nod.

He was not angry with the Creator. He was just mad at himself, mad at his own incompetence, mad at Aucuses.

Could it be because Aucuses was the first to follow the lord?

Is it due to the fact that Aucuses was the angel of the lord's pathway?

Questions filled his head, trying to find a reason why Aucuses was more favoured by the lord.

He was better than that bastard in every way ...


Regardless, he still pushed himself to the limit, just to get an actual acknowledgement from his lord.

He somehow managed to push himself to face a god, not just any god, but the god of the abyss, Farubati.

The terrifying ancient god who made even the new gods tremble in fear. He stood before the god of filth, struggling against the embodiment of the abyss itself.

It happened during the Abyss War, which the Aucuses started on a whim. He felt it absolutely absurd now that one of the biggest events of the third epoch occurred solely as a result of a sudden whim of Aucuses.

Due to the oppression of the creator, Farubati was already restless. He was bidding for the right time. The provocation of Aucuses managed to give him just that.

War raged in the lands in between, dyeing it in blood and fire.

Farubati just wanted to check the attitude of creator with the war, but things escalated and got out of his control.

Ombella and Badhiel joined the war because the invasion started affecting anchors. They can no longer sit on the side-lines.

The entry of the gods into the war took the situation to a whole new level. Farubati couldn't hold back even if he wanted to. So he went all out, regardless of the consequences. Farubati was a mad god, after all.

The abyss has descended on the continent. It was what broke the camel's back. All the gods and the king of angels were forced to enter the battlefield.

His lord forcefully grafted the battlefield into the astral world to prevent the destruction of the world.

Here is where Medici faced the Lord of the Abyss. He still remembers his heart beating with excitement and elation at the prospect of facing a true God. He wanted to push his limits. He was also very cognizant of his own madness and desperation at that time.

Medici, however, did not care. The result of the battle was as one would expect. He was literally trashed by the lord of the abyss and got himself corrupted by the filth.

He still got up for battle, again and again, with only his sheer will supporting the last of him. He held Lord of Abyss, giving enough time for Amanises to arrive on the battlefield. The night descended, bringing peace and tranquillity to chaos.

The war had ended. He was cured.

However, reality soon slapped him in the face, shattering his dreams and hopes.

The Creator was still same to him. He got a nod, as a form of acknowledgement. A simple nod at that.

And Aucuses was off the hook for causing such a disaster on a whim, once again.

It was then that Medici really realized that he was just a sword of the creator, nothing more, nothing less.

He tried to be content with his status, despite his feelings.

He was just the sword of the creator...

Regardless of his feelings, time passed on. Rose Redemption was formed under Sasrir's leadership. The final war had begun.

Everything went according to the lord's plan. Until the bastard suddenly told that he would go and check on the situation of the creator.

He immediately knew something was wrong with Aucuses. Not only him, but many should also have felt it. He wanted to stop that bastard from getting anywhere close to the lord.

However, his actions and his voice were silenced by the indifferent gods.

They let Aucuses step into the twilight sun.

Then it happened. The betrayal. The feast of betrayal.

Aucuses betrayed the one who cared most about him, the one who raised him, the one who gave him everything.

The Creator was betrayed by the one he trusted the most.

Irony at its best. He knew his thoughts were blasphemous, but it was a cold, hard truth that he had no way of denying.

Medici lost his lord and his home as well as everything on that dreadful day. He literally became a "vagrant" with Ouroboros and could only suppress his burning rage and escape from the eyes of traitors and gods.

However, things improved when they found the true creator and took refuge with the hanged man after finding a shadow of their lord in him.

Time went on. Aucuses became a god with other traitors.

Then, Aucuses did something that angered him to the very core of his being.

Aucuses tampered with history. He made the world forget all about their lord while he soaked in the glory of saving mankind from a disaster that was caused by him in the first place. A hypocrite at his finest.

Medici also struggled to comprehend how Aucuses constantly seemed to win. Whatever the circumstances, he managed to come out on top.

On the night of the red moon, Aucuses had to face a real cosmic pillar. In the final battle of the War of the Seven Nations, Aucuses triumphed completely. The incident on Venus forced Aucuses to deal with an outer god once more. The list is never-ending.

Despite the difficulties and the danger in his path, Aucuses always won in the end.

It was as if, what do they call it these days, ah!

It was as if he was the "Protagonist".

Now, the United Empire is about to collapse. Aucuses will immediately be besieged by gods on all sides.

Yet, Medici had a gut feeling that Aucuses would come out victorious, like he always does.

He will take a step closer to becoming God Almighty and will gain a significant advantage over the Lord.

Although it was only a far-fetched guess, Medici believed in it wholeheartedly.

Medici had always been holding himself back until now. And, despite the warning and persuasion from the lord, he finally decided.

He can't allow the era to develop this. He needs to change it.

His lord always considered him as his sword.

Then, he shall be his sword, his sword of revenge.

He will slay Aucuses with his own hand...

Until then, he will not rest. One may wonder where his confidence came from. He has a way, a dangerous way to achieve his goal.

He would have worried about the consequences before, but not anymore.

He will be the sword of vengeance for his lord..

Medici suddenly noticed his prey slowly entering into his trap, completely oblivious.

He rose from his melted throne grabbing his red sword, and making his way outside of the ruins.

Everything is going according to his plan. He will have his revenge soon. He will bathe in the golden blood of Aucuses and tear his body apart with bare hands.

Medici smiled. His smile told volumes of his madness and anger. His eyes gleamed with craziness, which was deepening by the moment.

Suddenly, the space behind Medici shimmered, revealing a twisted city emanating a cataclysmic aura.

The war angel didn't seem to notice the presence of the twisted city, obliviously walking in his path of revenge.

In the shadows, Adam stood watching Medici. His eyes seemed to shimmer with actual pity. However, this emotion faded away, giving, way to indifference.

He finally looked into the shadows and nodded.


A crow flew out, following the war angel....


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