The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 187: : Horrified Yellow Turban soldiers


The earth vibrated faintly, and with the passage of time the vibration grew stronger and closer and closer.

Huanglong and the remaining Yellow Turban generals glanced ahead.

Only seeing the large number of yellow turban elite soldiers in front of them can no longer maintain absolute silence. They have always been elites, they are all making noise at this moment, and even the formation is unstable, and they are in a posture of collapse and dispersal at any time.

Although the Yellow Turban soldiers did not see the scene of many Yellow Turban heavy cavalry being slaughtered by the Kirin Legion because of their distance, they were not stupid.

They saw Guan Hai and a group of high-level generals starting with two million heavy cavalry.

However, the battle in the distance has been subdued before the battle for much time, and then the enemy charged again, killing him with incomparably terrifying power.

This scene at least represents that the two million heavy cavalry who fought not long ago have been completely killed or completely shredded into pieces, and now they have fled to all directions and no longer have any combat effectiveness.

Either way, it is not good news for the Yellow Turban warriors who are staying in place at this moment.

Those are more than two million elite heavy cavalry.

This heavy cavalry was even the main force that severely damaged Jingzhou Mu Liubiao's troops before!

How powerful is this heavy cavalry enemy who can disperse or even destroy this heavy cavalry silently?

How many people are here?

Tens of millions of people? Or more people?

And are they all elite soldiers and powerful generals of the Han Empire?

The yellow turban soldiers sweated their palms and thoughts in their hearts. The swords in their hands couldn't bring them the slightest sense of security.


"Look! The enemy is approaching!"

Suddenly, a yellow turban soldier at the front of the team finally saw through the dust and smoke in the distance that some shadowy enemy figures appeared. Those silhouettes are surrounded by dust and smoke rising from the sky, and only occasionally can they reveal a hideous and terrifying face.


But for this part of the hideous face, the yellow turban soldiers who had noticed this scene in the front row took a breath of air-conditioning, and they all took a step back subconsciously, showing horror on their faces, and their morale plummeted again.



The fierce beast roars!

At this moment, in the eyes of the dust in the distance, the heads of dragon-like creatures as large as water tanks were continuously protruding and retracting, and the two strong and powerful front paws also rushed out of the dense dust and smoke from time to time, and the figure flashed. Fleeting.

"Those...what the **** are those monsters?"

"It looks like a dragon?"

"No, they just have dragon-like heads, and their bodies seem to have limbs. They are huge terrestrial creeping beasts."

"Look, there are soldiers riding on those monsters..."

"Oh my God, what kind of army is it that can control this terrifying monster? It turns out that everyone is not riding a war horse, but using these unknown monsters as mounts?" The yellow turban soldiers burst into a clamor for an instant. Several rows of people yelled loudly.

They are at the forefront and they can see the most clearly.

After only a moment, they saw countless soldiers of the Kirin Legion rushing out of the dust and smoke, driving the wild dragon all the way towards here.

At this moment, the Kirin Legion is still the last few miles away from here!

This distance can be crossed in an instant.

The Yellow Turban soldiers were panic-stricken and at a loss. Everyone was horrified by the astonishing aura of the unicorn soldiers, and their morale dropped crazily, almost falling to the brink of collapse.

However, in the end they still did not escape.

As elite soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, these soldiers have all drunk the sorcery runes of the Yellow Turban leader Zhang Jiao. They will not have the idea of ​​fleeing the troops until the most desperate and desperate moment.

It was precisely because of the support of this fighting will that they could defeat a main army of Jingzhou Mu Liubiao before.

If it were an ordinary army, seeing the unicorn soldiers coming from crazy impact at this moment, seeing the unstoppable and terrifying power of the unicorn legion at this moment, like the power of heaven and earth, I am afraid it has already begun to rout.

"Don't retire!"

"Everyone formed a close formation! Where are the Pikemen? All the Pikemen have their spears up for me! Block the cavalry on the opposite side who are riding weird beasts!"


"Form a spear formation, the first row builds a shield formation to protect the personnel behind!"

"Quick, quick!" In the Yellow Turban Army, the grass-roots officers have to be more tenacious. After reacting, they ordered the soldiers to prepare for the upcoming battle.

"Lord... coach, let's run away."

Next to Huang Long, a military commander who was a confidant spoke with a shuddering voice.

"Yes, the coach, those soldiers who came out of Panlong Valley are all evil spirits who crawled out of Huangquan. It's terrible... The soldiers and horses under our hands can't stop them at all. We stay here only It will be lost in vain."

"Marshal, after leaving some soldiers off, let's go."

"Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood, coach!" All the soldiers in the yellow turban, with a look of horror on their faces, at this moment also opened their mouths for Huang Long to retreat with them. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The two million most elite heavy cavalry, and the most brave group of imperial generals in the army were all killed.

Although they have nearly five million mercenaries at this moment, they still don't have any confidence to fight Du Yu, who is gradually approaching. At this moment, there is only one thought left in their mind, that is, escape!

Run out, pass the news here, let the great sage and mentor Zhang Jiao, let the three tallest yellow turban leaders lead an army to Jingzhou to fight against this extremely terrifying Du Yu and his terrible army.

"Run? Well, I really want to run..."

"This time I really miscalculated. I encountered such a terrible enemy in Nanyang. No wonder that the dog emperor would enshrine this Du Yu as a hussar general. This Du Yu is so terrifying."

Huang Long took a deep breath, his face also uncertain, and slowly said: "But we don't have any cavalry anymore. Even if we run away with a small number of people, we can't be fast, because we can't escape the terrible swiftness of the wind. For the chase of the fierce beast mounts, the army must be left behind, and some means must be used to hinder the speed of the fierce beasts in the charge. If possible, it would be better to kill some people."

Huang Long paused. After speaking, he looked at a group of surviving generals around him, and asked, "What good way do you have to do this kind of thing?"

"The coach, there will be a way at the end."

Suddenly, among a group of generals, a very inconspicuous guy came out and said with his fists. ,, ..

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