The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 97 Emplacement

"Which one is it this year?" asked Emma before adding, "Please tell me, it's not the Nightshade, I want to travel a little."

The meaning of her words was quite simple as they were part of the territory of the Nightshades, Emma didn't want the tournament to be here, she wanted to explore a little more about the world that surrounded them.

She had never left this territory, and she was quite excited to discover what the other territories would look like, after all, she was sure that the other territories probably had a different style of architecture or stuff like that.

Aiden, also, nodded hearing the words she said at the end of her sentence, it didn't want the tournament to be here under all the eyes of the Nightshade family.

Sure, he was still in their territory but it was so big that he was simply an ant inside of it.

He didn't want to fight right in front of their very eyes, who knew if they could see through his mask?

He knew that even if the tournament was in another territory, he would fight in front of some of its members, but there would probably be a lot less than if he were to fight here.

Then, Maelis nodding at Emma's words revealed where the Inter-Family Tournament would be taking place.

Actually, Aiden already knew a bit about it, he knew that they were one of the best at creating weapons as his dagger even originated from them.

"The tournament will take place in Ravenwood's territory which isn't that far away from here as it will only take a single day to leave to go there."

'A complete day of travel isn't far?!' thought Aiden, unsure he had heard that correctly.

But then as Maelis was about to continue talking Emma interrupted her.

"Mom, mom, can't we leave now, it will give us a few days to explore the city," said Emma as excitement seemed to be contained in her voice.

"Aiden? Do you want to?" asked Maelis before pronouncing her decision, they were a team after all.

Both Emma and Aiden mattered.

"Yes," said Aiden as he didn't see any negative points regarding leaving right away, in fact, it will be beneficial as they are going to be well rested going there in advance.

However, Maelis who had not expected this response was pleasantly surprised.

She had expected him to refuse thinking that he would want to continue training but it seemed like he was more open-minded to it than she thought.

"Then, I guess it's decided we will leave tomorrow morning as I still need to prepare a way for us to go there," said Maelis before continuing her earlier explanation.

"Also, as I wanted to say earlier, Aiden is participating in the tournament anonymously, so Emma does not call him by his name. You can when he is not wearing his mask, but when he is you need to call him by his nickname, The Reaper, or Reaper for short."

Emma was obviously surprised by this news as she still didn't know about it.

"He wants to participate without anyone knowing that it's him fighting, but why didn't you tell him that he could get famous if he did," asked Emma confused about Aiden's choice.

Maelis only sighed and gave a strict stare at Emma, "Obviously I told him, but it's his choice, so don't interfere."I think you should take a look at

Emma gulped seeing her mother staring at her in such a way closing her mouth, listening to what she was going to say next.

"Then, I guess that's all, I will contact the Mental Transmitor tomorrow morning, so make sure to be ready."

Then, both Emma and Aiden stood up nodding while leaving the room.

As soon as they left, Emma was obviously really excited about the news and once again was trying to make Aiden speak.

"Did you hear that? We're leaving this place!" she said really excited that she was finally going to see some other city for the first time in her life.

Aiden who was clearly not as excited, only responded with a single word, "yes".

"Come on! Get some emotions on your face," she said as the emotionless face of Aiden was starting to get on her nerves.

It was the same face she had seen for the last month, never showing a smile or anything of the sort.

However, Aiden still didn't care.

Understanding that he wasn't going to speak to her, Emma started talking to herself.

"The Ravenwood, almost all weapons that, we, awakeners use come from there, who knows maybe we'll be able to get one," she said out loud for no real purpose.

Then, she had a thought.

"Aiden, isn't your dagger from there?" 

As usual, one word came out of his mouth, "yes".

"Then, what do you say we find the creator of your dagger? Or maybe we can get you a custom-made one?" she said as if the price of such things didn't even exist in her mind.

But still, her last words managed to spike Aiden's interest as it would help him get stronger.

"A custom-dagger, I guess it would be nice, but as you know I don't have enough Credit for it," said Aiden forming a full sentence for the first time in a long time.

'No way, he really spoke to me, am I dreaming or something?' thought Emma surprised to hear him speak to her after such a long time.

In fact, at one point, she thought that he had been replaced by a robot as all he did was wake up, eat, and train, over and over again.

"I was joking, it cost way too much to get one, even if we used all our resources to buy one, I don't think we could get you one."

"Oh, I see," said Aiden, already kind of knowing this.

"But, who knows? Maybe you'll be able to get one in one of the tournament rewards," said Maelis, not wanting the conversation they had in days to stop.

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