The Soul System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 30: Level 4 Warlock

Chapter 30: Level 4 Warlock

"You are also a mage?" At this moment, Steven couldn't help but ask incredulously.

The temperatures around Henry increased drastically. As compared to Steven, the temperatures that were around Henry were much higher.

It was also during this moment that, Henry suddenly realized that in his yellow flames, at the edges, there was a hint of red. Even though he couldn't explain it, he thought that this was definitely due to the fact that he was a warlock.

He could tell the difference between the flames that the two of them possessed. While it was true that the flames that Steven possessed were also yellow in color, there was a difference in both the size as well as the heat intensity.

"How can your flames be bigger than mine? But I am already a rank 3 mutant warrior!" Steven exclaimed as he saw that the fire that was in Henry's hand had already begun increasing in size.

While for him it was the size of a tennis ball, Henry's flames were already three times bigger. At this moment, Steven was bombarded by myriads of emotions.

There was fear, jealousy, and insecurity. He knew that with the presence of Henry who had the flames that were stronger than his, then, it was obvious that his position as the biggest boss was going to be endangered.

With that thought in mind, Steven decided that he had to get rid of Henry as soon as possible. If he was given a chance to grow up, he was definitely going to be his biggest obstacle to reigning supreme.

Without waiting for any kind of response from Henry, he decided to attack. Since he knew that the one who took the initiative was going to have an advantage, he wasn't going to let Henry attack him first.

The flames that had condensed in his hand immediately flew into the air and charged towards Henry's direction. They painted the surrounding area yellow as they burned with intensity.

Henry wasn't just a simple mage. Instead, he was also a swordsman. For that reason, his reaction speed was not to be underestimated at all.

Currently, he was already a level 3 Warlock. That implied that he was a level 3 swordsman, as well as a level 3 fire mage. So, he deftly reacted by throwing the fireball that he had condensed in his hand.

One small and the other big. The two fireballs, the very basic skills that were granted to those that possessed the fire affinity, charged towards each other furiously.

Bang! Boom!

A loud explosion sounded in the air. A shock wave was created, and a cloud of dust was raised.

The commotion that had been caused by the collision between the two of them attracted the attention of the group that was attacking Adam. They couldn't help but gasp at the scale of the attack.

When the two fireballs collided in the air, one of them was superior than the other. Since Henry was an SSS warlock, it was obvious that the spells that he possessed were way stronger than those that were at the same level as him.

This was a unique profession after all. So, just after lees than one second of stalemate, the fireball that had been thrown by Henry immediately overwhelmed Steven's.

The flames of the fireball were immediately extinguished, while Henry's fireball charged towards the flabbergasted Steven.

Steven had never expected the results in front of him. After all, he had simply thought that even if Henry was stronger than him, he was supposed to be just a single level above.

In short, he was expecting that there would have been a fierce fight between the two of them, before he took a certain chance to retreat in case he couldn't win. But, that seemed impossible at the moment.

He had never expected that the difference between the spells that each of them possessed was going to be this big. His attack stood no chance in front of the attack that had been launched by Henry.

Since it was just the beginning of the apocalypse, the mages of different affinities didn't possess skills that could be utilized for defense. For that reason, Steven could only watch as the big fireball approached his eyes.

At that moment, he completely regretted it. Had he known it would end like this, he would have tried to befriend Henry and Adam. After that, he would find a chance to deal with them.


With eyes filled with unwillingness, the fireball blasted into Steven. Even those that were supposed to be his subordinates to him never knew how to react in such a situation.

For that reason, they could only watch in both awe and fear as Steven was enveloped with fire.

"Aaah!" Stevens screams echoed in the air for a few seconds before they finally faded away..

It was only after 2 minutes or so, that the flames that had surrounded on Steven finally disappeared. What was left was a charred corpse that was laying on a black ground.

Silence dominated the air as the eyes of the youths that were watching couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Michael who had thought that he had gotten his chance to see as Adam and Henry got beaten up pissed himself. He could not believe that the person he always try to bully was actually able to kill someone without even blinking.

And, what was even more outrageous was the fact that, he was far stronger than the person that he himself believed that was the strongest person present. His body was already shaking from the fear, praying that Henry wouldn't notice him.

Henry didn't say any word. Instead, he raised his hand and summoned yet another flame. Even he himself was surprised by the power that contained in the fireball.

Ever since he had gotten to the third level, he had not gotten a chance to utilize the fireball skill. But now, he could finally see just how powerful mages were. But at the same time, he could see how vulnerable they were.

The good thing for him was that, he was not just any mage. He was a warlock. With the swordsman specialization, he was able to defend, while using the mage path, the power of his attacks would be sky high.

After producing the flames, Henry turned his attention to the group of people that were already crippled by Adam. He didn't waste his breath and attacked.

Since this group was already considered useless, and he wasn't ready to spend his mutation crystals to buy health potions to heal them, then he might as well get rid of them.

The fierce flames enveloped the group of youths that was still wailing on the ground. Since they were already crippled, there was nothing that they could do in the face of an attack.

With their miserable cries, the whole group was burnt into a crisp. After he was done, Henry finally turned his attention to Michael.

A chill ran down the spines of all those present. They couldn't help but suck in a cold breath. This time, none of them dared to breathe loudly.

At this moment, Michael had already began crying. He completely forgot about the reputation that he had been trying to preserve, in the face of death.

Like always, Henry didn't waste his saliva trying to speak nonsense. Instead, with a single fireball, Michael's life was finally put to a full stop.

With all those out of the way, Henry finally turned his attention towards the group that was attacking Adam. The group had already stopped attacking, none of them was making any more moves.

They were already having a very hard time catching up with Adam. And now, an even more powerful opponent had suddenly appeared. At that moment, they didn't have any hope for survival in case Henry decided to kill them off.

Just as Henry was about to say something, he suddenly felt something strange. The energy in his body suddenly became chaotic for a moment.

Just as he was not able to understand what was going on, a prompt screen appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations. You have leveled up to level 4 Rank O in the warlock profession.]

When he saw that, Henry couldn't help but only be flabbergasted. He had never expected that killing fellow humans was also a method of leveling up.

But all that aside, he couldn't help but groan at how it was difficult for him to level up. He had managed to kill many monsters, but leveling up his profession was very difficult.

For him, leveling up the warlock profession was not different from a person who was trying to level up two professions at the same time. But all the same, he was quite relieved by the fact that his combat strength was definitely higher compared to those that were at the same level as him.

As for the reason as to why his fireball was far stronger than Steven's, that was of course due to the fact that his energy reserves were far higher than theirs. The summoner profession was also capable of increasing his energy reserves as long as he leveled up.

"Okay then. I'm going to give you all a choice. We are going to face a monster tide very soon. So, you either decide to work for me during this monster tide, or I might as well go ahead and kill you all." Henry stated as he looked at the group of youths.

All the youths felt a chill in their hearts when they heard his words. They didn't doubt his words that he would definitely kill them in case they disagreed.

"I agree to work for you!" One of the youths immediately shouted. He was a person of level 2.

With him taking the lead, the others also agreed one after the other. And when he saw that, Henry finally nodded his head in satisfaction.

The main reason as to why he had decided to let them go this time was simply because of the monster tide. As for the second one, it was simply because this group of people had never crossed with him before.

[You have 10 minutes before the monster tide arrives. Make your final preparations.]

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