The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 198 Tyr's Love Interest? [R18+]

Nora and Tyr returned but they could hear loud noises escaping the house, it almost sounded like a fight broke out within the house prompting Tyr to rush out and what he saw would be enough to traumatize anyone.

Everyone was having sex with one another, this was what one would call an orgy and so much was going on that he did not know what to do.

Nora rushed in the moment she saw her Chieftain dazed state but she had a more pleasant look on her face. She liked what she was seeing but she knew she could not partake even though she was in a polygamous relationship, she respected the boundaries of her partners as they did hers.

"TYR!" Kolbeinn called out to the boy, a girl was sitting beside him but she looked quite young to be there as well, Tyr flashed Nora an exhausted look before rolling his eyes in annoyance.

Nora held in her giggle as Tyr went into the house and walked towards Kolbeinn who had a space reserved for him.

"Tyr, just the man I wanted to see! I would have asked where you snuck off to with her but I know a man has urges…" Kolbeinn winked at the younger Viking, who was not as oblivious as he previously was to such social cues but he did not refute as it was better than the truth.

Tyr smiled awkwardly and he could see from the side of his eyes that the younger girl was gawking at him. Each time he looked in her direction, her head immediately tilted down.

"I wanted to introduce you to her a lot sooner but she just finished her training! This is my daughter, Gudrun!" Kolbeinn exclaimed, Tyr was confused because he did not know he had a daughter in the first place.

And where was she? Why would a Chieftain let his daughter out of sight?

Tyr looked at her closely but she could not hold his gaze, something that Kolbeinn found amusing because it reminded him of when he was younger.

"Are you sure she is your daughter? You both look nothing alike!" Tyr said, and Gudrun mistook this as an insult and the embarrassed look on her face was telling.

"Hey, you should look people in the eyes when they are talking. You cannot hide those pretty eyes forever…" Tyr said with a smile, he did not know what he was doing but he knew it had to work. He had listened to one of his father's many tales when he was younger and was recycling the lines he had heard in those stories.

Gudrun immediately flushed red, Kolbeinn could not hold in his laughter, slapping Tyr on the back as he laughed.

"You see! Gudrun is a maiden! An untouched maiden! I could not allow her to stay here because my men are dogs! We fuck anything that wants to be fucked! But I wanted to surprise you, Tyr." Kolbeinn shouted, his men too engrossed in satisfying their sexual partners to care because they knew their Chieftain was right.

Kolbeinn barely had any clothes on, only covering his dick but the rest of his body was exposed, his daughter was dressed appropriately because there was no way he would allow just anyone to see her nakedness.

"F-Father! Don't! I am sure he does not want to hear that! I heard Vikings like l-lewd women…" Gudrun said, looking away once more but Tyr burst out laughing, a reaction that shocked Kolbeinn.

"I have never touched a woman as well, but I do have thoughts about what it would feel like…" Tyr said, slowly looking at her chest, Gudrun was surprised to hear he too was a virgin.

"Y-You!? You have never touched a woman!? But you are…" Gudrun stopped herself from completing these words, looking to the floor.

"I know I am a fine young man but I have never had much interest in these things. I am a brute that only thinks about violence," Tyr carelessly blurted out with a crazed look in his eyes.

Kolbeinn sighed loudly, he thought Tyr knew what he was doing earlier but it was clear he had no idea what he was doing and that is exactly why he would make a perfect match for his daughter.

"Gudrun, I would like us to talk in a place less…." Tyr paused, looking around as if to cement his point.

"..... obscene," Tyr said and Gudrun agreed but Tyr waited for the unspoken permission from the Chieftain. Kolbeinn gave them his permission and Tyr took her to a different compartment of the house. He looked back to search for Nora but all he saw was Kolbeinn's dangling dick, and he instantly regretted looking back.

Nora looked at Tyr, but she was even more surprised that he was leaving with a woman but she was so preoccupied with what was happening that she gave this more than a momentary thought.


"We are alone now…" Tyr said, shutting the door behind him and upon looking back, Gudrun was already naked. Tyr immediately looked away, a warrior that had seen death and violence countless of times being defeated by the nude body of a woman.

"Shit! You startled me!" Tyr once again acted on instinct, and he could hear hurried movements from behind him.

"I AM SO SORRY!" Gudrun apologized, she was sobbing and Tyr was confused about what was happening because this was something too naughty for a timid to do on a whim.

"F-FATHER SAI-!" Gudrun muttered and Tyr sighted the moment she did.

"Of course he had something to do with it," Tyr said but now he had the responsibility of comforting her, a task he was not looking forward to considering he had just seen her nakedness and he realized that his reaction could have been a lot better.

He sat beside her and awkwardly patted her back, wondering how this came to be.

"It is fine, Gudrun. Don't cry, you did nothing wrong," Tyr comforted her but his voice lacked genuine compassion, something that Gudrun did not pick up on.

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