The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 163 Reidar Vs Erik [PT.1]

Reidar was sent flying into a nearby wall, which was strange considering he was meant to be sliced in half considering the force of Erik's swing.

"One would think I stole your wife in our previous lives…." Reidar teased, clutching his torso as he got to his feet slowly, there was a faint metallic sound when Erik's ax made contact with his torso. It was revealed he was wearing body armor made of very durable material.

Erik was crazed and was not interested in a conversation, but Reidar had used himself as a decoy, allowing the other men to slip away with Liv.

"Your ax has dulled, I would be dead otherwise," Reidar muttered, he first noticed this with the thrown ax. Erik's ax had been drenched in blood ever since the war, it was only natural that his weapon would dull and be in the process of rusting as Erik's fighting style did not rely on the cutting power of his weapons but that was exactly what prevented a one-hit kill right now.

Reidar did not come out unscathed, he could feel his torso bleeding as Erik's ax had caused the armor to bend inwards from the collision and burrow into his skin but it was not deep enough to cause him immediate concern.

Erik charged towards him and with Reidar backed up against the wall, there was nowhere to run. Reidar had no intentions of running as Erik tried to take off his head but a simple duck from Reidar was all it took for him to escape Erik's wrath.

Erik found that his ax was further dulled with the collision, Reidar knew exactly what he was doing. He had brought Erik into this confined space to limit his movement as well as the freedom in which he could swing his ax.

"Damn! Your strength is nothing to joke about!" Reidar complimented Erik but he knew in the battle of stamina, Erik would have the upper hand, he needed a method to win but he knew that if he got too close to Erik, it would be his doom.

He has already seen what a dulled weapon could do to his once-thought-to-be invincible armor.

Reidar needed to make his weapon useless and that was what he was trying to do.

Erik, despite being the epitome of madness, somehow perceived the threat Reidar posed and this alone eliminated his victimized role, he was not fooling Erik.

Erik noticed the tip of his ax had broken, or it rather, cracked against the wall.

He looked down at his feet and saw the broadsword on the body of the man he had killed moments earlier.

Erik bent to pick it up but this was the opening Reidar had been waiting for, Erik soon heard a noise behind him, forcing him to look behind him despite Reidar never being there in the first place, he had thrown a stone in that direction to collide against the wall.

This left Erik blind to his attack, Reidar's first and only attack was a clean hit into Erik's chest, using his sword, he had heard stories about Erik's durability and thus, twisted his blade counter-clockwise to increase the hole in his chest.

Reidar did not want to kill Erik if he did not have to but Erik was a threat that needed to be eliminated.

Reidar was surprised by what happened next, Erik looked to be unfazed as he was forced to let go of his sword before skidding backward and out of Erik's range.

"W-What? You know, normal people die when their heart is destroyed!" Reidar shouted as he was not aware of Erik's birth defect but for some reason, he did not show fear of this unforeseen situation.

Erik's eyes had returned to normal, he saw his blood and looked at Reidar.

"Who are you?" Erik asked in a calm tone, sticking his finger into his wound, and stirring it inside with a sickening grin. At that moment, Reidar realized Erik was far more dangerous sane than he was in his crazed state but maybe he could talk some sense into him.

"I am Reidar, I have heard great things about you, Erik," Reidar spoke in a friendly manner despite Erik being his enemy at this moment. Erik did not care about anything he had said but his name.

"Are you the one that injured me, Reidar?" Erik asked, getting straight to the point.

"Me? Odin forbid! The person that injured you has been killed by you," Reidar said, pointing at the corpse close to Erik but he mistook one thing about Erik.

Erik had a primal instinct when it came to strong figures but Erik burst out laughing.

Reidar did not know what to do and awkwardly laughed with Erik but Erik's laugh quickly subsided. He had long seen the damaged body armor of the man in front of him alongside his weapon of choice.

Erik's question was rhetorical, he never expected a serious answer from the man.

"Do you know why I do not use a sword?" Erik asked, with the broadsword gripped firmly within his right hand.

"Hahaha! And I do not plan to find out either, good day sir," Reidar said as he began walking away from Erik but he was stopped in his tracks by what Erik said next.

"I know who you are, Reidar…. The bastard of-!" Erik was interrupted the moment he was about to reveal who his father was, Reidar had thrown a shard of metal in Erik's direction, which The Berserker dodged easily. Reidar lost the friendly look on his face and he looked a lot different.

Erik remembered everything in his crazed state, the only thing he could not control was his bloodlust, and he had a knack for triggering his enemies.

"Don't you dare say his fucking name!" Reidar barked and Erik licked his lips, the look on Reidar's face was everything he wanted to see. Pure undiluted rage.

"That is right, those eyes! Those are the eyes I want to see!" Erik was happy with the reaction he had gotten from him and he did not need to convince Reidar to charge at him.

Erik swung the broadsword in a bid to cut him in half, the advantage of such a weapon was that it could get targets before they could get within proximity. There was no dodging it, Reidar was running right into his death.

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