The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 182 - One Hundred And Eighty-two : Youre Dangerous To Us

Chapter 182 - One Hundred And Eighty-two : You're Dangerous To Us

Asher leaned closer, " What is it? What was so interesting about her? "

"Your eyes, she had the same eyes as you "

He blinked, taken aback, " What are you talking about? "

"I'm as sure as x is x, the eyes were the same; I could have taken her for you if not for her scent and body structure"

Lia told him while struggling to pull her disheveled hair into a ponytail but Daniel took the rubber band from her, offering to help her out.

"As far as I know, my father has only me, no sister or twin. Even if there exists one, why now? Why attack my - our mate " Asher corrected himself before Daniel would notice.

But a frown crossed the vampire's features, he couldn't help but get bothered by the public display of affection going on; Daniel was taking more liberty than he should.

"Thank you " Lia barely complimented him for his help when Asher appeared beside her and loosened the already tied hair.

"What are you doing? " Both Lia and Daniel asked at the same time, surprised.

"Do you want our mate to go bald at this age?"

"Huh? "

He went on " How could you tie-up this unkempt hair without straightening them? " Asher emphasized by pointing at her messy hair which came to such a state as a result of the attack earlier.

"Do you want her hair to knot? You expect her to lose strands of hair while combing? " Asher fired at Daniel.

The werewolf opened and closed his mouth, he was overwhelmed by Asher's questions - he didn't even know where to begin.

Lia tugged Asher's clothes in an attempt to get his attention, "Why are you attacking Daniel, I was the one who asked him to tie my hair? "

"So? Doesn't he know it is our responsibility to take care of you? "

Lia was tongue-tied, her mouth quirked. Do all female mates get this kind of privilege, why didn't anyone tell her?

She washed her hands off this case; her mates should settle - this one was over her.

"Fine, I acknowledge my carelessness towards our mate, so can you show me the right way to do it? " Daniel's words appeared innocent but the vampire sensed the sarcasm beneath.

Asher gave him a smug smile, "Fine, watch and learn "

Trevor and Rex watched the scene with bewildered looks, they had been freaked out by what was going on.

Lia was unsure what Asher was up-to when he forced her to sit down then went behind her to do God knows what.

Warning bells went off in her head but she forced herself to calm down, Asher was her mate and would do nothing to hurt her.

That was what Lia forced herself to believe until she got scalded on the scalp.

"Ouch " She yelped and tried to stand but he pulled her back to the seat.

"Sorry, I'll reduce the temperature," Asher told her but that comment forced her to panic.

Reduce the temperature? What the hell was Asher doing to her hair? Her gaze rested on her siblings who were watching whatever her mate was doing with their mouth agape; they were shocked.

"Seriously, stay at a place! " Asher warned her, " If you don't want me to scald you again "

Sweat ran down her face, Lia surmised whatever Asher was doing to her involved the use of his fire ability cause she could feel the heat on her scalp and back.

Suddenly, she felt him begin to comb his fingers through her hair and each time she would try to peak by turning her head to the side, Asher would face it forward.

"Are you done?" Lia asked unsure when the movements stopped.

"If you're done, can I take a glance at your - " She was hardly done with her statement when her hair was over her shoulder, falling right where her eyes could capture his handwork.

Lia was struck dumb at the sight.

By chance, did Asher secretly stretch her hair with a hair straightener? Her once scraggly hair was now straight, soft, and fluffy - totally refreshing from her naturally wavy hair.

" How did - "

Lia saw it: Asher's hands were glowing red while heat radiated from it.

He smiled at her, "You just need to manipulate the temperature "

Asher could see the admiration in his mate's eyes and this made him burst with joy inwardly, who knew having a multipurpose ability was beneficial in winning his mate over.

Lia envied her mate, he could manipulate his abilities unlike her, he was so cool!

There was an ugly look on Daniel's face, he was being ignored - it was obvious the vampire was sabotaging their mate's heart.

"That's obviously cheating" Asher heard the werewolf snort by the side contemptuously," If I had the same ability as you, I would have done better "

"Perhaps, you should have thought of using your claws to loosen those knots in the first place" Asher pointed out and this time Daniel couldn't defend himself - the vampire won.

A victorious smirk decorated Asher's face.

"Enough! " Trevor who couldn't take it anymore shot up to his feet angrily, "All of you owe me an explanation not keep me in suspense and waste your attention on unnecessary things "

"Did you just say taking care of our mate is unnecessary?" Asher was quick to pick on his comment.

"Our mate is an unnecessary thing?" Daniel followed, anger in his orbs.

Trevor trembled when he saw the dark, scary looks on the faces of the vampire and werewolf.

He instinctively took a step back fearfully, he didn't mean it that way. Trevor was just trying to say they shouldn't waste their saliva on unnecessary arguments but it came out the wrong way.

Even Rex shivered, he felt like there was a dark cloud above them and the room temperature just dropped to a minus zero degrees.

"Oh crap" Lia knew her brother had a shitty mouth but it was clear he didn't mean it the way her mates were

taking it.

Asher and Daniel could take anything - that includes insults, but not one hurled at their mate; to crown it all, her brother Trevor has been pushing their button lately.

She immediately put herself between her mates and her brother and said. "Daniel, Asher, you both need to leave, now "

Both looked at her surprised.

"I need to speak to my family alone without interference from the both of you "

Lia quickly added, "I'm not trying to say you both are not family - you two mean the world to me - but this? It's between my siblings and me, and I should have told them the truth a long time ago "

For a moment there, she thought they would insist on staying behind in case her brother does something stupid, but both of them looked at each other and came to an agreement silently.

"Fine, he's your family anyway," Daniel told her and she engulfed him in a warm hug.

"Thank you " She placed a chaste kiss on his cheeks before facing Asher who had a grim look on his face.

Lia sighed inwardly, what's he sulky about now?

"I'm supposed to have the first hug, you do know I'm a lot older than - "

She yanked him forward by the clothes and enveloped him fully.

"Stop being so grumpy, it doesn't suit you," Lia chided him playfully and tried to peck him the same way she did to Daniel.

But this greedy vampire knowingly moved his head and her lips ended on his lips.

Trevour felt his heart stop.

Rex closed his eyes.

Daniel growled at him.

Lia glared at him.

Asher gloated shamelessly.

"Y-you " His mate choked and pulled away from him with fire in her orbs and a flush in her cheeks.

"Let's leave now, " Daniel ordered through gritted teeth and grabbed him on the collar, beginning to drag him out.

Look at this kiddo, was he wishing for a death sentence? He ranted inwardly.

Asher let himself get dragged along but he didn't forget to give Trevor the "I-ve-got -my-eyes-on-you" gesture before leaving.

"What the hell is going on? " Trevor questioned his sister sternly as soon as the door was shut.

Lia took a step forward but he shunned her, " Stay a considerable distance away from me and Rex for the moment "

Though she was hurt by his attitude, she obeyed and even took two steps back just to establish peace.

"What are you? "

She shook her head, " I don't know what I am, but they say I'm a hybrid - a made hybrid "

"They?" He looked towards the door, fear still apparent in his eyes, "You mean the vampire and the werewolf?"

" Yes, precisely "

"Is that why you've been hanging around with the werewolf in the guise of being your boyfriend? Is that why you're whoring around with the vampire? "

Trevor's harsh words cut through her, and this time she couldn't control her anger and growled at him, exposing her sharp canines defensively.

"There is no disguise neither am I whoring around, they both are mine!"

Her sudden outburst made Rex jump out of his skin, he ran towards Trevor who pushed him behind his body protectively.

Lia who realized what she has done calmed down at once; retracting her canines as she apologized,

"I'm sorry "

There was a trace of pain on Trevor's face as he said, "I know you're my sister and I swore to protect you, but you're dangerous to us at the moment "

"I would never harm you! " She declared firmly.

"At the moment! " His gaze was fierce," You're a bloodsucker and that thing called a werewolf..and I have no clue how that is possible; who's to say that you won't lose control in the future and harm us unintentionally? "

"What about you? You talk about me hurting our family, but what about the harm you bring upon Rex by initiating him into Hunters league? "

Trevor and Rex were taken by surprise, " How did - "

"Well, unlike you who chose that wrecked weapon, I went for dad's diaries, ring a bell? "

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