The Sage of Einar

Chapter 315 - The Creation Of The Box

The next morning Laisa, who could barely feel her hip, clung to her husband like a koala because the sunlight was bothering her.

Einar, upon feeling his wife's embrace, ended up giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Good morning Laisa, you want me to bring you breakfast."

Laisa, who was snuggled into Einar, just shook her head "I'm sleepy and I want to rest. Just hug me ..."

Einar hugged his wife and closed his eyes so he could sleep another time in bed.

While this was happening in a construction zone, an Irish slave was yelling at a Scottish slave.

"You are stupid. You know that cement should not be used in that way. Your mistake cost us a wheelbarrow of cement."

The Scotsman punched the Irishman "Don't yell at me you fucking idiot, the mistake was your fault throwing me while you were playing."

The two slaves then started a fight. All the slaves, far from stopping them, were left to fight while making bets.

The Irishman gave the Scotsman a good punch in the face, who only spat blood and gave the Irishman a hook on the chin.

Their fight was seen by the warriors who, far from stopping them, let the fight continue because they did not believe that something would happen.

The two men kept fighting until the two exchanged a blow to their faces, causing them to pass out at the same time.

It was at that moment that the warriors approached the two slaves and carried them to the infirmary.

In the afternoon, Einar, who was getting ready to do his work, received Eskol at the office.

"Good afternoon Konungar Einar, I have information on the slaves."

Einar raised his eyebrow and looked curiously at Eskol.

"Today we had a confrontation between two slaves. It is the seventh of the week.

The fights are thankfully only with fists, but in today's case the two suffered some minor damage before losing consciousness.

The slaves who fight the most are the slaves of the Irish region against the slaves of Scotland.

It seems that there is a kind of enmity between his two groups of slaves.

If we don't do anything about it, it is likely that the attacks will end up leveling up and trigger a real problem. "

Einar heard this and stroked his mustache as he thought of a solution.

Eskol only looked at Einar until he showed a slightly creepy smile.

"The fundamental problem is that they don't have a way to release their emotions, so their fights will continue unless we do an event for them to support their representatives.

Sport is the primary way to release emotions. American football is good to do that, but preparing teams will take time.

Since they like to fight, I think boxing will be a good way to release their emotions.

Eskol brings Seren and summons all the slaves to choose a representative per region who knows how to fight only with fists.

Kicking or hitting the crotch is prohibited.

Just fists like real men do. Anyone who takes part and does that thing of things cannot take part again and will have a penalty of one year in military service.

In order for him to learn the values ​​of a man, organize fighting tournaments between slaves.

To do this, they need to place bandages on their hands to form a mass of bandages in this way. "

Einar got up and walked to the office medicine cabinet, which he opened and take a bandage, which he tied on his hands to create a hand protection.

"It should be that way. If you have doubts, you can send a soldier or warrior to show them how it should be done.

As for the mouth, that they use a wooden protector like the one used in the army to train, for head protection that is used a leather helmet.

Before I forget, punches to the eyes are prohibited. "

Eskol, who had an idea that it was the box, simply nodded and left the room, knowing that it must be something very important.

During the following days Eskol organized all the slaves to choose their representatives, for this they held tournaments.

Where the slaves fought using only their fists following the rules of so-called boxing, while they did that, Einar proudly looked at his creation.

In front of him was a cotton-filled leather helmet and cotton-filled leather boxing gloves.

"These tools to be able to perform boxing will be a new trend. If they want to fight and take out their anger, the slaves will be able to do it in the ring with rules.

Also, with sport must come the rewards to show that their effort is worth it. "

Einar then turned his head and looked at a simple but beautiful tanned leather belt that had in the middle a medallion of a bear holding a goblet.

Under the bear was written in Latin.

'Primum patronium pugnae Decembris 31, 831'1

Also, next to the belt was a document written in gold letters, in which the winner was given citizenship and a house for his family or so that he could live.

"I think the awards are a perfect way to motivate the participants. What better than freedom in a sport that, although dangerous, is not deadly.

There are also some changes to the rules to make hitting the back of the head completely forbidden.

This kind of blows can cause a stroke that would end with the death of the competitor, we will also have to do a check on the gloves of the competitors.

To ensure that everyone can have the correct training regimen, they will train with me until the day of the competition.

After the competition, they must continue training to train the next generation for the championship on December 31, 832.

In that competition, I will be a judge again until there are trained personnel to be able to do that work.

Later, the tournament of 833 must be divided into weights as it is not fair for thin opponents to fight against heavier opponents.

But what do you think of all this, father? "

Sven looked proudly at his son and rested his hand on his shoulder "This sport will be quite famous among the slaves but what about our citizens."

Einar smiled and looked at his father with joy. "Starting next year, American football and soccer will have their own tournaments.

For the moment, boxing will be a sport for slaves as it will help ease tensions between different groups of slaves.

But judo can be used as a competition to show capabilities and could even make a mixed martial arts tournament.

But that will have to wait, for the moment the box will be the protagonist. "

First championship of box December 31,831

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