The Sage of Einar

Chapter 290 - Celebrating The First Anniversary Of Arrival

When his wives woke up, Einar had a fairly complete breakfast ready for them.

Kassia, who didn't know what Einar was celebrating, looked at him with a doubtful face as she enjoyed the sweet taste of the cake.

Because he only on special occasions make cake, although at that moment she turned her head and noticed Laisa's curious look.

Seeing what she was observing, she realized that she was looking at the small altar that Einar made for her daughter Erika.

At that moment, she remembered that yesterday was September 23, so today should be 24.

At that moment she had a good little flashback in which it was the first time she met Max. A smile formed on her face so she looked at Einar and asked him in Latin.

"Einar, don't you mind having to celebrate this day because of what happened to Erika in that plane crash?"

Einar shook his head "There was nothing I could do at the time, but from the loss, I also had a nirvana and I am grateful to have been able to meet you.

Without you nothing would have made sense and I really would not have known what to do completely alone. It is a day to remember Erika.

But it's also one to celebrate my new start, we've done so much and it's just the beginning.

I will create the biggest empire just so that our family can live without problems in the future. I am a father who makes a nation for his family.

Not an emperor who creates a toy for his descendants, I hope that with the changes made and the constitution, our family can last forever.

If an empire in Asia can live for 1000 years, we can do it too, it just takes a lot of discipline. "

Helmi, who barely understood the conversation, could only nod her head as she agreed with Einar's actions.

Because her father and she would not like to see their children and descendants fight for a position of power.

Laisa, who had not understood anything, put her serious face and looked at Einar "Einar, I think you owe me an explanation. We are engaged and we have even shared feelings.

Don't you trust me to explain why the Valkyrie Erika is your daughter? "

Einar sighed and looked sadly at Laisa "If you want to know the truth, you have the right to know. I apologize for my selfish behavior.

Laisa, I am not a herald of Odin or a messiah of god, I am just a man who comes from the future.

I do not know if this is the past that I know or is an alternate world with some differences, but it is because of my knowledge that I can invent great things.

Of course I do not know everything, maybe I know the bases or operation of many things but I have to investigate everything.

That is why you can see me working hard. I do not have all the knowledge and that worries me. What happens if tomorrow you or one of our children gets tuberculosis.

What can I do to prevent them from dying? I am just a man who is afraid that his family will die.

Erika was my daughter, she died in something called a plane, a tool that allowed us to fly in the air, we had an accident on that plane.

Where once I died, I ended up in a kind of black place where there was no one. I was only saved by luck.

But there is something that is real and you may see it very often or spontaneously.

My daughter Erika somehow ended up being a kind of Valkyrie because she appears where there are dead or she communicates in dreams with people.

By showing your dead friends or family, I cannot explain that, just as I cannot explain whether there is a heaven or a hell.

Nor do I know if there is a Valhalla after death. The only thing I am sure of is that at least I went to a dark place where there was no one.

Just a beast that seemed to destroy that place, but there is also my daughter, so I don't have an answer as to where we will go when we fail.

We may only see Erika, who you will take us to a better place, but that is something that I could not answer you.

As for why I know so much about self defense and advanced tactics, it is because I was a military engineer and a historian.

Erika's mother also died of cancer. It was something that happened slowly and painfully. I could see how the disease was destroying her.

Chemotherapies, a technique that uses dangerous radiation to kill cancer cells, is something that can help or kill you.

They just killed my wife, but I don't blame the doctors because they can't do miracles, because God doesn't exist and if he does, he doesn't have time to take care of the ants that he calls humans.

But that does not mean that I make fun of people's faith. Margaret was a Catholic woman and until her last moments, she pressed her cross to ask me to take care of Erika ... "

Einar took a deep breath because he had to fix his emotional state. Laisa, for her part, had so many questions, but in the end she was far from angry.

She hugged Einar, while looking at him seriously.

"You just had to tell me about your past. It was unnecessary that you save everything.

From the day you won that fight from me, you became my fiancé and the future father of my children, and you can do everything you can without divine help.

It makes you even more impressive than most men or warriors who could not achieve something like what you did.

You are a great man Einar, I will be with you until I die, and so will our son. "

Einar, who was stroking a lock of her hair, looked seriously at Laisa "Are you pregnant?"

Laisa nodded and showed a smile "I found out three days ago thanks to Kassia, who told me that the symptoms I was feeling were a sign that I am pregnant.

It's just that I couldn't find the time to tell you. "

Einar lowered his head and gave Laisa a kiss "We will have to reduce the amount of sex and change your diet. That also means no extreme training.

I will teach you some exercises for pregnant women which will help you a lot and do not worry about losing physical condition.

When your pregnancy is over, I will take care of making a routine so that your beautiful figure is not lost. "

Laisa didn't hold back and gave Einar a big kiss while Kassia and Helmi looked at each other because they were happy that they no longer had to keep secrets.

Except for the escapades each of them made with Einar, those should not be counted because of breaking the three-woman rule on Einar.

After this Einar and his wives prepared for the night party, all the inhabitants of the nation were told that from September 24 the day of the arrival of the herald would be celebrated.

A date of personal changes where goals would have to be proposed to complete in a year, as the herald did, in order to create a great nation.

The Roman soldiers, who were preparing the materials for their barracks, were also invited as the future imperial guard.

They had to begin to adapt to the traditions of the kingdom, although they barely had a day on the island.

They quite liked the calm and crime-free environment of the island. It was a radical change to Constantinople or the island where they had been exiled.

For people and slaves lived in harmony and even children could run free without worrying about some slave trader stealing them.

Somehow, they wanted to protect the peace of the island, as some of them even got along with some female slaves and citizens.

Which showed interest in the healthy men who seemed to have gone through different battles.

Evaristus was sure that in a few months new marriages would emerge, although the only thing that caused him a minor discomfort was the reform of the Christian religion of Einar.

He said nothing like his soldiers because they were given some copies of the gospel, according to Judas Iscariot, which showed them a different understanding of their faith.

Because they did not need churches to seek God's protection, because God, as an omnipresent and omnipotent being, would listen to them from anywhere.

It was unnecessary to depend on a church to get God's blessing, although that was all they had read at the moment because the gospel was a book of almost 100 pages.

At night, when most of the kingdom was gathered in the center of the capital.

Einar gave a brief speech on a platform while using an iron megaphone.

"Today we are gathered in this improvised party, but one that has great value for our nation.

Well, today we celebrate the first year that I arrived from my odyssey in Valhalla where I met the god Odin and he entrusted me with the task of leading the Norse into a new era.

Where we are the conquerors and we do not end up being assimilated by the lands we conquer.

This day should be a commitment to yourself of whatever changes you want to make.

It is not a promise to God or me; it is a promise made to you, a commitment of warriors.

When we seek to be better people is when we can advance in society, to celebrate this important day.

I took the time to create a meal called a burrito; it is a fresh food that tastes good but occupies what he called a flour tortilla.

I hope you enjoy it and remember that changing our bad habits is important because we teach future generations better. "

At that moment, everyone applauded and slaves and palace servants came out of the old great hall, carrying trays with donkeys.

The strange food was a success among all the inhabitants. It did not matter if they were a slave or a warrior, they could not stop eating the delicious burritos of meat seasoned with vegetables and cheese.

That day, two things were born in the kingdom, a new celebration that became a tradition and a new food that became the food of the workers.

Because the burrito would be food that would be taken to construction sites or factories because of its versatility and the amount of food it could hold.

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