The Sage of Einar

Chapter 283 - A Future Jewish Kingdom

Einar, seeing Jasiel's awkward silence, knew that his words had worked, so he smiled.

"You see, there is a plan in the future to create an independent island to maintain trade with the emirate of Córdoba.

That means that it will be a kingdom dependent on the empire that I am about to found, it will have a free right to govern itself.

But its function will be to establish a control point for trade since nothing will happen to our conquered land.

Without a review of materials or potential threats, that want to enter without permits.

Although this is only for the western part of the continent, the future empire that I will build needs an entry point in the eastern part of the continent.

So how about the idea of ​​making a Jewish kingdom in the Zeeland region, you could govern yourself and no one would impose rules on you.

I think that for a people that have been fleeing from constant threats it is a wonderful deal; you don't think of it that way Jasiel. "

Jasiel tried to maintain his posture because if the previous words had made him doubt now, he had a unique opportunity before him.

"I cannot give you the promised land because I have no intention of entering the tinderbox that is the continent.

But I can support you with materials for your future conquests, you only have to function as control points for the entry and exit of goods. "

Einar waved his hand to Peder, who quickly went to a pile of his stepfather's things, as he wanted to find his notebook.

When he found it, he handed it to Einar and walked away so that he could continue the conversations.

Einar opened his notebook and after turning a few pages, he opened the notebook in a part where a map of Europe was drawn, which he showed Jasiel.

With his hand he made a circle that included Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Britain "This area will be my place of conquest, so I want to isolate it from the rest of the continent.

That is why I am thinking of founding two kingdoms, one to trade with the west and the other with the east. If you accept my proposal in this area, the Jewish kingdom will be created. "

Einar pointed out to Zealand a province of Holland in the future, but that at this time there were only two islands without land that will connect them.

"These two islands will be the beginning of your kingdom. It may seem small, but you can expand as much as you want and your safety will be guaranteed by the army of the empire.

Just think about it, Jasiel, a kingdom for all the Jews, a place where you will be the rules and no one will do anything without your permission.

In return I only ask for your help to form an espionage network throughout the continent or place where there is a Jew.

We can sign a contract where I promise to create and support the future Jewish kingdom. As Nordic Konungar, I am not like Catholic kings or Muslim emirs.

I have no intention of expanding on the continent; it is a land full of wars that does not interest me, there are many problems that will only destroy my empire.

My eyes are in another place, but that is a national secret. You will only have to support me with spies, and in the future you will work together with an espionage agency that I will create.

But for the moment you will be my eyes off this island. But do you like what I'm saying? "

Jasiel sighed and looked seriously at Einar "This is more than I can accept or deny, I need to speak to all the council who will inform the Kohanim and rabbis.

I cannot speak to my people, but the next time we meet, they will have an answer from all the Jewish representatives.

As for my personal opinion, I think you will be an enemy of Christians and Muslims. "

Einar laughed and hit his chest. "I am already an enemy of them, from the moment I called me God's chosen messiah.

I would even dare to say that I am also considered a madman by you, but that does not matter to me, since there are no eternal enemies.

Only interests I am very far from Rome or Baghdad, so the most radical exponents of the two dominant religions will not feel threatened.

Not to mention that I will not conquer on the continent, that will be the job of you and the emirate that will be created in the western part of the empire.

As for you, being able to have a place where you can live and govern yourself shouldn't cause you problems in what I do. "

Jasiel moved his neck because he had so many emotions that he didn't know how to answer.

Einar, seeing this, could only close his notebook "The offer is in your hands. I hope the next time you come back you will have an answer.

But remember that I am a man so I also have a limit in my patience so I hope you don't take too long.

Now we can move on to the exchange for your 2001 slaves, considering the market price I will pay with salt, glassware, honey liquor and dyed fabrics. "

Jasiel nodded and used his hand to get some air to his face "I agree but I also hope I can get soap to wash slaves like the city of Carcol.

The last thing I wish is to have to suffer some illness on the ship, because of the filth of the slaves. "

Einar showed a satisfied face "I'm glad you think that way. You will have the soap you need for the slaves and you will have sulfur soap for the animals.

They can also have diseases so it is important to bathe them. As a gift I will also give you a solar stove so that you can use on your boat.

With it you can cook food, just remember that if the technology leaks you will have to pay a fine of 1000 gold coins.

I hope you remember that trust is the foundation of trading, but having already talked about trading it is time to eat. "

At night Jasiel was sleeping in a room specially prepared for him in a building at the port.

While he was dreaming, he could discern that in his dreams there was a girl with strange clothes who was staring at him.

When he approached her, he could see his parents again. At that moment, he could feel how they were talking to him, but he did not understand what they were saying to him.

But somehow he felt that a sorrow was removed from his body and at the same time he could feel his parents abandon him.

It was sad for him, so when he woke up he did it crying.

'What a strange dream. I never really thought that something like this could happen to me.


But despite this I appreciate the last words of my parents ... '

In the morning Einar, who was patting Erik as he had finished taking breast milk, looked at Kassia, who was feeding Katherine.

"I can tell you something, worried. Is it about the Jewish merchant or what is bothering you?"

Kassia shook her head "It doesn't bother me at all that you proposed a kingdom to them.

I think it is a good way to maintain a balance in Europe, but I have a feeling that something is going to happen.

It is not a concern that it is something bad, but it is a quite strange feeling. I could not explain it but I can describe it as if something from the past is coming.

Which should be impossible then with the death of my mother and me being an unrecognized bastard daughter who lives in the north.

I don't think any Roman emperor should worry about looking for me. "

Einar looked seriously at Kassia and sat next to her "You don't have to be afraid or anxious about it. If someone tries to hurt you, I will give my life to protect you.

Together with our family, you really are the most important thing in this place for me, otherwise I would be alone. "

Einar, holding Kassia's hand, looked at her fondly "You can be sure that even if the emperor of Constantinople himself comes.

He will have to face my fury if he tries to do something with you, you are not a tool of some empire; you are a free woman and my wife.

I will support you in everything you want to do, because that is what couples do. "

Kassia blushed a little and brought her face closer to Einar so she could kiss him, after a small passionate kiss.

Little Katherine started laughing at seeing her parents kissing, while little Erik just burped some milk, dirtying Einar's back.

Kassia and Einar only laughed when this happened, so they continued to spend time as a couple, while enjoying their young children.

In the sea Gautier was somewhat worried why he was afraid of not being able to find the island where the Norwegian king had gone.

"I hope we can make it in time to help the Nordic tribe. The last thing I wish is for Kassia to die when we are so close to finding her."

Guido, who was still at the duke's side, only sighed "There is no point in worrying, if the Norwegian king's troops have not returned they may face a siege.

I doubt very much that he wants to stay on that ice island described by the fjord tribes, although there is also the option that they have been defeated.

If I learned something from the Emperor Charlemagne, it is that you never eliminate all possibilities, the unexpected can always happen.

But if that is the case, then possibly civil war will break out in the northern tribes, although that is not our problem.

We simply have to find Kassia and offer her the opportunity to return or stay in that tribe.

The last decision is up to her. "

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