The Sage of Einar

Chapter 279 - Anders The Hand Of Justice

On the outskirts of a forest at night Anders, who was smiling, looked at little Russell next to him "You must know that we are about to punish a rebellious village.

As far as we know they killed the tax collector and declared in absentia against the earl of this place.

We as mercenaries have a glorious duty to wipe their existence off the map and capture as many as we can so we can sell them as slaves. "

Raising his head, he looked at his subordinates. "I do not know worry about the pay because my beloved Nelda will be in charge of paying us for the slaves, while the count will pay for the destruction of this place.

Therefore, this time we cannot rape any woman and kill children. I hope everyone understands.

If someone dares to touch a slave, you will have to buy it with your money because the eccentric client from the north asked that slaves should be in families.

Also avoid killing the animals because they are all gold coins for us. If you want to take out your anger, burn the houses only if there are no people.

You can also keep whatever is in the village. "

A group of armored men shouted with joy and put down their swords to grab iron mallets covered with leather to avoid accidentally killing the villagers.

After this, the group of 60 people advanced in silence, using the darkness of the night as cover.

In the village, the peasants were standing guard on the outskirts of the village while the women and children worked hard to build the wooden walls.

"I don't have a good feeling tonight, I'm pretty sure there's danger coming from the forest."

Said one peasant who was holding a rusty sword. His partner simply shook his head.

"You are worrying in vain. I am sure that the count cannot send troops to deal with us.

Because the duke is gathering his vassals to start a war, I heard from the village chief.

The bastard daughter of the duke returned with great wealth and the promise of fantastic things, all for simple slaves, food and animals.

I don't know if that information is true, but a war is what we needed to be able to rebel.

We only need to build the walls and be able to resist any attack if we can sell our goods to the merchants.

We will create wealth with which to buy slaves to defend our home, it is quite simple as that. "

Hearing his partner's speech he frowned "But what if the count hires mercenaries to deal with us.

The weapons we have are old and they won't be able to do anything against them. If something happens, we could just die. "

The farmer laughed and pointed to the dark road "They will never attack us at night because they do not know our village, besides our hunters are taking care of us."

Anders, who was holding a lookout from the rebel village by the neck, spoke in his ear.

"Listen to me well, little rat. Behind me there is a group of beasts that will not hesitate to cut you into cubes to feed your family.

When I remove my hand, I hope you can tell me how many lookouts there are, a single attempt to shout and my little apprentice in front of you.

He will use that metal mallet to hit your balls with such force that you will end up becoming an eunuch or some toy for noblemen with strange tastes.

Nod if you understand me and remember, I just want to know the number of lookouts, one single attempt to scream, and your testicles will be gone. "

The young man with tears in his eyes nodded, and when Anders removed his hand from his mouth, he spoke.

"There are 7 other lookouts scattered in the forest, but I swear to God I don't know where they can be ..."

Anders put his finger on the young man's lips "Shhh, you don't need to say more, just let me send you to the dream world."

Giving a blow to the head of the lookout, he fell unconscious on the ground, so Anders looked at Rusell. "Tie him up very well and cover his mouth.

I don't want it to be released, or you will not eat tomorrow. Did you understand Russell? "

Little Russell nodded and, leaving his mallet on the ground, he took some ropes to tie the young man passed out onto the ground.

"I want you to split up and catch those lookouts when they're done with everyone's signal and wait for my signal.

At that time we will start the attack on the village and avoid making noise, anyone who causes the villagers to prepare will be punished. "

They all nodded and began searching for the lookouts outside the village.

In just a few minutes everyone made signs, so Anders made a wave of his hand and began the attack against the defenders of the village.

One peasant who was standing guard heard a noise in some bushes, so he walked with some care.

As he approached the bush, he used his wooden spear to move the bush and he could see a rabbit that was frightened by the light of the torch.

"Stupid rabbit ..."

He could only say those words as a mallet hit his head, causing him to fall on the ground, completely passed out.

These scenes continued to be repeated throughout the village, so the torches that illuminated the town were slowly extinguishing.

Unfortunately for the rebellious people, no one could report the attack, so throughout the night all the inhabitants were beaten and tied up.

At dawn, over 700 people, including children and women, along with all the animals in the village, were completely tied up.

As they were forced to watch, their homes looted and burned by mercenaries led by Anders.

"You guys have done very well. We have a group of slaves ready to be sold to my wife, and we also completed the mission to destroy the village.

I hope you can enjoy this victory as what follows will be to support the Duke in his war against his neighbors.

As decent and good mercenaries, in that campaign we can test the merchandise before sending it to death at north with the Nordics.

At the moment it is time to get out of this place, I just want Calen to stay with two people because an envoy from the count will come to see if the work is completed.

I hope they don't take too long, as we will celebrate in one of the Norwich harbor taverns. "

After this they all started on their way to the city of Norwich, which was a few kilometers to the south.

When at the city gate with the hundreds of tied slaves, the city guards stopped them, so Anders had to speak.

"Dear guard, tell me why you are stopping my way to the city, as you can see I have a merchandise to deliver."

The guard looked suspiciously at Anders "I would have no problem letting you in but I know two of the slaves they carry.

They should be servants of Count Alden. Tell me why you have them in your hands. "

Anders laughed and from a bag took out a rolled papyrus bearing the earl's seal, which he unrolled and read the contents.

"I Count Alden allow Knight Anders and his group of followers to punish the rebellious town of Arfunga.

As executor of the plan, he will have the full right to decide the fate of the population, as long as he completes the work he will receive a compensation of ... "

Anders stopped and looked at the guard with a sarcastic smile "You want to know more information or perhaps the stamp of the document is not enough to know that I am telling the truth.

But if that's not enough ... "

From his bag he took out a certificate of nobility delivered by the Duke of the city of Norwich "As you can see, I am a nobleman and just so you know.

My fiancee is Nelda, the bastard daughter of the duke. Now will you let me pass or I will have to speak to the leader of the city guard to report one of his guards.

He's an idiot who disrespected a noble like me. "

The guard gulped and shook his head before lowering his head "I'm sorry, knight Anders, I was an idiot ..."

Anders patted the guard on the shoulder "Don't worry, I'm in a great mood so you can go on living, but remember my words."

Bringing his head closer to the guard's face, he stared at him "You do something stupid like this again and your wife will be raped by a horde of savages while you can only helplessly watch everything that happens.

I hope you remember that next time you dare to take away my precious time, you piece of shit.

Were my words clear enough or do I have to repeat them? "

The guard, who was trembling with fear, did not notice when he urinated on himself "I understand your words knight Anders. I will never dare to stop you again.

I will also warn my colleagues not to do the same stupidity. "

Anders patted him on the cheek, "I'm glad you got it."

After that little talk he entered the city and everyone went to the port, where Nelda was preparing the crew of her new ships that she had bought.

When Nelda could see many slaves arriving at the ports, she could only smile because leading the slaves was Anders.

'That bastard enslaved that rebellious village with only 60 people. Is he a lucky madman or is he a genuine leader?


Perhaps one day I will take him to trade north, but first he must continue to prepare his forces and a stable base here. '

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