The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 99: (1)

Chapter 99: (1)

The Man Who Delivers the Finishing Blow

I never expected youd be able to block that attack. Even though it held enough power to unilaterally extinguish even a superior spirit.

At the end of Morinagas sight was the little bird perching on Mikotos shoulder. No matter what shape it transformed itself into, it couldnt deceive Morinagas eyes. That attack just now was an attack with the purpose of eliminating the superior spirit Zonmer.

To think that a single human would be able to block it.

Morinagas interest shifted to Tanaka, who suddenly appeared in front of her. Even for Morinaga, who stood at the apex of the world administrators, he was still an enigmatic existence. There was a glimpse of genuine surprise in her words.

However, as expected it doesnt seem like you have much to spare there.

She was observing Tanaka, but even then her composed smile never crumbled.

It was because, looking at Tanakas seemingly already at deaths door state, she was convinced that her victory was unshakable. If Morinaga had seen Tanakas battle that took place earlier, it truly was a wonder whether she would have still been able to show such a relaxed attitude as she was now or not. The reason Tanaka was in a weak state at the moment was due to his semicircular canals being in bad shape after being swayed about by his own superhuman physical abilities.

But still, such a power is too regrettable to throw away just like that. What do you say? If you are willing to be mine, I dont mind sparing you alone, you know?

For the time being, I wish for a lap pillow please.

He answered without missing a beat.

Tanakas philosophy of putting importance in speed. The wish of being eased as soon as possible from the unbearable nausea. And the overly honest desire in front of a beautiful woman. It could be said to be an exquisite instant-reply as all of it splendidly intertwined with each other.

However, that choice of Tanakas was a wrong one.

very well. As you will, I shall have you perish here!

That overly obedient attitude of his had given birth to a misunderstanding. Morinaga judged that Tanaka was making fun of her.

Morinaga raised one hand toward Tanaka at once. And then, what she unleashed was a sub-light speed, high density energy body. A destruction ball, energy comparable to the previous attack that was compressed into golf-ball size, flew toward Tanaka.

Tanaka created a table tennis shakehand racket with Grand Magic and swiftly returned it back. Leveraging the transcendental skills he had learned during PE class in his younger days, it was a brilliant receive that managed to be realized for the first time.

At that moment, however, Tanaka made another wrong choice.

It was the fact that he had chosen a shakehand racket. Its reason was due to his admiration for the table tennis club members who used their own shakehand rackets while everyone else was using penholder rackets during the PE class.

The excitement of using that longed-for racket had made the movements of the always calm and collected Tanaka-san out of control. In addition, the damage on his body due to performing the Karate Secret Technique. And then, even though he possessed self-proclaimed pro-level skills, his first backhand stroke lacked precision.


Tanakas return ball hit Morinaga directly on the forehead. His plan of winning the heart of the beautiful woman with a wonderful receive had magnificently failed.

As expected even Morinaga had never expected to receive damage from her own attack. However, as the collision between the barrier clad on Morinagas body and the returned ball brought forth enormous power, she was left suspended in a greatly arched backward state due to the overly great recoil.

umm, are you alright?

Tanaka was unable to see the expression of the arched backward Morinaga from his spot. For that reason, Tanaka meekly called out to her. Such was exactly the genuine figure worthy of being called the little man among little men.


What in the world is going on?

Mikoto muttered as such while staring at the sky. However, there was no one who could answer that question of hers.

The ones assembled there were powerful people who wouldnt be an exaggeration to be said as mankinds top class. Even for such them, the exchange taking place in the sky above was a fleeting exchange that was beyond their recognition.

For it to cause pressure that makes my blood run cold from the aftermath of the battle alone.

Ganash, who had actually exchanged fists with Tanaka, realizing the fact that even that one-sided beating down fight that couldnt be said to be battle at all was actually no more than a fragment of Tanakas true ability, he was assailed with the feeling of the common sense he had built up up until now was beginning to crumble.

Its a level of battle that we can no longer afford to intervene, right?

Torte stared at the sky above.

Due to him showing nothing but deplorable appearance up until now, she had always thought of him as a fishy guy, but after being shown the fight against Ganash previously and the battle that was unfolding at the moment, she had no choice but to admit it.

As expected of you. Sage-sama.

On the other hand, only clair was looking in the direction of the day after tomorrow. The ones portrayed in her eyes were the figures of the great demons floating in the distant four cardinal directions. She had become a prisoner of this technique of craftsmanship. She hadnt grown dull as usual, but in a way, her focus of attention might have been the right one. It was because even while this beyond common sense battle was unfolding, Tanaka was preventing harms from slipping out to the world using the barrier of the Great Sins Quartet Annihilation Formation Adi Amarta.

Im leaving it to you, my friend.

Yashichi looked up to the sky, believing in the victory of the man he trusted the most. And then, Kamui, Tetsujin and the apostles were also watching the battle. This battle that would decide the fate of the world.


ll crush you.

Huh, I cant hear you very well. what was it again?

Both of their voices were similarly shivering. One was due to anger, the other was due to anxiety.

No, Ill eliminate all of you without leaving even a speck of dust behind!

The next moment, Tanaka was enveloped in light. It was a sphere that was just big enough to cover his entire body. The nature of this sphere was no different than the one that Morinaga had just attacked Tanaka with. However, its power was incomparable with the previous one. This wide scale destruction attack that was brought forth by further highly densified energy was an attack that could endanger the existence of the Empire itself.

Feel free to feel my wrath and burn!

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