The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 29: (1)

Chapter 29: (1)


Purin Kingdom a few days northward of the royal capital, there stood a small mountain. The mountain surface was that of steep cliffs which made it hard to climb. A part of said cliffs, however, had been sculpted into a beautiful shrine.

This was the main shrine of Purinism, which worshipped God Morinaga as a supreme God. Purinism was the worlds largest religious organization with the ruler of Purin Kingdom acting as the chief advocate for this belief for generations. Every day, countless people visited this place to pray. Further into the temple, which was flourishing with such people, there was a secret place near the summit of the mountain where only chosen people could step into. It was the hall of oracles where the voice of God could virtually be heard, and only a few people even in Purinism who were aware of its existence.

A lone man was standing in said hall. The man showed not the slightest of movement even as time quietly passed. It was unknown how much time had passed. Then, the sound of footsteps began to echo as though to break the silence. The man, whose eyes had always been closed, slowly opened them as he waited for the approaching someone to show up. The footsteps that were echoing from his rear grew even louder, before stopping when they arrived at the back of the man.

I thought your return was supposed to be still some time away

The beautiful voice that came from the mans back was that of a womans voice. The man turned around and nodded his head to the woman.

Due to some unforeseen circumstances occurred there, I had to withdraw somewhat earlier than planned.

Ho, I didnt peg you as one to ever make a blunder, Cassius.

Her reply was so bereft of emotion which made one wonder whether she really felt that way or not. Perhaps finding that not funny, Cassius gave her a piece of his mind.

But I still managed to accomplish my main goal of going there, the research of magic tools. Including dragons, Ive also secured no less than 500 monsters already. Moreover, although it may be slightly ahead of schedule, the power of the western region has certainly deteriorated, so there ought to be no problem in conquering them now.

Hmm, very well. Lets proceed with the plan to conquer the western region. You shall head to the kingdom and assist the princess.

The woman was about to leave, as though implying that the conversation was over. However, Cassius hurriedly called out to the woman to stop her.

Please wait. I have something to tell you about the monster that was the main cause of the disruption in our plan!

Monster? Why should I bother wasting my precious time to hear something about a mere monster?

To the woman who coldly said such, Cassius explained the details pertaining to what had transpired back then. He told her about how the monster partially annihilated the army in a single magic attack, as well as how the monster slaughtered the dragons with ease. Also, about the height of their wisdom, which enabled them to easily nullify the highest level of summoning, domination and barrier techniques currently available to humans. And above all

He clearly said this to me, I will take the throne of the Supreme Being by force,.

As soon as those words were said, the atmosphere in the hall immediately took a drastic turn. At a glance, there was no change whatsoever to the womans expression. However, Cassius could certainly feel it. The wrath of the woman in front of him the sword of God, angel Caramel.

I am the sword of God. I shall annihilate those who dare to defy God, no matter who they may be.

As if to demonstrate her wills, angel Caramel spread out her brilliant white wings, and held up the lance in her hand. This lance was a divine lance a lance imbued with the power of God bestowed by the Lord. It was one of the few divine artifacts that could destroy even the divine core of superior spirits.

Cassius, in the face of angel Caramels wrath, respectfully faced down. That face of his was warped unsightly.

You Evil God Ill make you regret ever making fun of me.

Unbeknownst to Tanaka, the undercurrent was about to begin to move. And then

I can feel it The world is trying to interfere with my law of causality. It seems that my existence has caused that much of a disturbance, huh.

The place was a considerable distance away to the east of Gokuri city. They had been moving through the highway toward the national border for a few days now. The highway, which ran east to west, was created as though to cut the thick forest apart. Surrounded by the thick forest, Tanaka stopped on his legs and covered his face with one hand.

Drown with the idea of himself being wanted for lese majeste, Tanakas chuunibyou was aggravating on their way back to the Empire.

Stop blabbering such nonsense. You want to return to the Empire as soon as possible, dont you? Then move your legs already.

They were still some distance away from the border. Kaku-san urged him to quickly get moving, but instead of moving his legs, Tanaka started to move his mouth.

Wait, quickly flee Ahem, returning to the Empire is indeed our top priority, but we also have to make preparations for what if scenario.

What if scenario-degozaru?

Tanaka looked up to the sky. With one hand still covering his face, he glared up at the heavens through the gaps of his fingers. It was a Tanaka style cool pose.

Im sensing turbulence in the air. Wed most likely get caught up in a catastrophe very soon. As the world is apparently going to start putting up serious efforts in eliminating us.

In reality, the forest was very tranquil with no turbulence whatsoever in the air. Tanaka was merely restless, upon imagining himself getting surrounded and then arrested by Gokuri officers. After processing this idea through Tanaka style translation, he uttered those words from earlier to inform the two of such a danger.

Seriously? Thats not funny, oi.

Kaku-san took Tanakas words at face value and replied as such. However, this spirit, to react in such a way even though he could clearly perceive the tranquility of the forest. He was truly good at playing along.

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