The Return of the Legendary All-Master

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

‘At this rate, we won’t even be able to fight properly.’

Yeo Min-ji was dissatisfied with the current situation.

The only reason she participated in this event was to observe Jeong-hoon’s combat up close.

To uncover the origins of the martial arts he possessed.

Therefore, they should have gone to the outskirts to protect Seoul, but Jeong-hoon chose Namsan instead of the outskirts.

At this rate, far from uncovering the martial arts, her contribution would be zero, and she would surely be ranked at the bottom of the event.

‘The ranking isn’t important.’

If the monster wave occurred outside, they could just move to the outskirts.

“It’s about to start.”

One minute until the event began.

[The 1st Monster Wave begins.]

And after one minute, a gate was created in the sky.

Yeo Min-ji’s pupils trembled madly when she saw the gate.

That gate was the starting point of the monster wave.

“N-No way…”

A monster wave in the center of the base?

“Get ready.”

Jeong-hoon was already prepared for battle.


She also hurriedly equipped her knuckles and changed into armor with a lot of speed increase options.

Since martial artists engaged in close combat, speed was the top priority.

[Defend the base!]

Dozens of monsters poured out of the gate.

[The base is being destroyed!]

[Damage: 0.001%]

[The siege will automatically end when the damage reaches 1%.]

The Namsan Tower was slightly damaged as the monsters poured out.

“1%…? This is really too much.”

Usually, sieges continued until the base was completely destroyed.

However, this siege would end if only 1% of the base was damaged.

Since the city was so huge, and the event couldn’t be dragged on, they had set extreme conditions.

[Lv.130 Wild Boar]

The first wave monsters were wild boars.

The monsters were also made up of creatures that would appear in Korea.

“Let’s deal with them first.”

Jeong-hoon leaped forward.

With his level adjusted to 150, all of his stats were also adjusted to 150.

Although his level had increased by 46, his stats had actually decreased.

However, his skills remained the same, so there was no problem in using them.

‘Underworld King’s Fist Technique 1 form.’

Jeong-hoon’s Underworld King’s Fist Technique landed on one of the wild boars.


The wild boar screamed from the heavy punch, and the other wild boars, which had been falling from the sky and rolling on the ground, regained their balance and charged at Jeong-hoon.

“Where do you think you’re going!”

Yeo Min-ji unleashed her martial arts, creating a small gust of wind as she squeezed between the two.


While the wild boars’ attention was divided, Jeong-hoon used his movement technique and extended his fist towards the next wild boar.

The Underworld King’s Fist Technique connected, increasing to 2nd form.

As the wild boars fell one by one to his fists, Yeo Min-ji was left speechless.


She was amazed when she saw the video in World Com, but seeing it with her own eyes was beyond amazement; it was shocking.

He wasn’t just pushing through with martial arts.

If the martial arts were obtained by chance, his combat sense came from his own capabilities.

This wasn’t something that could be learned simply by watching from the sidelines.

‘What on earth does he do? Is he really level 104?’

She could only laugh in disbelief.

The number one ranked martial artist in Korea?

That was a joke.

The real genius was right in front of her.

He hunted the wild boars using the shortest path, and even while hitting so many of them, he didn’t allow a single gap.

That’s why the wild boars couldn’t handle Jeong-hoon even when they ganged up on him.

“Jeong-hoon! I’ll help too!”

Ha-jin started hunting wild boars, swinging his sword.

Yeo Min-ji was startled by his loud voice.

“I-I’ll help too.”


This wasn’t the time to watch in a daze.

She had to pretend to participate in the battle while openly watching!

The option to focus on the battle didn’t exist.

Thanks to this, Yeo Min-ji was able to watch Jeong-hoon’s martial arts until all the wild boars disappeared.

* * *

[The 1st Monster Wave has ended.]

[Current base damage: 0.02%]

“I-It’s already over?”

Kim Bong-goo scratched his head with a bewildered expression.

Three wild boars were lying sprawled in front of him.

They were wild boars that had escaped from above.

‘If a few monsters come down, kill them without mercy.’

Because of Jeong-hoon’s instructions, Kim Bong-goo immediately killed the wild boars.

“He’s really an amazing person…”

Every time he thought about how he almost made an enemy of such a person, he felt a chill down his spine.

He should never do anything bad again.

At that moment.

Honk Honk!

He heard the sound of horns honking behind him.

He turned around to see a long line of cars lined up in front of the barricade.

“Hey! Why did you put up the barricade like this!”

“Move this, you son of a bitch!”

The guys were sticking their heads out of the windows and yelling.

Veins bulged on Kim Bong-goo’s forehead.

“Son of a bitch? Who are you calling names? Do you know me, you bastards?”

He then showed them his middle finger.

“F*ck you? This son of a bitch is crazy. Hey, who are you?!”

Users got out of their vehicles.

They were all adjusted to level 150, but some of them had already completed their third job advancement.

‘Damn… How many of them are there?’

Honestly, he was scared shitless.

‘If this place gets breached, I’m dead.’

But Jeong-hoon’s warning was even scarier.

If this place was breached, he would experience the worst kind of pain.

“Screw you! You bastards, if you want to pass, you’ll have to kill me first!”

Right. If he at least pretended to block them and died, Jeong-hoon might show him mercy.

At least he wouldn’t kill him repeatedly.

But then.

“What the f*ck! What is this!”

Screams erupted from behind the vehicles.

And then, ghosts in white mourning clothes appeared.

Ghosts covered in blood, ghosts with their heads cut off, ghosts with their upper and lower bodies separated and moving independently, ghosts in black mourning clothes wielding sickles, giant ghosts over eight feet tall, and so on.

They were all ghosts from horror stories.

The users were terrified by the appearance of the ghosts and hurriedly ran away.

Of course, there were those who didn’t.

“You bastards! Get them!”

“I’m a paladin!”

Users who wielded divine power instead of magic.

Their confident expressions soon hardened.

“Damn it! What? Why aren’t they disappearing?!”

The ghosts didn’t disappear even after being hit with divine power.

The necromancer’s magic that summoned the ghosts was stronger than the divine power.

[You have been cursed.]

[Your health is starting to decrease.]

[All stats are reduced by 10%.]

To make matters worse, they were cursed, all their stats were reduced, and their health started to decrease.

Health existed for each user and was commonly referred to as ‘HP’.

If this health reached 0, they would die.

The amount of health varied for each person, and they had to prevent their health from decreasing by reducing damage with defense.

However, the decrease in health due to a curse couldn’t be stopped unless the curse was purified.

“Items! What about items?!”

“Here’s a potion!”

Purification potion.

They hurriedly drank the purification potion.

But the curse didn’t lift and remained the same.

“Damn it! The rare-grade purification potion isn’t working?!”

“We need to drink an epic-grade potion…”

“But we don’t have many achievement points!”

“Where’s the necromancer!”

“We need to catch the necromancer!”

They changed their target and looked for the necromancer who summoned the ghosts, but the necromancer was nowhere to be seen.

The problem wasn’t just that.


A ghost swung a hammer and struck a user’s head.

A ghost that could inflict physical damage?!

Where in the world was there such a thing?!

“This is crazy! A ghost is hitting people!”

“What is this? How is this possible!”

“Health! My health keeps dropping!”

Kim Bong-goo’s confidence soared at the sight of the flustered users.

‘That’s on our side!’

The ghosts didn’t touch Kim Bong-goo, so it was certain.

Kim Bong-goo waved his middle finger at the users and shouted,

“Hey, you idiots! Aren’t you getting out of here?! If you keep messing around, you’ll really die!”

“That bastard!”

The users were furious at Kim Bong-goo’s attitude, but as the ghosts rushed at them, they had no choice but to get back into their vehicles.

Then the ghosts started pounding on the vehicles with their fists.

Bang! Bang!

In the end, the remaining users couldn’t hold out and left Namsan.

Then, as if nothing had happened, the ghosts disappeared.

“Heh heh! You lowly worms, did you think you could handle my necromancy with just that?”

Michael, who had been hiding in the bushes, peeked out and smirked.

‘A large number of users will flock here. Go and drive them away.’

He had come down and was waiting, following Jeong-hoon’s orders.

“So you’re the necromancer!”

And Kim Bong-goo, who had been watching by chance, pointed at Michael.

“Why? Do you have a problem?”

Michael reacted with a sullen face.

Honestly, he didn’t like Kim Bong-goo.

That treacherous face reminded him of the warlock Ziru, who had tricked him in the past.

Unlike himself, who had mastered necromancy, that guy pursued the extremes of curses.

With his rotten fish eyes, how much he wanted to kill him every time he denounced necromancy.


Kim Bong-goo flinched as Michael ground his teeth.

“N-No… We’re on the same team, so I thought it would be nice to get to know each other.”

“Get to know each other? Shut up before I sew those lips shut!”

“Eek! I’m sorry…”

* * *

At the same time.

Before preparing for the next monster wave, Yeo Min-ji closed her eyes and tried to imitate Jeong-hoon’s martial arts.

However, unlike what Jeong-hoon had shown, the martial arts she performed felt a little bland.

How could he perform such clean and powerful martial arts?

Also, there was the biggest problem.

‘As expected… Doing it this way reduces the impact.’

Martial artists learned a new skill after their third job advancement, but activating that skill required certain conditions.

It was combos and damage.

Only by accumulating combos with normal attacks and exceeding a certain amount of cumulative damage could the skill be activated, which was the biggest reason why martial artists were called trash.

Yeo Min-ji had invested everything in striking power to compensate for this weakness.

No matter how good her movements were, if she couldn’t activate her skills, it was all for nothing.

However, focusing on striking power had caused her to lose precision.

Therefore, if she faced an enemy stronger than her, her chances of winning were close to zero.

If she didn’t have that weakness, she could have climbed 50, no, 100 ranks higher than she was now.

But Jeong-hoon had both.

‘Jeong-hoon is different.’

Jeong-hoon’s martial arts were on a different level of destructive power.

Each of his punches exceeded the damage of other classes’ combat skills.

It was too precise to be simply the power of a skill.

In every aspect, Jeong-hoon was several steps ahead of her.

If she had sparred with him on equal footing, she would probably have lost.

It would be a lie to say that her pride wasn’t hurt, but witnessing his martial arts firsthand, she readily acknowledged it.

Quickly acknowledging the difference in talent was the first step to moving on to the next level.

‘I need Jeong-hoon.’

She was convinced once again.

Jeong-hoon would be the perfect teacher to complement her weaknesses.

[The 2nd Monster Wave begins.]

Unfortunately, the second wave began.

“P-Poison Beetles?!”

Ha-jin was horrified.

The monsters that appeared this time were level 140 Poison Beetles.

There were a whopping 30 of them.

Each one was huge, with a body size of 3 meters.

The poison they emitted had the property of melting people, making them very difficult to hunt.

“Everyone, step back.”

Jeong-hoon was already holding Anima in his hand.

He then pulled the string and aimed at the ceiling.


At that moment, one of the Poison Beetles sprayed Jeong-hoon with poison gas.

“Hey! Watch out!”

Ha-jin screamed, but Jeong-hoon’s body was already engulfed in poison gas.

At that moment.


The drawn bowstring was released, and the arrow shot towards the Poison Beetle.


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