The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

Chapter 197: Manion and the Merchant 2

Chapter 197: Manion and the Merchant 2

Translated by AmaLynne

Manion stared skeptically at the suddenly appearing merchant.

“What do you mean I can’t take anything from him?”

“I don’t know what kind of man Samuel Scheidt is in your mind, but the Samuel I know is undoubtedly… the strongest wizard.”

Manion couldn’t easily accept the words of the merchant, who seemed to respect Sam in some way.

“Hah, you think someone who cowered before me could be the strongest? If he’s the strongest, then I am too!”

“Your words aside, you probably can’t defeat Samuel. Even if you could, who would acknowledge you and say that what’s Samuel’s is yours?”


“Samuel isn’t just strong; he’s on good terms with King Clyde Isle Sky, the ruler of the Sky Kingdom. He also has many allies among the Court Wizard and the Sword Saint. How many allies do you have?”

Manion couldn’t respond to the merchant’s words. As the merchant pointed out, Manion lacked the kind of connections Sam had.

“I could have been like him if I had lived in the capital.”

“Yes, yes, of course. It’s because you were stuck in a remote and desolate baron’s territory that you ended up inferior to Samuel.”

“I’m not inferior! Sure, I don’t have his connections, but there’s no way I’m inferior to that guy!”

“Oh, my apologies. Yes, Manion-sama, you are not inferior to Samuel. You’d win if it came to a fight, right?”

“Of course! There’s no way I’d lose to that scumbag!”

“But with that unseemly, fat body of yours, can you even swing a sword properly, let alone run?”


“Are you insulting me?”

Manion’s face turned crimson as he spat angrily.

However, he felt self-conscious about his corpulent belly, so he tried to hide it.

“If you were to try to take what he has, Samuel would surely resist. He would fight tooth and nail to keep what’s his.”

“So, what should I do then?”

“That’s where I would like to introduce this product.”

As if he had been waiting for the right moment, the merchant pulled a jet-black sword from thin air.

From the blade to the hilt, it was an eerie longsword, entirely black.

Manion couldn’t understand it, but if Sam had been there, he would have sensed the ominous magical power emanating from the sword.

“W-What is this eerie sword?”

“Oh my, ‘eerie’ is quite an apt description. The power concealed within this sword is far from ordinary. You see, it’s a magic sword.”

“A magic sword!?”

[ TN: 魔剣; magic sword; cursed sword; demon sword. ]

Manion’s eyes widened in astonishment.

It was understandable.

Magic swords weren’t something you encountered every day.

They were typically handcrafted by skilled artisans who had trained for years, using high-quality materials and imbuing them with magic.

They weren’t mass-produced, and you wouldn’t easily come across them in the market.

They were often passed down as heirlooms in noble families or obtained by seasoned adventurers from the deepest reaches of dungeons.

Manion was a swordsman at heart, and he had always admired magic swords.

Having one right in front of him was astonishing.

“Yes, a magic sword. It was quite a challenge to acquire, but the effort was worth it.”

“S-So, hand it over! With a magic sword, even I…”

“Yes, of course. I will gladly present it to Manion-sama.”


Manion had shouted for the magic sword in excitement, but he was taken aback by the merchant’s swift agreement.

He started to wonder if it might be a fake.

“However, there are conditions I must mention before handing it over.”

“Conditions? What are they?”

“It’s about being recognized by this magic sword. Magic swords are said to have their own will and choose their wielders. If you’re chosen, you can gain unimaginable power, but if you’re not, it will drain your life and lead to your death.”

Manion’s throat made a gulp as he heard this. The merchant grinned at the boy’s reaction.

“Now, what will you do?”


Realizing the life-threatening risk involved, Manion became frightened.

While he had planned to take everything from Sam, he thought he needed a weapon to defeat him.

However, his true feelings were that he didn’t want to take this risk.

“Why are you hesitating when you’re trying to take everything from Sam?”

A scolding voice chastised Manion, who couldn’t reach for the magic sword in fear.

“Oh, Mother.”


It was Manion’s mother, Yolanda.

She had likely come to look for him after resting in the carriage.

Yolanda glanced at her hesitant son in front of the magic sword, snorted, and fixed her gaze on the merchant.

“I don’t know who this merchant is, but it’s a wise decision to set their sights on my son, Manion.”

“I’m honored by your praise.”

“Now, Manion, take the magic sword.”


“Take it! You coward! You’re planning to take everything from Samuel and take revenge on my husband and Harry, aren’t you? Why are you hesitating? Don’t you have the courage to risk your life?”


“Hurry up! You blockhead!”


Under his mother’s unreserved scolding, Manion, intimidated by the magic sword, reflexively reached out and grasped its hilt.


In that moment, he felt a connection with the magic sword, as if it had touched his very soul.

“Oh, this is marvelous! The magic sword has recognized Manion-sama as its master!”

“I… I’ve been chosen by the magic sword?”

“Yes, indeed! From this moment, you are a sword mage! You have become a sword mage!”

“Amazing, Manion! As expected of my son! Even my husband doesn’t possess a magic sword, and yet you’ve acquired one! Now you can kill Samuel and take everything!”


Manion, who had unexpectedly become the master of the magic sword, was bewildered by what had happened to him.

But the praises from his mother and the merchant made him realize that he was indeed the chosen one.

“I’m a sword mage! Yes, I’ve been chosen! I’m extraordinary! I’m a genius!”

“That’s right, Manion! You’re my son, so you’re undoubtedly special!”

“Now, with this, I can take everything from Samuel! I can even take revenge on Father and Harry!”

Manion, feeling emboldened after being chosen by the magic sword, began to laugh loudly.

Yolanda joined him in laughter, both of them seemingly excited.

While applauding Manion, the merchant wore a twisted smile.

“Now then, Manion-sama, I have a proposition for you.”

“What is it?”

“Would you like to test your skills with a practice swing?”

“A practice swing?”

“Yes, a practice swing. Fortunately, we are in the territory of Viscount Riedl here, the very land of your former fiancée who rejected you. Doesn’t this seem like a fitting place to wield your magic sword?”

At the merchant’s words, Manion and Yolanda exchanged sinister smiles.

They understood what the merchant intended.

“Fortunately, there’s a small village nearby. How about it, for a test of your swordsmanship?”

“Very well, show us the way!”

“As I expected you would say. Follow me.”

Guided by the merchant, Manion took the magic sword and followed. Yolanda also walked alongside her son as they ventured deeper into the forest.

On that day, one village was utterly destroyed.

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