The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 351: Crush the Mad Cult! 7

Chapter 351: Crush the Mad Cult! 7

  1. Crush the Mad Cult! 7

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A rolling sound as what approached Church Bell’s feet, after being punched away, was the corpse of his fellow believer and warrior, Hell Savior.

But Church Bell didn’t even glance at his dead comrade.

Trembling in fear, sweating profusely, he desperately continued to ring the ‘Ability Sealing Bell’.

He just stared, stared intently at the monster in front of him.

At the monster who had instantly slaughtered all his comrades, except for him and his revered Pope.

Ring, ring, ring.

The piercing sound of the bell echoed throughout the Second Plaza.

The monster standing in the center of the plaza had black hair and black eyes.

An ominous, intimidating, yet beautiful girl.



The next moment.

The monster, turning her eyes towards Church Bell, threw a 【Stone Throw】 at him.

The deadly bullet that had riddled Hell Savior’s body with wounds!

It wasn’t a speed he, who wasn’t particularly good at combat, could dodge!

But, however.

The pebble thrown by the monster didn’t hurt Church Bell… It passed right through him.

Just like before, smoothly.

And then, the pebble, continuing straight ahead, crashed into the stone wall of a building behind him.

It destroyed a part of it, and then shattered.


Twice, three times.

The monster silently continued with 【Stone Throw】.

But none of them hurt Church Bell.

They all passed right through him.


Ring, ring, ring.

Listening to the sound of the bell, still ringing, the monster finally stopped 【Stone Throw】.

This girl may be a monster, but she’s not just a bloodthirsty beast.

Terrifyingly, she possesses enough learning ability to stop repeating pointless actions.

The monster silently stared at Church Bell with her usual expressionless face.

But she was clearly dissatisfied.


And with that air, she tilted her head cutely and spoke.

“I can’t kill you for some reason. Do something about it.”

“As if I would!! What kind of request is that!!“

Church Bell, despite being her enemy, was horrified by her mentality of casually wishing for death!

Ring, ring, ring!

But while ringing the bell, he thought.

In other words, she hasn’t figured out the trick behind why he can’t be killed.

And he smirked.

His strongest comrade, Pope Death Pope-sama, will be here soon.

If he can just stall for time until then, a monster like this… !

“Ah… hmm… I see… ?”

But unfortunately for Church Bell.

The monster fell silent for a while, and then, as if responding to someone’s words, she said.

“You’re an illusion, what the?”

Skipping all the reasoning and deduction.

She suddenly hit the nail on the head!

Ring, ring, ring!!

His body stiffened, and the bell rang louder!

“…I see… an advanced special ability, or a magic tool… that’s why even the sound comes from the illusion, seamlessly… hmm…”

As if being told the correct answer by someone, the monster kept guessing correctly!

Church Bell gasped, his face pale.


And then.

“Where’s your main body?”

“As if I would tell you!! You idiotーーー!!”

…He dug his own grave.

He ended up confirming the monster’s words!

He reflexively covered his mouth, but it was too late!

“Well, it’s probably nearby, right? Considering the effective range of the bell.”

“Awawawawaaaーーー! No, no! There’s no main body! I’m not a phantom! I’m the sound of the church bell that tolls death! Sound cannot kill!”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Whatever he says now, the monster won’t be fooled by his words!

She started looking around, searching for Church Bell’s main body!

A desperate situation!

All hope is lost!

His life is hanging by a thread!

But, it was at that moment.


It was a deep voice, strangely clear.

That voice echoed through the Second Plaza.

And at the same time, the situation changed.

“Agh… !?”

The monster… Emi.

Suddenly felt some kind of “pressure” and couldn’t even stand.

She involuntarily crawled on the spot.

“G-Guh, ga…”

Gritting her teeth, she somehow resisted the “pressure” and got on all fours, looking up and glaring at the source of the voice.

Standing there was a large, muscular old man.

Wearing the same jet-black robe as the cultists she had killed.

With a thick, luxurious white beard reaching his waist.

His head was completely shaved.

“O-Oh, oh, ohhh! Pope-sama! Death Pope-sama!!”

Church Bell’s phantom let out an emotional cry, hitting his chest four times with his hand and bowing.

Yes, finally, in this Second Plaza.

The current leader of ‘Purple Dual Rings’, Pope Death Pope.

…Has appeared!

This was Extra-sama’s low-key support chapter.

Due to the nature of the description, she’s been completely overshadowed, but don’t worry.

She’ll have her moment at the end of this chapter.

And finally, Death Pope has arrived!

The long second stage is finally coming to an end.

I hope you’ll continue to enjoy the story.

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