The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 337: (Cursed Child) Because I Was Frustrated

Chapter 337: (Cursed Child) Because I Was Frustrated

  1. (Cursed Child) Because I Was Frustrated

* * *

Snip, snip, snip.

I’m currently picking flowers in the field behind the shop.

Using Grandma’s scissors, guided by the light of the magic lamp spilling from the window.

“I want you to leave flowers.”

Grandma’s last “mischief” she wished for me.

When I heard that, I tilted my head.

What’s so “mischievous” about that?

Seeing my reaction, Grandma, even while coughing, smiled and explained.

“It’s a code.”

It seems Grandma…… had a man she used to meet frequently when she was young.

Their meeting place was under a stone pillar standing in the grasslands on top of Mihabyushira Hill in the east.

A man she frequently met.

Was he your lover?

When I asked that.

“……Lover? He was a work acquaintance.”

That was her reply.

She averted her eyes from me and sighed.

But you probably liked him, right?

“He was a really hopeless man who didn’t understand a woman’s heart……”

Grandma didn’t answer my question.

But she said that with a sad look on her face.

That aside.

Anyway, the two of them used to meet frequently under the stone pillar on top of the hill.

But due to work, there were times when they couldn’t make it to the meeting place at the same time.

The code they used in those situations was flowers.

The person who arrived first would leave a flower under the stone pillar as proof that they had been there.

The person who arrived later would see the flower and confirm the other person’s safety.

That’s roughly how it worked.

However, decades ago, on ‘Dawn Day’…… the day the evil king died.

The man stopped appearing under the stone pillar.

Grandma went to the top of the hill every day.

Even on windy days, even on rainy days.

And she kept leaving flowers under the stone pillar.

But the only flowers that continued to increase, withering away under the stone pillar, were Grandma’s.

“We still had our last work meeting…… That hopeless man ditched even that.”

Grandma grumbled.

Anyway, even though the other person never appeared, Grandma continued to go to the hill and leave flowers.

Gradually, the frequency decreased to once a week, once a month.

Now that her physical strength has declined, it seems she only leaves flowers once a year, early in the morning on ‘Dawn Day’.

But still, Grandma continued to leave flowers.

But then.

Why is ‘leaving flowers’ a “mischief”?

Why would you wish that on me?

“Flowers are a sign that you’re alive, right? If I’m dead and there are still flowers…… the other person would be confused and troubled, right? That’s why it’s a “mischief”.”

Grandma chuckled and said that to me as I tilted my head.

“That man kept troubling me until I died. So I’m going to trouble him one last time with my “mischief”.”

She also said that.

Of course, questions came to mind.

First of all, is the other person still alive?

And even if he is, does he remember the flower code?

Furthermore, even if he does, would he actually go to the stone pillar on top of the hill now?

Another thing is, even if he happens to go to the stone pillar, would he be the kind of person to be troubled by such a “mischief”?

He hasn’t shown up at Grandma’s place even once since they parted ways.

The possibility of Grandma’s “mischief” actually working as a “mischief” against such a person is extremely low.


I’m not heartless enough to point that out.

I understand.

It’s not really a “mischief”.

Those words are probably just her way of hiding her embarrassment.

For Grandma now, “flowers” probably hold a much deeper meaning.

What Grandma wants to convey.

In other words……

* * *


I muttered that to no one in particular.

I’ve gathered enough flowers in the field behind the shop.

What Grandma asked me to gather were blue flowers.

They’re like weeds, the kind I got scolded for pulling out before.

……Come to think of it, I don’t know their name.

I should have asked Grandma.

<……I know, though.>

Eh, really?

<They’re catalog plants, you see.>

Catalog plants?

<For example, even if a god wanted to fill the earth with plants, designing each and every one of them would be a hassle, right? That’s why, besides leaving evolution to each species, gods sometimes order seeds from a catalog and sow them directly into the world.>

Haa, I see?

So, plants that gods can easily increase are called catalog plants?

<And catalog plants have usage license conditions, so you can’t change their names or flower language. That’s why, if you’ve seen this flower in your previous life, it has the same name.>

Hmm, even if you say that.

I didn’t live a life where I cared about flower names in my previous life.

But now that you mention it, I think this flower, like roses, does look like a flower I’ve seen before in my previous life.

While casually having such a conversation with Extra-sama.

I wrapped the flowers in paper and tied them with string.

A small bouquet was complete.

I carefully put it into the bag I carry on my shoulder.

“……Now then.”

I muttered and entered the shop from the field behind it, heading to Grandma’s bedroom.

Grandma is lying on the bed with her eyes closed.

She doesn’t look like she’s in pain.

She has a peaceful look on her face.


Damn it.

My vision blurred.

“I’m going.”

Managing to squeeze out those words.

I left the bedroom, passed through the living room, and into the flower shop.

While listening to the sound of the wall clock striking 12, bong, bong, I passed through the shop and opened the front door, stepping outside.

I walked through the back alley, relying on the dim streetlights.

I walked on, absentmindedly and unsteadily.

<Are you going already?>


<It’s fine to go early in the morning. Isn’t it a little early to head to Mihabyushira Hill?>

You’re right.

But, Extra-sama.

If I just stay there doing nothing, I’ll only get sad.


I want to move my body.

If possible, I want to rampage around without thinking.

I want to destroy everything I see.

<……Feel free to do so.>

I won’t……

It seems Grandma really liked this town.

I won’t do such a thing.

<Too much stress is bad for your health.>

You’re right.


……I’m frustrated.

I want to move my body.


……I wonder if there are any bad guys I can punch without hesitation lying around somewhere?

<What kind of hell are you talking about?>

Now then.

Things changed while I was grumbling in my mind and talking to Extra-sama, walking through the back alley.



Really, suddenly.

I heard a woman’s scream from around the corner.


Hey, Extra-sama.

<What is it?>

I heard a scream.


A woman must be getting attacked by something.

<That might be the case.>

Hey, Extra-sama.

<What is it?>

Attacking a woman, that guy.


He’s a bad guy, right?



<I’ve been telling you from the beginning.>

Telling me what?

<Feel free to do so.>

The next moment.

Without holding back, I released the dark haze overflowing from my body, scattering it around.

Crushing the cobblestones beneath my feet.

I began running through the night streets of the royal capital.

  1. Why is the protagonist fighting?
  2. Because she was frustrated.

Under such an unreasonable motivation, the battle of Part 1’s final chapter finally begins in the !

From here on, except for a few chapters, the parentheses in the title will be removed.

Please enjoy!

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