The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 325: (Cursed Child) The Flower Shop's Poster Girl (Tries to Hit with the Poster)

Chapter 325: (Cursed Child) The Flower Shop's Poster Girl (Tries to Hit with the Poster)

  1. (Cursed Child) The Flower Shop’s Poster Girl (Tries to Hit with the Poster)

* * *


Now, walking towards the main street while holding up the signboard for a few dozen seconds.

I immediately…… caught sight of one prey in my field of vision.

<No, what do you mean by prey?>

Extra-sama…… I think attracting customers is like hunting.

Dragging the prey called customers into the den called the store.

That’s…… attraction.

<In other words, attraction is nothing but a modern form of hunting that has been dropped into human society……?>

In other words, what’s about to begin is a life-or-death game.

<To live…… or to die.>


<What is it, Emi?>

What are you saying?

<That’s what I want to say!!>

Well, anyway!

I…… stared intently at my prey…… a young lady walking alone through the back alley……!

<In this case, isn’t it strange to glare?>


“Ah……? Oh, how rare. A black one……?”

That lady, who was walking absentmindedly with a cigarette in her mouth, stared at me standing in her way with a puzzled look.

This lady has heavy makeup and revealing clothes, and there’s a faint smell of alcohol.

<She probably works at a restaurant that serves alcohol at night.>

“Flowers…… um, flowers……”

Now, here I noticed a troubling fact.

I was so focused on just making the signboard that I hadn’t thought about…… what I should say at the scene of attracting customers!

Words…… words won’t come out!

“Oh, are you playing flower shop? Sorry, I don’t particularly need flowers, you know? Good luck!”

The lady smiled and patted my head, then walked towards the back of the alley, yawning.


I failed.

I dropped my shoulders dejectedly while staring at the back of the lady walking away.

<There’s no need to be so discouraged, Emi. You did well to call out to a stranger! You’re great!>

……That’s right, isn’t it?

I did my best, didn’t I?

But I never thought I would get so nervous that words wouldn’t come out like this.

<Then, next time, let’s think of a catchphrase before calling out to someone.>

What do you think I should say?

<Something like “Would you like some beautiful flowers? For all your flower needs, please visit Numbri Fresh Flower Shop!”>

A-Amazing, Extra-sama, amazing!

How do you come up with phrases so smoothly right away!?

<I learned it from the isekai broadcast of the God of Advertising.>

The God of Advertising……!?

There are really many variations of gods.

<Ah, look! Another person is walking this way!>

Oh, you’re right.

Looking ahead, the next person walking is a gentlemanly-looking bearded man.

He seems to have plenty of money.

(Would you like some beautiful flowers? For all your flower needs, please visit Numbri Fresh Flower Shop!)

(Would you like some beautiful flowers? For all your flower needs, please visit Numbri Fresh Flower Shop!)

(Would you like some beautiful flowers? For all your flower needs, please visit Numbri Fresh Flower Shop!)


<Please do your best!>

Encouraged by Extra-sama’s support…… I made up my mind and stood in front of the man!

<……On second thought, standing in the way is a bit strange, but it’s a trivial matter, right?>


“Hm? Oh…… what’s the matter, hero-colored young lady?”

The man stopped when he saw me and gave an adult smile with composure!

“Um, um.”

“What is it?”

Moreover, he’s properly waiting for me to speak even though I’m mumbling!

His attitude is very composed!

He’s willing to listen!

All that’s left is to say the phrase Extra-sama thought of……!

“Beautiful…… flowers! Needs…… Numbri!”

<Hey!? You shortened it quite a bit!?>

Ah, oh no!

I got nervous when I tried to say the lines……!

“‘Beautiful needs Numbri’? No, no, this uncle already has children, you know? I’ll have to decline any marriage arrangement.”

The man gently laughed, patted my head once, and walked towards the back of the alley.


I failed.

I dropped my shoulders dejectedly while staring at the back of the man walking away.

<I’m sorry, Emi…… It seems you get nervous when you try to say predetermined lines. Maybe it would be better not to think about difficult things and just be yourself.>

Be…… myself!?

<That’s right! Be natural! Show your natural self!>

Ah, another person is coming.

This time it’s a young guy.

A bit of a delinquent.

Be myself.

Be myself!

Be my usual self!!


Filled with determination, I circulated magical power throughout my body and used 【Body Strengthening】!

With my motivation boiling, I stood in the way of the delinquent guy!

<No, 【Body Strengthening】 is unnecessary, right? Ah, I fatally gave the wrong advice……>


“Huh? What the hell, aren’t you a cursed child! You’re gross, don’t talk to me!”

The delinquent guy, unlike the two people before, showed a typical reaction in this world!

Even in Ashgo, where there are many people who understand black hair and black eyes, there are quite a few people like this!

But it’s rather convenient for me!

It’s easier…… to be myself!

“Shut up!!”

I unleash 【Intimidation】 on the delinquent guy!

Creak creak creak!

The surrounding space creaks and screams……!

“Eek!? Y-You brat…… what the hell, you wanna go!!”

The guy backs away, sweating coldly, but still maintains a hostile attitude.

Hmph, holding back a little has backfired on me.

I strengthen 【Intimidation】 further.

“Ugh, aaaah…… what the hell are you!?”

The guy finally couldn’t withstand my 【Intimidation】 and fell on his butt.

He glares at me with fear in his defiant eyes!

“I am…… a florist.”

“A florist……!?”

Now, it’s easier to talk.

Let’s get to the point.

“You…… buy flowers!!”


I grabbed the guy’s collar and lifted him up with one hand, then conveyed my request concisely.

The guy heard my words and was stunned for a while, but……

He spat.

He spat…… at my face!

“Heh…… you know…… I hate being ordered around by someone more than anything!!”

And he howled like that!

The color of fear in his eyes increased further, and his body was trembling!

However, that guy lifted the corners of his mouth with all his might and was smiling……!

His spirit…… hasn’t been broken yet!!

“I see.”

I tossed the guy’s body aside, then held up the signboard with both hands.

And…… I magically strengthen the signboard with the same method as 【Solidify】 used when throwing pebbles with 【Stone Throw】.

Threatening with words won’t get us anywhere.

If it comes to this, the only option left is…… to resort to violence!!


But at that moment!

Concealing their presence and taking advantage of an opening!


Someone hit my head with a cane!


When I turned to look, there was an old woman with long white hair tied together at the back, breathing painfully with her shoulders heaving.

In other words, it was the person I’ve been indebted to recently.

It was Grandma Numbri herself.

“Emi! What do you think you’re doing! At this auspicious time, three days before the ‘Dawn Day’!”

“‘Dawn Day’?”

I tilted my head at the unfamiliar term.

Grandma Numbri left me alone for a moment, helped the delinquent guy up, and bowed her head repeatedly.

“Ah, you, young man! Sorry about our child! Let this old lady apologize on her behalf! Sorry!”

“Hey, no, well…… I don’t have a hobby of making old people bow their heads…… I was rude too, my bad……”

“Emi! You apologize too! And come on, let’s return to the store!”

Grandma Numbri grabbed me and forcibly made me bow my head, then started walking towards the store, dragging me along.

The delinquent guy stared at us with a stunned look on his face.

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