The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 312: The Mysterious Fish Appears

Chapter 312: The Mysterious Fish Appears

  1. The Mysterious Fish Appears

* * *

Suddenly, an impact ran through my side.

A nasty sound from the bones, cracking.

Blood spills from my mouth.

I was clinging to Zaratopu’s head using 【Silverfish】 so I wouldn’t fall off.

That worked against me.

Because I was clinging, I couldn’t deliberately blow away and scatter the damage as I normally would.

<<<Ah, Anego!? Anego, what’s wrong!?>>>

Noticing my abnormality, Zaratopu flusteredly panics.

“Calm down……”

I get on my knees and hold my side, but still calm it down.

Then, I glance to the side.

The direction the attack was launched from.


Then, what surfaced there was a giant fish.

Giant, but not as much as the giant shrimp and giant squid from earlier.

It’s difficult to compare because the length and shape are different, but…… well, it gives the impression of being about the same size as Zaratopu.

However, what’s characteristic about that giant fish is not its size but its appearance.

Its entire body is covered so densely with barnacles that its original form is unrecognizable.

And its eyes are clouded white…… it doesn’t look alive at all.

It’s an eerie giant fish that doesn’t give any sense of life.

<<<Hieeee! What is this thing!? A-A ghost fish!?>>>

Zaratopu, whose concentration was interrupted for a moment, has completely lost its nerve, and its cowardly personality is showing on the surface as it cowers from that eerie giant fish.

But, indeed, a ghost, huh?

Is this thing what’s called an undead?

<That’s impossible!>

And here, the one who interjected was Extra-sama.

<In this world of Ardyst, currently, the “soul collection system” created by the god of the underworld, Asava, is in operation! Except for a very few cases, the souls of the dead are automatically collected and reincarnated! There’s no way undead can occur!>

Even if you say that……

I glare at the “ghost fish,” as Zaratopu calls it, while holding my aching side.

As I said earlier, the cloudy white eyes.

The mouth that’s left open in a stupid, vacant way and doesn’t move.

Speaking of not moving, that’s right, since it floated to the surface, this thing hasn’t moved an inch.

As I thought, no matter how you look at it, it’s dead……

But even so, how and why did it attack me?

Or rather, why did it show up at this time?

Filled with numerous questions, Zaratopu and I were confronted by the “ghost fish” in confusion.

However, that’s when it happened!

<<<You guys have done well……>>>

An arrogant and unpleasant 【Telepathy】 voice reached my and Zaratopu’s heads!

“This is……”

<<<Hieeee! The ghost fish is talking to us!>>>

While calming down Zaratopu, who is completely frightened and wriggling skillfully while backing away, I continue my speculation.

Indeed, the 【Telepathy】 just now was delivered from the ghost fish in front of us.

Even if I look around, there are no other beings that seem capable of doing such a thing.

But undead don’t exist in this world, right?

<……Except for a very few cases!>

Then, in other words?

The owner of this 【Telepathy】 voice is?

I stare intently at the ghost fish’s figure.

……And I realized.

The existence of the living, other than Zaratopu and me, in this place.

“……Ah, I see.”

I slowly point my finger at the ghost fish’s forehead and say.

“The one talking to us is…… and incidentally, the one who attacked me is you, right? …… Barnacle.”


The moment I made that assertion!

From inside the particularly large barnacle attached to the ghost fish’s forehead, a giant cirrus shining in silver appeared!


It’s dazzling!

I unconsciously narrow my eyes and stop the 【Magic Perception】 that I had been using without thinking.

That’s how powerful and vast the magical power emitted by that cirrus was!

<<<Hmph, for a lowly land creature, you have a clever mind.>>>

That giant barnacle, while swinging its cirrus intimidatingly.

<<<Very well. I shall permit you to hear my great name.>>>

It introduced itself in the same arrogant voice as before.

<<<My name is Barnacle Garozg! The barnacle that has obtained the power of god! The king of barnacles who will eventually rule this great sea…… no! The entire world!!>>>

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