The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 301: Conversation with Village Chief Toppipappugen

Chapter 301: Conversation with Village Chief Toppipappugen

  1. Conversation with Village Chief Toppipappugen

* * *

The thing that the villagers were making in the central square of the village while gathering together was dried fish!

When I realized that fact, the first thing that reacted was my stomach.


Contrary to my desire to secretly observe the situation, my stomach starts a fierce self-assertion.

Even though I was sneaking around using 【Presence Concealment】, it’s all ruined.

Ah, look.

The villagers stopped making a fuss and all looked this way at once.

“Who goes there!?”

“Why are you hiding!”

“Show yourself!”

Oh dear, I made them wary.

<Emi, aren’t you being too careless?>

That may be so, Extra-sama.

But even if it’s in a demon realm, can you seriously conceal your presence that much in a human village with no apparent threats?

My stomach is not at fault.

I’m the type who wants to praise and nurture my stomach…

<I’ve never heard of such a type. In fact, I’ve never seen a “person who nurtures their stomach”.>

Well, jokes aside.

It’s a pity to keep making the villagers stay on guard like this.

“Hurry up and come out! Who’s hiding!?”

Ah, geez, yes, yes.

I’ll come out now.

I slowly emerged from the shadow of the house into the sunlight.

“I am a traveler. Emi Rune.”

“No, who are you!?”

The villagers, who held their breath for a moment upon seeing me, hurriedly asked that question.

It’s not “No, who are you!?”

I said my name.

Should I say it again?

“I am a traveler. Emi Rune.”

“Emi Rune?”

“Who? Is she famous?”

“No way, right?”

“But she introduced herself with great confidence, didn’t she?”

“Black hair and black eyes…”

“A ‘black one’…”

“She’s a ‘black one’…”

A murmur spreads among the villagers with a buzz.

Well, of course, that’s how it is.

After all, a child they’ve never seen before, whose origin is unknown, suddenly appeared.

Of course they would murmur.

But, huh?

<Emi, these people… they’re not disparaging you as a “cursed child”, are they?>

That’s right.

Instead, they’re calling me a “black one” or something.

And I can’t sense any ill feelings there.

Of course, there’s bewilderment towards the unfamiliar me.

I tilt my head without thinking.

“Good grief… we can’t work like this.”

Well, as I was tilting my head, a person appeared while saying that and pushing through the villagers.

It was a man.

The man was tanned and muscular like the other men, but judging from the depth of the wrinkles etched on his face and his long white hair tied back, he was quite old.

“My name is Toppipappugen. I’m the village chief of this village.”

The stern-faced village chief said that and bowed to me with his mouth in a straight line.

“Welcome to Panemo Village, little guest.”

* * *

“I’m a widower, you see. It’s messy, but please forgive me. I’ll serve you tea now.”

Well, after that.

Since it would interfere with the making of dried fish, I was invited to Village Chief Toppipappugen’s house.

Despite him saying it’s “messy”, there are few things in the village chief’s house, and it’s relatively tidy.

There are no decorative items in the wooden interior… if I had to say, there’s only one small picture hanging on the wall, depicting many people.

“That picture, you see, it was drawn a few years ago when the family gathered. My second son runs a dried fish shop in a town called Serelirin in the neighboring country. We don’t have many chances to meet, you see. It’s this old man’s only treasure…”

The village chief appeared from the next room with a teapot-like object, creaking the floorboards, and sat down on a chair across the table from where I was sitting.

Trickle, trickle…

An orange-colored tea is poured into a teacup-like object, emitting steam.

It has a refreshing citrusy aroma.

Taking a sip, there’s a faint astringency and acidity.

The taste is light, but it’s calming.

Not bad.

“Well, I’m sorry, dear guest. For us residents of Panemo Village, making dried fish is not only our livelihood to earn our daily bread but also a kind of ritual. We can’t afford to interrupt it for too long.”

While saying that, the village chief looked out the window.

Outside the window, the men are shouting and turning the metal rods round and round to make dried fish.


“””Go for it! Go for it!”””

The lively clamor reaches even inside the room.

“Uooooh!!! Secret Technique, 【Dried Fish Tornado】!!!”

“Kappitototen’s special move has appeared!”


“””Kappi! Kappi! Kappi!”””

Huh, what’s with this?

Do I have to ignore the commotion outside and talk to the village chief?

I’m really curious though.

They seem to be really hyped up.

They even unleashed a secret technique.

<Let’s focus. Focus, Emi. There are things you should ask, things you want to ask, right?>

Yes, yes.

I finished drinking the hot tea in one gulp and stared at the village chief.

As I thought, I can’t sense any animosity from this old man towards me.

I wonder… what does this mean?

I have to ask.

“Is it okay for me to be in your house?”


When I asked that while tilting my head, the village chief also slightly tilted his head.

“Why don’t you call me a ‘cursed child’? Aren’t I ominous?”

“Ah… I see, you’ve come from far away. At such a young age… it must be difficult.”

The village chief also took a sip of tea, then looked straight into my eyes and answered.

“Many commoners in this country… especially those of our generation, never speak ill of black-haired and black-eyed people. Because we owe them a great debt.”

“A great debt?”

“That’s right. We never say it out loud, though.”

The village chief takes another sip of tea.

And looks out the window.

What spreads there is a peaceful scene.

The everyday life of people making dried fish with smiles.

“The people of this country… Ashgo, you see, were once saved… by a black-haired and black-eyed man.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t go into details.”


After saying that, the village chief lifted his teacup, gulped down the rest of the tea, and let out a sigh.

Hmm, what does it mean after all?

What’s with “I can’t go into details”?

Who’s this black-haired and black-eyed man?

<Ah… could it be the special-rank adventurer called the “Nameless Yogin”? We heard that name before in Baron Sarar’s territory.>

Ah, I see.

The person who helped Baron Martz-sama long ago, right?

That might be it.

But well, this old man won’t give me any more information for some reason, so I don’t know for sure.

By the way, Extra-sama.

<What is it?>

You see, I just peeked into this village out of mere curiosity.


And I received an unexpected warm welcome.

I was even invited to the village chief’s house and served tea.


So, you know what that means?

It’s been a while since I…


I wonder if I could ask to stay in this village for a bit?

And relax here, you know?

<Oh! Indeed! And as time passes and your bond with the villagers deepens, before you know it, there will be a mountain of seafood and vegetables left as gifts in front of your front door, right!?>

No, I wasn’t thinking that calculatingly!

But this is a chance.

Even I want to relax sometimes.

Surely, if I stay in this village for a long time… something will definitely happen.

And the people of this village will surely become unhappy.

Even so, just for a little while.

Just for a little while, it’s okay, right?

<Fortunately, the old man in front of you is the village chief. If you’re going to ask to stay, you should first get permission from the person who should grant it.>

That’s right.

Let’s ask!

I’ll help with fishing or making dried fish or anything!

So please let me live in the village for a bit!

I was completely carried away by the villagers who treated me as a human, and my head was filled with such happy delusions!

But before I could say that request.

The village chief opened his straight-lined mouth first.

“Now, little guest. A ‘black one’ to whom we owe a great debt. We, the villagers of Panemo Village, welcome you.”

Oh, he said “welcome”!


I was welcomed!

This is it, right?

This flow will definitely be followed by the words “There’s not much here, but please make yourself at home”, right?

No doubt about it, right?

<Now, Emi, you have to ask properly, okay? Please let me stay. If it comes down to it, you can tear off the table in front of you to show your strength and threaten them, right? Maybe it’s better to crush the teacup to pieces?>

Wait, wait, Extra-sama.

I know.

I know.

Inhale… exhale…

I’ll ask.

I’ll do it properly.

Ah, what should I do, I’m getting nervous.

<Emi, do your best!>

“””Go for it! Go for it!”””

Oh, the cheers I hear from outside sound like they’re cheering me on!

Alright, I’ll do my best!

I’ll do my best!

I’ll… ask properly!!

And so, with determination, I.

To get permission to stay in the village, I tried to open my mouth.



But at the same time.

The village chief also opened his mouth again.

And he said the following.

“I’m sorry, dear guest… please leave this village immediately.”


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