The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 274: 【Adventurer Mitran】The Bustling Town of Nebo

Chapter 274: 【Adventurer Mitran】The Bustling Town of Nebo

  1. Adventurer MitranThe Bustling Town of Nebo

* * *

“Welcome, welcome! How about some of our town’s specialty grilled shrimp!?”

“If you want grilled shrimp, ours is the best! Our pride and joy, Ahate River shrimp marinated in our secret sauce, please give it a try!”

“Wow, it smells so good!”

My name is Mitran, walking down the main street of the town while smelling the lively voices of the vendors calling out to customers and the delicious aroma of shrimp wafting from here and there!

I’m a young adventurer and a reincarnator from another world who set out on a journey after receiving an oracle from the Adventure God!

“Hey, you there, little lady! Come on over! I’ll give a cute girl like you one grilled shrimp on the house!”

“Huh, really? Thank you!”

…As I just said, I’m a young adventurer.

A boy, but… somehow, I seem to be really cute-looking, so in most cases, I get mistaken for a girl like this.

It might not be good that I don’t have time to cut my hair while traveling, letting it grow out silky smooth to about shoulder length.

Even though I’m wearing adventurer’s gear for boys…

In the past, I used to desperately assert that I was a boy, but… since they still wouldn’t believe me most of the time, lately, I’ve decided to accept the misunderstanding without particularly denying it.

I feel a bit bad for deceiving them, but… well, it’s not causing trouble for anyone, so it’s fine, right?


“Here you go! The head and tail are both properly cooked through! Eating it whole is how connoisseurs do it!”

“Ooh! Thanks for the food!”

Following the recommendation of the fierce-looking uncle who handed me the shrimp skewered on a stick from the other side of the grill, I take a big bite of this town’s specialty Ahate River shrimp from the head.


The first thing I feel is the crispy texture of the shell.

The shell is thin to begin with, so it’s easy to eat and very fragrant!

And next, the rich savory taste of the shrimp’s miso spreads in my mouth!

With that savory taste remaining in my mouth, I munch on the second and third bites.

The next thing that enters my mouth is the plump white flesh of the shrimp.

Combined with the savory taste of the miso, the flavor is truly exquisite!

Before I knew it, I had devoured one whole grilled shrimp in no time.


My face can’t help but break into a smile!

“Oh, you like it? That’s great! Here, there’s still plenty more, so keep buying and eating! Right now, I can easily provide 13 shrimp per person!”

The fierce-looking grilled shrimp uncle said that with slightly flushed cheeks.

“13 shrimp…?”

“Ah, sorry, that’s a different story. Before, a little girl who was a big eater despite being smaller than you came, you see. At that time, I couldn’t give her grilled shrimp at first! I was just remembering that!”


Now, this town where I’m eating shrimp is called Nebo.

It’s a very lively place with grilled shrimp shops lining up their grills protruding onto the street along the main street in the center of town.

It’s a town along a road called Saikanan Highway, and I came all the way here just to eat the shrimp of this town.

After all, my journey currently doesn’t have a clear purpose…

The Adventure God only instructed me to “become a great adventurer.”

So while I’m traveling and completing requests to raise my adventurer rank, that alone makes my journey a bit bland, you know?

For me, the gourmet food I can enjoy in each town is also a worthy purpose of the journey!

“By the way, little lady. Are you traveling with your family while working as adventurers?”

“Hm? That’s right.”

As I was eating my third shrimp, the grilled shrimp uncle asked me that.

I’m actually traveling alone.

But I answer like that as usual since the conversation flows more smoothly if I say I’m traveling with family.

“Heh. You’re doing great despite being so small! Did you come to this town to eat shrimp? Or, like a true adventurer… are you here for the ruins?”


I unintentionally tilted my head.

Because I hadn’t heard there were ruins near here!

“Oh, you don’t know? Apparently, some splendid ruins were recently discovered upstream of the Ahate River! This town used to be plagued by unidentified monsters, you see. There’s talk that those monsters might have come from those ruins.”

“Hmm! You’re amazing, uncle! So knowledgeable!”

“Hahaha! Even if you praise me, I can’t give you any more freebies!”

“Aw, shucks!”

I see, I see.

This smells like an adventure!

I casually look around.

“I see… So that’s why there are quite a few adventurers in this town, huh?”

“That’s right! The ruins exploration should be posted as a request at the Adventurer’s Guild branch in this town. If you’re interested, why don’t you drop by the branch office later with your mom and dad?”

“Got it! Still, it’s great for you, uncle! The ruins brought in more customers, so it was lucky for you, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah… well, you know…”


And then.

The fierce-looking grilled shrimp uncle made a gloomy face for the first time.

“What’s wrong? Is something troubling you?”

I worriedly peek at the uncle’s face from below.

The uncle’s face turned red when our eyes met, and after clearing his throat with a cough, he said this.

“Ah, well, you see. It’s nice to have more customers. But when the number of people increases, you inevitably get, you know.”

The uncle scratched his cheek and made a troubled face.

And that’s when it happened!

“That’s why, you know! A weakling like you! Ruins exploration! Don’t make me laugh, is what I’m saying!”

“That’s right! The treasures in the ruins are ours! Teacher, go read a book in your room or something!”

From behind, I heard such vulgar and violent words!

When I reflexively turned around, there were three men.

Two rough-looking men were intimidating a tall but slightly slender, well-dressed silver-haired young man!

The rough-looking men were a square-faced man and a long-faced man.

Both of them wore an eyepatch on their right eye and had an incredible intimidating presence!

“…When the number of people increases, those kinds of guys inevitably show up. It’s a problem.”

Before I knew it, the fierce-looking grilled shrimp uncle had moved in front of me, standing in the way as if to hide me from the rough-looking men’s gazes.

I really appreciated his consideration.

…Well, it’s unnecessary though.

Because I’m strong.

Anyway, thanks to the uncle’s consideration, I took my eyes off them for a bit, but during that time, it seems the young man said something back to the two rough-looking men.

The two of them were completely enraged!

“You bastard! We’re kindly warning you here!”

“Unforgivable! Ander, let’s get him!”

“Yeah! Let’s teach him a painful lesson, Tappa!”

This is bad!

The two rough-looking men lunged at the young man to punch him!

“H-Hey, little lady!?”

I reflexively broke free from the grilled shrimp uncle’s restraint and jumped out in front of the two rough-looking men to help the young man!

【Nebo Town】

First appeared in Arc 12.

The town where the confrontation event between the hero and the fake hero occurred.

Its name was also mentioned in the report the Vice-Commander of the Adventurer’s Guild was reading in Arc 13.


Appeared in Arc 6 and Arc 12.

The protagonist of the Adventure God’s isekai reincarnation broadcast.

A boy who looks like a beautiful girl no matter how you look at it.

【Big eater shrine maiden girl】

Referring to Chiron, one of the hero’s companions.

【Tappa and Ander】

Appeared in Arc 2 and Arc 5.

Members of the Megzam Thieves Band.

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