The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 250: Mediator Oshiras Listens to the Parirot Couple's Story

Chapter 250: Mediator Oshiras Listens to the Parirot Couple's Story

  1. Mediator Oshiras Listens to the Parirot Couple’s Story

* * *

“Um, may I say something…”

As Oshiras was exasperated by Arcus’s irrelevant remark, another participant spoke up.

It was Parirot, one half of the couple sitting on the right side of the round table.

“Yes, what is it, Parirot-san?”

Relieved a little by the sight of the sensible Parirot politely raising his hand and waiting for an opportunity to speak, Oshiras encouraged him to speak.

“As the mediator mentioned at the beginning, I understand that today’s discussion was convened to discuss the custody of that child… Emi.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“In that case, we as a couple are not related to this discussion. We have no intention of becoming that child’s guardians. We only came because we were called. I know it has just begun, but we have work to do, so would it be alright if we leave now?”


Hearing Parirot’s indifferent remark about the current agenda, Arcus, who had been sitting in his chair with a grin on his face, albeit in a rude manner, made a displeased sound for the first time.

And he glared intently at Parirot.

On the other hand, Parirot did not back down either.

Although trembling a little, he leaned forward slightly as if to shield his wife from that gaze and glared back at Arcus.

“Arcus-san, please refrain.”

Oshiras was also sweating from the 【Intimidation】 of the top-class adventurer, but he was a mediator.

His job was to lead this case to a resolution through peaceful discussion.

Maintaining his composure with his pride in his work, he admonished Arcus.

And after checking the documents prepared from the preliminary hearings, he questioned Parirot.

“It’s not ‘unrelated,’ is it, Parirot-san? From the interviews with your wife, Rana, and various testimonies, she is said to be Emi’s biological mother, correct?”

“Yes, that may be true. But even so, it’s ‘unrelated.’ The reason my wife parted ways with Emi was due to her divorce from her previous husband.”


Oshiras put his hand on his chin and thought.

According to the documents, Rana previously lived in a rural village in the Rayvlake Kingdom.

For reference, he flipped through the Rayvlake Kingdom’s laws in his mind.

Divorcing and leaving the child to the ex-husband.

That indeed means abandoning parental rights at that point.

And in the Rayvlake Kingdom, once that happens, parental rights are lost and do not automatically revive afterward.

If he remembered correctly, that’s how the system worked.

But this is the Naganahate Kingdom, and…

“You didn’t mention that during the preliminary investigation, did you?”

“I apologize. I was upset and forgot about it.”

“And do you have any evidence to prove the divorce?”

“No. It was a remote rural area, so there was no custom of putting agreements in writing and keeping them. Moreover, since the village has been destroyed, there are no witnesses either.”

Parirot said that at length, not Rana.

Meanwhile, Rana kept her head down and wouldn’t even face forward.

She wouldn’t even let the strangely dressed girl Emi, sitting in front of her, into her field of vision.

Emi also paid no attention to Rana, who was supposed to be her biological mother.

She just continued eating Mekena Sandwiches in silence.

“Hey, I’ve been listening…”

And then.

The man in golden armor, Arcus, put his elbow on the round table with a clatter, and interjected while exhaling cigarette smoke.

“Putting aside the difficult matters of evidence… ‘We’re no longer related because we divorced, so let us go home now’…?”

In the room that had fallen dead silent, the man’s low, penetrating voice echoed.

The man had a rough and even slovenly atmosphere about him.

But this man was a top-class adventurer who still fought monsters on the front lines and pioneered unexplored lands.

He was by no means just a thug, and his words had a compelling force that captured people’s ears whether they liked it or not.

“Even so, that woman is still Emi’s biological mother, isn’t she! Do you have no interest at all in what kind of life your own child will lead from now on…! Even if you don’t have parental love, that’s too much! Don’t you have any human decency!?”

Due to his voice, the window glass rattled.

Parirot was overwhelmed by that force and opened and closed his mouth with a pale face.

Rana hung her head even lower and sniffled.

“Think and speak with some common sense…”

Muttering that last part as if groaning, Arcus started smoking again.

Silence enveloped the room once more.

Oshiras strongly agreed with Arcus’s words in his heart.

He glanced sideways at the black-haired, black-eyed girl, Emi.

No emotion could be read from the girl who continued eating with a blank expression.

She even seemed to not care at all.


But in reality, how great must her inner pain and sadness be?

She had just been told the equivalent of “I don’t care about you” by someone on her biological mother’s side.

At that moment, she was abandoned by her mother once again.

Oshiras felt pity for Emi.

No matter how much she had the black hair and black eyes that were generally abhorred, this treatment was too cruel.

It might be because Oshiras, a mediator who always tried to be “unbiased and fair,” thought so.

Looking at Rana, Emi’s biological mother sitting opposite her, she was completely cowering and trembling.

Her current husband, Parirot, was rubbing her back and desperately trying to protect his wife.

It was clear to see.

Even they had some circumstances.

Emi’s biological mother, Rana, had only shown a frightened appearance throughout the day.

Parirot was just trying to protect her.

He was a kind man.

To his wife.

But as Arcus said, it was true that the manifestation of that kindness was leading to excessively outrageous words and actions.

But on the other hand.

This is a trivial matter, but.

While strongly agreeing with Arcus’s remark to “speak with common sense.”

Looking at Arcus, who was wearing golden armor indoors and smoking cigarettes in a non-smoking area, Oshiras couldn’t help but think.

Are you the one to talk about common sense…

“Hey, hey…”

As Oshiras was thinking that, a new remark came from the front left side.

It was Lairine, smiling.

“For now, can we just agree that I’ll be Emi’s mother?”

…What is this woman saying!?

She’s not considering the context at all!!

In the first place, does she even intend to have a discussion!?


Certainly, Arcus is sensible!!

Compared to this woman!!


Then, a new remark came from Oshiras’s left.

It was Emi.

Emi tapped the large plate, which had been piled high with Mekena Sandwiches until a moment ago and was now completely empty, with her fingertip and said,


…This one too, she’s also…!!!

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