The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 22.2

Chapter 22.2

Entrance of the Players (2)

I didnt respond to Manager Kims plea.

I just smiled and closed the car door behind me.

There would probably be the VIPs personal bodyguards, the Guma Gang, and of course the Fork Gang, all gathered in the same place at the same time.

I didnt dare promise that I wouldnt get hurt.

After I got out of the luxury car, it stayed in place for quite a while before reluctantly leaving the hotel.

-Wow. Is that really our newbie? Your dashing figure is no joke.

The Team Leaders voice rang in my ear.

I turned my head and looked to the rooftop of the building on the opposite side of the road.

The people on the rooftop looked as small as matchsticks.

Team Leader and the snipers from the SWAT team were stationed up there.

As if, you cant even see me clearly from up there.

-Not at all. Your halo is so bright that I can easily see it from here.

Is your face feeling a bit better?

-Ah? Of course. He used to be quite a tough guy when he was on active duty, but now his fists feel like a gentle spray of water.

Yesterday, the Team Leader received a good beating from our Station Chief.

All while being scolded for taking action on such an important case without making any reports.

At Team Leaders reply, I thought things would go bad if I said anything, the Station Chief had even thrown the report he had been reading into Team Leaders face.

Then I was almost struck a finishing blow,

Welcome to our establishment.

when Black greeted me with a bandage stuck to his swollen red forehead.

His uniform was on the verge of bursting at the seams due to his bulging muscles.


Mong-Doo and I stifled our laughter while pretending not to see him.

Phew. This was an important moment, so we had to stay focussed.

We crossed the hotel lobby and entered a hallway that was lined with elevators.

Among these, the elevator that went directly to the hotel penthouse was located in a back corridor, so we had to go around another corner to reach it.

This was out of consideration for the penthouse guests, in respect for their privacy.

Although it seemed more like pointless ostentatiousness from my point of view.

Excuse me.

The security guard stationed in the corridor stood in our way.

The atmosphere he emanated was too fierce for him to be from an ordinary company.

Have you been invited here today?

Mong-Doo and I showed them the message with the directions that had been sent to our handphones.

After checking the contents of the message, he politely bowed to us.

It is our pleasure to welcome you. Perchance, do you require these?

He took out two simple masks.

Although they didnt have any patterns, the lines of the masks were so exquisitely sculpted that they were captivating.

Mong-Doo and I nodded our heads and accepted them.

The security guard turned his head to check the elevators, only to turn back with an embarrassed smile.

We are very sorry. There are currently guests waiting for the elevators. We must ask the guests to enter separately for privacy reasons.

Oh. Its impressive how seriously theyre taking our privacy.

If they have a system like this, we could set aside our worries and enjoy the party.

In a few moments, we followed the security guards directions and entered the elevator.

-Ding Dong.

Please enjoy your time with us.


As we climbed up the floors, the night view of Seoul that was shining through the glass walls expanded continuously.

It was a beautiful sight, looking almost as if the stars were beneath our feet.

Then a signal came in from our Team Leader.

-A SWAT team will be stationed on the floor directly below you. Our snipers are also on standby.

Then another from Black.

-Were waiting with the guys in the first floor lobby. Try not to lose focus and get stabbed, lets all do our best.

Mong-Doo laughed and poked fun at Black.

Of course we have to do our best. Unless we want to get the piss beaten out of us by the Station Chief.

Mhm. Just thinking about it gives me the chills.

-Annoying twerps

While trading insults we released our tension.

Though my heart was still racing slightly.

As the elevator drew closer to the penthouse floor, I donned the mask.

Team Leader, who was watching over us from a distance, started to count.

-Three. Two. One! Now, the players have entered the field!


The door opened.

The general manager, Chang-I, greeted us at the entrance.

Behind him, there was dense smog and an endless stream of flickering lasers.

Following the pounding beat, we entered the hall.

Boom- Boom- Boom-




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